Studying in Finland can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The country’s education system has several academic qualities that can help shape a bright future for an international student. However, to receive a visa refusal for a study permit can be quite disheartening. It demotivates a student and makes them contemplate the efforts they have put in until now. While it will be difficult for a student to avoid these feelings, it is better to find a solution to the problem at hand. You still have the chance to go ahead with your study program by applying for a study permit again along with a strong cover letter for Finland student visa after refusal

What is a Cover Letter For Finland Student Visa After Refusal?

A cover letter for Finland student visa after refusal is an application that is written as a part of an applicant’s visa request. This particular document is written/prepared after the applicant has already received a visa refusal from the country’s visa officials. A student visa cover letter after visa refusal is then an attempt to convince the visa officials in a better way to consider your application again. Surely, this second chance is nothing less than a golden opportunity. For this application, you will have to double your efforts and dedication for this application which should have no errors whatsoever. 

Steps to follow before writing a cover letter for Finland student visa after refusal

Be humble– Your cover letter for visa is a formal application that should be deprived of any oversentimental content or words. Adopt a calm approach as you write your cover letter after visa refusal and do not be rude or informal.  

Check and reflect– Spend some time with your initial application and visa refusal letter. This will help you think and realize the mistakes you have made in your write-up and what the visa officials demand from you. 

Divide your time– Since you have already received a student visa refusal and your course program is supposed to start on a pre-decided schedule, you must divide your time carefully and think about how you will finish your application process (planning, writing, checking) within time. 

Accept your previous limitations– Make a mental note of your limitations in your primary cover letter for student visa. Accept your errors and understand what the visa officials expect to see when you apply for a student visa. You can read samples posted on the internet only to understand how a cover letter for visa application is written. 

Think of a new strategy– Reading the samples will help you understand how you can make the corrections when you apply again. Ponder upon your refusal reasons greatly and think/write in rough about the plan of action to explain them. 

Plan and prepare– Plan your entire application again with a new mindset and contemplate how differently and effectively you can attempt them this time. Prepare your content and decide on your writing style. 

Review your steps– Without exerting yourself, analyze and evaluate your new strategy and plans. A final check cannot harm anyone and will only help you solidify your actions and approach. 

Contemplate professional help– You may think that you wrote a perfect student visa cover letter the first time and your refusal is not justified. If you cannot think of how to write a cover letter for Finland student visa after refusal then you can think about getting some expert help. Get in touch with our Cover Letter Writing Services which has skilled cover letter writers who specialize in writing student visa refusal applications. 

How to write a cover letter for Finland student visa after refusal


Begin writing your refusal cover letter with all crucial details about yourself. Give your complete name, passport number, course and university details along with the duration of your study program. You can write 2-3 lines about your passion for studying this course as well as how it can help you achieve your professional goals. Within the introduction itself, inform the visa officials that you have already received a visa refusal for the same purpose on the stated date. 

Previous visa details-

Come to the point directly and give an outline of your previous visa application. This section consists of when you filed your initial visa, the date on which you received a rejection as well as the motivation you have for applying for a similar purpose again. 

Previous refusal reasons-

When a student’s visa application for Finland is rejected, they receive a refusal letter which has several points based on which an application is refused. The points of your concern or the exact reasons for which you were denied to study in Finland will be selected/marked in this letter. In the next paragraph of your cover letter for Finland student visa after refusal; you have to write these reasons as it is without changing language or words. 

Explanation of refusal points-

This time, your cover letter for Finland student visa after refusal will focus more on justifying the points that were left with unsatisfactory explanations in your former application. If you think that have already explained these points earlier or do not have any new information to add to your application, then also you have to explain these points in greater detail with more clarity. However, if you do not find a way out, then you can contact us and benefit from our Cover Letter Writing Services which have several experienced visa refusal experts who can write your application with the required corrections. 

Other details of a cover letter for student visa-

Applicants must note that although it is a student visa cover letter after refusal, it is still a new application that will be assessed with a fresh pair of eyes. There are certain details of a student visa cover letter that cannot be avoided; so must be explained again. This information includes an applicant’s previous academic and professional history, course program details, financial information, etc. 

