Australia is quite strict with the policies wherein it allows internationals to come and study in their country. A welcoming nation nonetheless, its priority lies in making sure that only deserving students capable of making a bright future for themselves should get the opportunity to study there. In this process, the ministry expects individuals who are applying for a visa to submit a well-written cover letter for Australian student visa. A cover letter or personal statement is a tool used to inspect whether you fulfill the Genuine Student Requirement or not. The GSR are the latest updated guidelines based on which your application will be evaluated. There is no choice but to cover each point that the visa officer expects you to answer. These officers do not show any leniency for mistakes as they expect that a ‘genuine’ candidate should have put in significant effort into writing an essay that can be a turning point for their student life. Understandably, it can be a mentally and physically distressing task to understand and stand up to all requirements. Our academic writing agency Contentholic recognizes the burden of this task that hundreds of students have to attempt year to year. To ease your worries, we provide Cover Letter Writing Services. Our work conduct is quality-focused as our cover letter writers, keep their knowledge updated about the latest updates and policies. Their skilled hand and expertise in writing such documents elevate the chances of you receiving a student visa. 

Steps you must take before attempting your cover letter for Australia student visa

So once you take on the task of writing a cover letter for student visa for yourself, is it okay to begin writing instantly by following the prescribed structure? The answer to this will probably be ‘NO’ as this will be the incorrect approach to begin writing a document of such magnitude. You can understand this as a situation where you are appearing to write an examination without any prior preparation. Below, we have written a few points that should be followed before a cover letter for student visa is written- 

  • Research and planning are the fundamentals on which your cover letter stands. Do in-depth research about your university and find out why it is good for you, read & learn your course curriculum to know the subjects that you will be studying and see if you find yourself particularly interested in any of them, explore your career options where and how you see yourself working in the short and long-term. 
  • Familiarize yourself with the structure/ format of a cover letter to know the points as well as the information that has to be included. 
  • After research and structure analysis, it is now time to write down the plan/route that you will be following to write your application. Think through the achievements and interests that should find a place in your cover letter. 
  • Dedicate sufficient time and attention to the introductory part of your statement and keep it engrossing enough to catch the eye of the reader. 
  • Your cover letter shall reflect doubts or second thoughts about your academic or professional intentions. 
  • Work through a connection between your academics and future professional roles.

Information that should be part of your cover letter for Australia Student Visa

Introduction to yourself and your Application 

A cover letter for student visa has no strict beginning but should contain some vital points which can familiarize the reader with you. So, either begin with your name, passport number, citizenship or set about by displaying your brief interest in studying your applied course. Follow up this information with your college & course name, intake period along with the intention with which you are writing ( getting a study visa). 

Academic Background with focus on Achievements

Your introduction continues in the second paragraph where you put down the educational journey you have completed over the years. Right from secondary school to any degree or diploma that you have been issued, showcase your performance along with the recognition and triumphs that you won. Writing about achievements can separate you from other applicants who too have sent their cover letter for Visa

Work Experience that defines your skills

Irrespective of the course for which you have applied, previous/current work experience in the current field can work as an added jewel to show your sincerity to study further. State the firm with which you were/are employed as you take the writer through your job role and responsibilities. There are multiple professional and soft skills that one can learn in a real-life work setting only. You shall emphasize on your area of expertise. For example, a data science student/professional can state the ease with which they can manage statistics, build machine learning algorithms, processing/mining/cleaning data, etc.  

Reflect on your course’s Importance

While writing your cover letter for Australia student visa, you must remember that your clarification for choosing to study a particular course is of prime importance. One or two solid reasons are enough than multiple explanations which are not reliable. So whether you want to study for good professional opportunities, personal development, or academic curiosity; ensure that you justify it in your statement.

Does your university suit your expectations? 

The purpose of writing about your university can help the visa official analyze how much thought you have put into your process of applying to study in Australia. Your answer will decide if your selection was random or research-based. Therefore, it might not be wrong to write general praises for your applied university, but it will surely shift your cover letter as one common with other similar documents. On the other hand, when you personalize the university facilities on how they can benefit your individual self, your answer will have more worth. 

