Denmark, an exquisite country in the continent of Europe has recently been becoming widely popular among international students who are searching for appropriate study abroad destinations. This well-developed nation is home to several world-class universities that offer lucrative course programs through which students can enhance the quality of their knowledge as well as careers. As it happens, when students who have already set up high aspirations about their student life in Denmark, receive a student visa rejection, they can feel serious disappointment. Even their career goals can come crashing down as they might feel an overpowering helplessness. But, it is wrong to think that all is lost simply because your study permit has been rejected. Denmark allows students to apply for a student visa again. However, this time you cannot adopt a similar strategy as you must prioritize addressing the shortcomings of your previous application. So when you prepare a new visa profile, you also have to compose a cover letter for Denmark student visa after refusal. This cover letter is an application through which you explain/answer the doubts that were initially raised by the visa officials. Certainly, a document of such relevance can always benefit greatly from professional help. We at Contentholic, provide Cover Letter Writing Services to students who want to fulfill their dreams of studying abroad. Our more than a decade of experience ensures that our applications are of the optimum quality and suit the expectations of the visa officials as well. 

Some General Reasons for Denmark Student Visa Rejection

  • Insufficient Language Proficiency (English or Danish, depending on your course). 
  • Failure to prove that you will return to your own country. 
  • Incomplete or forged documents. An improper application can also be the reason for your visa refusal. 
  • Lack of finances or sponsor details of the person who will be supporting your education in Denmark. 
  • A general visa profile that does not have any strengths or achievements. 
  • Low academic scores in your previous application. 
  • Any criminal history or unlawful act to your name.

Key points that can help you format your cover letter for Denmark student visa after refusal

Point 1- Introduction to yourself and your purpose

Inform the visa officer ‘who’ you are by giving your name and passport details. You must write about the university or college in which you have received admission. Very briefly, talk bout what is the ‘purpose’ for which you are pursuing this course. A powerful introduction to an application should always be capable of grasping the attention of the reader. 

Point 2- Basis of visa rejection

Right after the introduction, clearly state that your previous visa request has been denied. As provided to you in the visa refusal letter, write the reasons for your rejection. You can end this paragraph by expressing that according to you, your visa was wrongly denied. 

Point 3- Your Point of View

Now prove your statement by giving strong reasons or your belief. Let the visa officer know that with the help of this cover letter for Denmark student visa after refusal, you have tried to give solid explanations for the concerns that were raised in your previous application. 

Point 4- Personal & academic information

Reflect a little on your personal life, family members, or the influence that they have on you. Mention the qualities and ethics with which you have been brought up without going into too much detail. Begin writing about your formal educational journey with emphasis on your performance, participation, and other achievements. If you have any previous subject interests that can be related to your applied course in Denmark, then it can be the cherry on the cake. 

Point 5- Work Experiences

An applicant’s bid to study a particular course program increases when they show that they already have some work experience in the field of their study. The desire to upskill and upgrade in one’s career line is a trustworthy reason to pursue higher studies. Again, your cover letter after visa refusal has to focus more on the work skills that have developed in your association with a firm/company. 

Point 6- ‘Why’ this course

Often, student visa requests are rejected because of the wrong course selection. They either do not align with your previous education or have no links with your future career goals. Share a story or write an experience that developed your interest or curiosity to study your selected course. Go through the course details provided in the brochure or course website and write about modules/features that attract you the most. 

Point 7- Selection of University

Describe the basis on which you decided to study in your applied university. It can include a university’s specialization in a course, its qualified faculties, beneficial projects & assignments, infrastructure, or campus facilities. Discuss how studying at this university will be favorable for you on a personal level. 

Point 8- Education from this State

Answer the question ‘Why do you want to study in Denmark’. It is common for student visas to get rejected because of a ‘lack of defined purpose to study in this state’. You can support your explanation by saying that Danish universities are high-ranking and provide world-class education. Moreover, the country’s culture welcomes international students and provides them with ample scope for personal growth and learning. 

Point 9- Career Plans

Discuss what your academic or professional plans are after completing your studies in Denmark. Do not shy from going into details as this will help the visa official understand what you hope to gain after completing your study program. You can elaborate on your dream job roles, business plans, orientation toward social service- if any, etc. Basing your career goals and opportunities in your own country is an appropriate way to show that you have reasons that motivate you to return home.

