Is your website not getting enough conversions? Are you facing trouble with insanely high bounce rates? Have you ever wondered why?

Managing a website is a herculean task, especially because a lot of competitors have been making a mark across the globe with their high powered websites. So what is that you are lacking?

But to increase conversions and website traffic, you need to take off the springs of the trampoline that your website has turned into. You need to lower the bounce rate.

First of all it is important to know what a bounce rate is.

A bounce rate is number of single page visits on a website. If a user visits your website and exits without looking at other domains in it, it’s an exit. These single interaction visits to a website determine how much time users spend on it and Google analytics then calculate the bounce rate. If your bounce rate is high, you’re in trouble.

A bounce rate within 20 percent to 80 percent is considered good. But anything above 80 percent is raises an alarm and you really need to work on it.

Here are some methods that will help you decrease your website bounce rate:

  1. Make your content readable

  2. Make your content readableImage Credit –

    Content is the one of the four wheels of digital marketing that help increase the ROI of your business. If your content is not on point, you are more likely to lose conversions. So here’s what you need to take care of:

    • No thick paragraphs. Large chunks of text will make the readers leave the website and search for an alternative.
    • Make use of your Microsoft word to put sub heads, bullets and any other think that makes your content look attractive and easy to read.
    • Write like you speak. Make the content breathe as you do.
    • Always provide a conclusion to your content. Do not leave it hanging.
  3. Avoid pop up ads

  4. Avoid pop up adsImage Credit –

    Pop up ads are an advertising tool but adversely affect the effectiveness of a website. Visitors often find pop up ads quite annoying and they leave the website before exploring it fully. So minimize their usage as much as possible.

  5. CTA is important!

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    Call to action is a step that you take to convince readers to make a decision. An effective CTA will not only drive your readers to react to that action but also increase conversion and reduce bounce rate.

  7. Relevance is the key

  8. Relevance is the keyImage Credit –

    Relevance here means adding keywords to your website or your content that will make your website appear in top searches. The SEO guidelines that you follow will not only make your website gain more traffic, but will reduce bounce rate to a considerable extent.

  9. Push the accelerator

  10. Push the accelerator

    When you optimize your website and if your site speed is low, it means that you are missing out on a large percentage of potential visitors and customers and inviting an insanely high bounce rate. Improving your site speed will make visitors stay longer and will definitely result in lower bounce rates.

  11. Consistent blogging

  12. Image Credit –

    Blogs have been an effective tool in generating leads and conversions because of their highly interactive nature. So blog consistently and make your website stand out of the crowd. Post your blogs consistently and you will notice a reduction in your website bounce rate.


Having a high bounce rate is a nightmare for every website and it is high time that you act smart and see what your website lacks. Try these tips and thank us later! You can hire the best digital marketing agency in Delhi to optimize your website and reduce that soaring bounce rate. Contact digital marketing services in Delhi for the best marketing solutions.