Australia as an educational destination for you

Elucidate how you view Australia as a destination for higher studies. Think through whether the country has any well-known alumni for your course or significant course/university attractions. An international student has many safety and security concerns. If, according to you, the country is a safe place to live with all basic necessities available without difficult efforts then these points can be added to your cover letter. 

Professional goals after studying in Australia 

Applicants might question the relevance of future goals in a cover letter for Australia student visa. To clarify your doubt, it is expected that educational qualifications are supposed to lead to fruitful careers ahead in life. An applicant who is serious about their professional life must elaborate on how studying in Australia can support their professional aims and objectives. 

Display your Financial Strength

The talk about your finances is another important part of your cover letter. All visa officials look very keenly at the numbers that you provide and evaluate whether you are capable of affording your tuition fee, living & lifestyle expenses, etc. Start writing your financial details paragraph by clearly stating who will be sponsoring your education in Australia. Do not hesitate to write in detail about your/your family’s/sponsor’s net worth, value of assets owned by them, savings and investments, bank statements, etc. 

Plans to come back to home country

Thousands of Australian visas are rejected when the Australian embassy is not sure of your return. Give trustworthy reasons that propel you to return after your educational goal is complete. Based on your circumstances you can base your reasons on multiple factors that have value for you in your own country. Some of them can be responsibility and attachment with family/aging parents, work opportunities back home, demand of course knowledge, social duties or assets that require frequent care. 


Considering the submission of a cover letter for Australia student visa a choice can be a serious mistake since it is a documental requirement demanded by the visa officers. Leave no incomplete thoughts or loose points that might affect your entire application. Sure, the purpose of writing a cover letter is to show yourself as the ideal decent who deserves to study in Australia. But, you have to be careful that you do not overdo your claim by repeating information or using plain statements that do not have any base. So whether you talk about any personality trait or skill that you have mastered, always ‘show’ and not ‘tell’. Show through the work, projects, assignments that you have done or awards and achievements that appreciate your contribution. Many students worry that they do not have any specific recognition and think about what can be written in their cover letters. You must remember that it all comes down to the writing style and approach which shows how you have presented your cover letter for visa application. Our writing agency Contentholic has helped many such students. Our skilled cover letter writers are experts in analyzing student profiles to analyze the qualities and work that can be highlighted so that your cover letter is strong enough to compete with other applicants. Along with a Cover letter, some countries ask for a Statement of Purpose for visa application. Our Professional SOP Writers are well-versed in this requirement and can help you with it. Just get in touch with our team and let us know what help you require.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) for Cover Letter for Australia Student Visa

Can I submit my visa request without a cover letter?

Applying for a student visa without a cover letter will be a personal choice of the student. The visa officers in Australia consider it a valuable document and hope to see it in your student profile. Not submitting a cover letter for a student visa can increase the chances of your application being rejected. 

What should be the length of my cover letter for Australia Student Visa?

A cover letter for student visa can be written anywhere between 800-1000 words. Your primary motive should be to cover all points without extending your application beyond two pages.

Which is the most important point of a cover letter for Australia student visa?

There is not one but many important points that should be covered in your student visa application. Stick to the prescribed format and cover your previous, present, and future academic/professional details, information about applied university with a focus on your interests, your monetary strength in your home country, the relevance of studying in Australia to your future, etc.

Which is the best place to study in Australia for international students?

Australia has many world-class cities which are home to high-ranking universities and colleges. Some best places where international students can benefit greatly are Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Canberra, Adelaide, etc.

How can I write an effective cover letter?

To make your cover letter effective, avoid using general and dull statements. Your enthusiasm to study abroad should reflect well in your words and writing style. Do not miss out any points and minimally address your weak points yourself.

Is a cover letter required to prove the Genuine Student Requirement?

Yes, a cover letter can help you prove your GSR. Writing your application by basing it on the GSR guidelines will show more clarity. It will also show that you have well-researched the expectations from a visa-applying student, thus reflecting your dedication to your course.