Point 10- ‘Show’ your Finances

Your cover letter for Denmark student visa after refusal is also a document that proves your financial ability and planning for your education abroad. You ‘show’ this by writing about the monetary worth of things owned by you like properties, vehicles, ornaments, etc. Also, bank savings and investments will help the visa officer understand whether or not you are financially sound enough to cover all your academic and non-academic costs. 

Point 11- Home Ties

Home ties mean your connections or responsibilities in your home country that encourage you to return and not stay back in Denmark. Discuss your family needs and bonds, the desire to take care of thor emotional and financial needs, parents awaiting your return, etc. 

Point 12- The Conclusion

End your application letter with the same energy and positivity with which you opened it. Recapitulate the gist of your entire refusal letter by emphasizing your intention to study in Denmark again. Extent a heartfelt thank you to the visa officer for reading/considering your application. You can express that you hope for a positive response to your application as you have justified, corrected, or explained the issues of your previous refusal. 

Writing Points that must be kept in mind while attempting your cover letter after visa refusal

  • Maintain a clear and ‘easy to read’ form of writing.
  • Do not leave any incomplete thoughts or sentences. 
  • Your information should flow in a smooth narration and not lose points that are written without any thought. 
  • Abide by a proper format or structure so that you do not forget any point. 
  • Do not complicate your application by using difficult words or idioms. 
  • Revise and edit your application so that you can rectify any spelling or grammatical errors. 
  • Divide your content into paragraphs of almost equal lengths.
  • Write a powerful narrative that is engaging and interesting. 


Writing a cover letter for Denmark student visa after refusal is a task that comes with complications and complexities. Applicants who take it lightly, send the previous cover letter again, or do not correct their rejection reasons are certain to get a visa refusal again. You must understand that a perfect visa profile is also admired by visa officials. Even a simple visa profile that does not have any specific errors can be rejected because of a lack of motivation or purpose. So when you sit down to write your cover letter after visa refusal, you must plan and prepare a strategy as well as the approach with which you are going to attempt your application. Stay as far and clear from AI tools and software that claim to give you the ‘perfect cover letter’ as it will only pull your application down. If you are anxious or unclear about writing your visa refusal letter, then you must get in touch with our team and avail our services. Contentholic is a formal academic writing agency that helps students all over the world prepare their cover letters for student visa. Our skilled cover letter writers have practical experience of more than 13 years and are experts at creating personalized applications for each client!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) for Sop Writing Services, India

What is a cover letter for Denmark student visa after refusal?

A cover letter for Denmark student visa after refusal is an application written when a student reapplies for a study permit after getting a visa refusal. It is treated like a fresh application that covers all the basic points of a student visa cover letter, However, the focus remains on addressing the concerns that were raised in the initial visa refusal. 

My student visa for Denmark has been rejected because of an ‘unreliable justification for the purpose of the intended stay’. How can I correct it in my cover letter after visa refusal?

The unreliable purpose of the intended stay is a common reason for student visas to get rejected. You can justify this reason in your cover letter for Denmark student visa after refusal by focusing on ‘why’  you want to study in Denmark. Sho appropriate interest in your course program and give details of how your selected course will help you shape your professional career. Do not be monotonous with your statements and show that you have strong passion and enthusiasm to pursue your higher studies in Denmark. 

What is the success rate of a student visa for Denmark?

The success rate of Denmark student visas is approximately 95%. 

How much amount is required to study in Denmark?

Depending on your course and choice of college/university, higher studies in Denmark can cost you around 8,000 to 18,000 Euros per year. 

My student visa for Denmark has already been refused twice. Do I have to tell the visa officials about it in my cover letter for Denmark student visa after refusal?

Yes, it is important to tell the visa officials about your previous visa rejections in your cover letter after visa refusal. The inability to do so can be looked upon as an attempt to hide information that is not good for your visa request. 

What is the processing time of a student visa for Denmark?

The general processing time for a student visa for Denmark is 2 months to 60 days. This may change depending on the country you belong to. 

Can I apply for a student visa for Denmark again after getting rejected once?

Yes, you can apply for a student visa for Denmark again even if your application has been previously rejected. But, if you want a positive response this time, you must address your refusal reasons in your new application.