Assurance of justifying the raised concerns-

Before moving on to the final part of your cover letter, assure the visa official that in the latest application, you have justified the previously erased concerns to the best of your knowledge and capability. If you have added any more/extra supporting documents to prove your case, then you must write about that as well. 


As you write the last part of your application, you can describe your course interest and its relevance in your life again without repeating anything that you have previously written. Remember that with respect and without any authoritative tone, you can claim that you are a worthy candidate for this study program and are genuinely interested in accomplishing your career goals through the medium of this study program. 

Some General Finland Student Visa Rejection Reasons

An unmotivated Purpose– 

Students often receive ‘justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not provided’ as a reason for their visa denial’. A student who wants to study in the Finland for their higher studies can define their ‘purpose’ with their course interest, professional goals, or personal interest. No matter how strongly you feel for any of these reasons, there is no validity to it unless and until you can show it on your cover letter for student visa after refusal. Your purpose has to be strong enough to convince the visa official that you have the ‘need’ and ‘will’ to study this course. 

Fake application or false details- 

The Finland visa officials are very particular about the efforts that an applicant puts into their application. Using artificial tools and software to draft your letter or copying it from a friend or sample is an unethical practice. It leads to the doubt that the information presented by you is not original and might be plagiarized. Moreover, giving false and misleading information that does not match or qualify with your profile is equally harmful. 

Shortage of Finances– 

Studying in a foreign country like Finland comes with distinct forms of costs and expenditures. If your initial student visa cover letter could not prove that you have the required funds then the country’s visa authorities will certainly reject your application. If this comes as a reason for your rejection, then ensure that you rectify this mistake in your cover letter for Finland after visa refusal. In an elaborative manner, write about your/your sponsor’s financial worth. Emphasize the monthly/yearly income, savings, bank statements, investments, funds, etc. To add to your financial strength, you can talk about the monetary worth of vehicles and ornaments that you/your family owns. 

You can address your shortage of finances by applying for an education loan as well. 

Incentive to return home-

Another popular and common reason for visa rejection is ‘reasonable doubts for your intention to leave the territory before visa expiration’. An applicant’s write-up should convince the visa officer that the only reason for which they want to come to Finland is to accomplish their academic goals and have no reason whatsoever to stay in the country beyond the stipulated time. An admirable way to address this situation is by talking about responsibilities and duties in your own country that motivate you to come back to your own country. In your cover letter after visa refusal, you can write about your connection with your family members, financial & emotional responsibility for parents/siblings, career opportunities, properties and assets that need care, etc. 

Career options in your own country- 

If you have applied for a study program that does not have any scope in your own country then it can lead to suspicion about your intent as a student. Describe in length your immediate and long-term future goals by discussing the actions you will be taking to achieve them. Do not set unrealistic goals that are difficult to believe and try to be as authentic as possible. 

Why seek professional help for a cover letter after visa refusal

  • They can explain to you the reasons for which your initial application was rejected, thus giving you clarity about your mistakes. 
  • Professional cover letter writers can justify your reasons in the best manner possible owing to their years of experience. 
  • They are already aware of what the embassy officials expect to see in your student visa cover letter. 
  • If you are on a strict timeline or are running behind time, then you can specifically inform them about when you expect to receive your document. 
  • Writing an application of such kind requires significant writing skills. Professional cover letter writers have developed mastery at attempting such documents. 
  • You can expect an error-free document which will increase the chances of your visa acceptance after an initial refusal. 

Final Note

It is only natural to have doubts about yourself and your cover letter for Finland student visa after refusal if you have already been denied a study permit. You must understand that worrying about this situation will not help you one bit but a proper & right approach to address this as a challenge can bring the expected positive results for you. There are hundreds of students whose cover letters for visa applications are accepted on the second attempt simply by correcting the mistakes and errors of their initial application. By taking care of the points mentioned in this blog, you must believe that you too can win a study permit to fulfill your educational goals. However, if you are hesitant to take this risk, then you can contact us and avail of our Cover Letter / SOP Writing Services. We at Contentholic have been providing this service for more than 13 years now. Our experienced CL writers have the skills to write a cover letter for visa refusal and have helped thousands of students who previously received a visa rejection.