The system of higher studies in the European nation France is the most quintessential way of how learning should be in today’s age and time. It supports healthy competition that molds a student’s personal, academic, and professional skills. The aim? To suit the requirements of the innovative and ever-developing world and make the students capable enough to make a professionally successful and personally fulfilling life for themselves. Certainly, when a student makes up their mind to study in such a growth-supporting environment, they have to make several academic and non-academic preparations. Once you have secured admission into the country’s university or college, you need permission to enter the country. For this purpose, students have to apply for a study permit/visa that allows them to come and study in France. It is believed that for every 10 student visa applications, 1-2 are rejected for various reasons. For a student who is aspiring to land in the country anytime soon, a rejection letter can be a big disappointment. But, remember, that you can apply for a similar visa again after correcting the errors of your previous profile. This ‘correction’ involves explaining your case and point of view again with a fresh perspective toward your profile. Such students have to write and submit a cover letter for France student visa after refusal. It is different from the initial cover letter for France student visa as you have to emphasize more on the points that led to your rejection. Writing a cover letter after a visa refusal can be a tricky task as it is more complicated than a fresh visa application. You have to be careful and vigilant about every single word, sentence, and information if you want to avoid a second refusal. For such difficult and bewildering tasks, students often take the help of our CL writing team. Our visa refusal experts and skilled cover letter writers ensure that they find the errors in your previous application and create a new document that makes the visa officer trust your profile and grant you a student visa!

What is a cover letter for France student visa after refusal?

A cover letter for a French student visa after refusal can be understood as a justification letter whose aim is to make the French visa officials grant you a study permit so that you can study your applied course. Since it is written after the applicant has already been rejected once, twice, or more number of times; the person writing this application has to pay great attention to every single detail. Keep in mind that your focus has to be more on your refusal reasons. Simultaneously, you can’t miss out on following the general format of a student visa cover letter. Do not repeat the information & sentences of your former application. Start afresh with a formal introduction to your profile and then list out your factors of refusal. Develop a strong narrative and begin explaining them one by one. A respectful and convincing tone will show that you have put in serious efforts to correct the limitations of your previous application. 

As you acknowledge the mistakes in your content, do not forget to keep in check your writing and grammatical errors. 

Points that form the structure of a cover letter for France student visa after refusal

An introduction to your application

  • Start with a proper salutation. Ensure that you address it to the correct embassy. 
  • Tell the visa officer who you are, your passport number, and the country of your residence. 
  • Answer ‘why’ you are writing this application and mention the broad details of your course & university. 
  • Inform the officer about your previous refusal; let them know that you accept the limitations of your previous application. 
  • Indicate that in your point of view, your refusal reasons can be justified and you wish to appeal the previous rejection. 

Present your refusal reasons

  • Give brief details of your previous rejection (application reference number and the date of refusal). 
  • In your cover letter for France student visa after refusal, the visa officer should be clearly informed about the reasons that led to your initial visa denial. 
  • You can either summarize or write the exact points as provided to you.
  • You can put these points in bold as your further application has to be created based on them. 

Personal & academic information

  • A student visa cover letter has to follow a structure where certain details cannot be missed. So when you apply again with a fresh application, do not forget to write some personal details and all your academic information. 
  • Briefly talk about your interests, hobbies, beliefs, and values that shape your personality. 
  • State all the relevant degrees, examinations, and qualifications that you have completed. 
  • Highlight your noteworthy strengths & performances as they are a great way to set you positively apart from other applicants. 
  • Do not underestimate the relevance of these details as they help you familiarize yourself with the officials. 

Reflect on your choice of course & university

  • A popular reason for France’s visa rejection is the wrong choice of course that does not align/ or is in any way related to the previous education or profession. 
  • To give a strong answer, you must write a story or narrative that shows your interest in your chosen course program. Elaborate your answer by talking about the modules and topics that you are particularly excited to study. 
  • The reader of your cover letter after visa refusal should not get the idea that you have randomly selected your university. 
  • It is preferred that you write a few things about the academic and non-academic qualities of your academic institute in France. 
  • It is better to go into detail and share how a particular project or assignment can help you enhance your knowledge as well as skills. 
  • For university; search about alumni, faculty, infrastructure, networking possibilities, etc.

