Establishing a business is one thing and keeping the business flourished is another in today’s highly competitive world. Every other company wants to kick the other company out of the league and in order to do it, they do every possible thing.

Nowadays, if your company do not show on the first page of Google page rankings, it is possible that your company is not actually receiving the amount of attention you think it should. To achieve the said goal, many companies hire best SEO services in Delhi in the quest of reaching the pinnacle of Google search results.

However, a point to note here is that it is not necessary to lead the Google search results if you have an SEO partner with you. There are many aspects which need to be followed if you really want to see your business be at the top of the Google rankings. Therefore, take a glance at the below points which will tell you the most crucial Google ranking factors you need to follow to grow your business.

  1. On-page

Some of the most important things Google look for areMeta descriptions, Title tags and H1 tags. Managing these three things is all on your hand. Optimizing them in a perfect manner will give you the results you desire and help take your website to the top of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP).

For instance, place a keyword you want to rank for in the Title tag. Also, ensure that the Title tags are easy-to-understand and avoid duplicating the Title tags on your website. The H1 tag can be different from the Title tag but make sure to put your target keyword in the H1 tag. In addition, the Meta description is not much of a help to rank top at the SERP but it will certainly help a lot to increase the click-through rates.

  1. Keywords

The one thing you need to keep in mind regarding keywords is that they are absolutely essential but that does not mean that you should place keywords where there is no requirement. Remember that keyword frequency is not important, instead the keyword placement and its relevancy is of high prominence.

Make certain that a keyword is placed in the first 100 words of your content as it is really beneficial for Google ranking. Avoid using irrelevant keywords and unnecessary repetition of the same as it can result in the penalty.

  1. Quality & unique content

It is obvious that your content should be of high-quality in order to rank at the top position of SERP but what qualities do Google look for in a piece of content? Well! Presumably, your content should be easily understandable and free of excessive keywords. Besides, the sentences and the paragraphs should be quite shorter in length as lengthy sentences and paragraphs do not attract a lot of viewers. If you follow these instructions and create a lengthy content, good for you as Google treats a detailed content as “the quality content”.


So, first of all, you need to hire one of the best SEO companies in Delhi and then make sure that they pay heed to all the above-stated points while trying to rank your website at the top of Google Search Engine Ranking Page.