Encouragement to study in France

  • Many international students face visa rejection from France because they have ‘not expressed the need to undertake the course in this state’. So even if you have/don’t have any particular reason for this, you have to personalize your answer.
  • Your writing style and choice of words in your cover letter after visa refusal has to be convincing enough to show that studying in France is a desire as well as an academic and professional need. 
  • You can compare the quality and design of course programs in France from other countries, the study and work-life balance, vibrant culture, scope of personal growth, safety for international students, etc. 

Funds & sponsor details

  • A student’s France’s letter of explanation after refusal should not just tell but appropriately ‘demonstrate’ that they are financially capable of taking care of all their expenditures. 
  • Clarify who will be responsible for funding your education in France. 
  • Write accurate numbers about monthly/annual income, savings & investments, the amount in banks, and all sources of income in the family. 
  • To add to this, pen down the estimated value of any luxurious item that you/your family owns; such as jewelry & ornaments, vehicles, etc. Do not take these details lightly as they help establish your financial strength. 
  • All in all, it should be visible that you have sufficient funds to pay not just your course fee, but also living expenses, lifestyle requirements, or any other unforeseen costs. 

Career aims and objectives

  • A way of showing that you have chosen the most suitable course program is by writing how it will support your career goals. 
  • Neglecting this piece of information can be a big mistake as some applicants might disregard it as a thing of the future. 
  • For a sharp and clear answer that depicts your appropriate enthusiasm, divide your explanation into short-term and long-term goals. This means that you must let the officials know what you plan on doing right after the completion of your course, and your plans for the next 10-15 years. 
  • Remember, your career aims and aspirations should display the ‘need’ of studying your applied course program. 

Assurance of returning to own nation

  • An insufficient motivation to return to one’s own country is another common reason for student visa rejections. 
  • Your visa refusal application can talk about 2-3 reasons that guarantee your return. 
  • As an applicant, you must also verify that the course that you will be studying in France has good employment opportunities in your own country. 
  • Express the positions & companies in which you hope to work and show how you hope to grow from that position. 
  • Familial relations are also a strong point that contributes toward writing a trustworthy explanation. 

Sum up your application

  • End your cover letter for France student visa after refusal by assuring that you have satisfied and justified all the reasons that led to your previous rejection.
  •  In the next 2-3 lines, restate the purpose for which you want to study in France.
  •  With complete sincerity, thank the visa officials for reading your letter of explanation after refusal
  • Be positive and write how you are hopeful of receiving a study permit this time. 

Some common France student visa refusal reasons

Selection of course program- 

The visa authorities want to see that the course which you want to study in their country is not selected without any prior thought or as a means to enter the country. To simplify, it should be apparent that the study program is directly or somehow related to your previous studies or professional experience. Now, if you are an applicant who is changing their academic or professional field and has thus chosen a different study program, then make sure that you provide strong reasons for your decision. Make it evident that you know your course.

Missing, fraudulent or incomplete documents-

Arranging and submission of the documents for a visa application can surely be a hectic process. Start organizing your documents months in advance. Try to give documental proof of each and every skill or accomplishment that you claim to have gained. Provide portfolio, proof of academic qualification, certificates, work samples, any formal recognition, etc. If you find any discrepancies and are afraid that they can be questionable, then try to resolve them in the simplest manner possible. Irrespective of whatever ‘advice’ you get, do not enter into any fraud or resort to forging information. 

Delayed student visa request-

The processing of a student visa and the evaluation of a profile are time-consuming activities. If you submit your study permit request just a few days before the beginning of your course. A hurried analysis of your application can lead to rejection. Make an effort to apply for a visa request at least a month in advance. 

Lack of monetary resources-

An applicant who does not have adequate funds to study in France will certainly be up for a visa rejection. You should have at least the finances of your first year set aside (academic and non-academic). Calculate the amount that you require for your course and with the help of your bank statements and savings ‘show’ that you can afford to study in France without facing any serious financial crunch. If you have loan approval letters, scholarships, fixed deposits or any other relevant paperwork then write about them in your cover letter after visa refusal. 

Bad/average previous academic performance-

Your academic marks/performance show your level as a student. They reflect how academically oriented you are as well as help the visa officials decide whether you will be able to survive in the tough higher education system of France. However, if you previously had low marks but now believe that you can perform well, then give a trustworthy explanation for it. 

Lack of motivation/Unsatisfactory purpose-

Writing dull statements that do not exhibit any motivation shows a lack of purpose. The better efforts you put in and the stronger your explanation, the more chances you have of receiving a study permit. Make sure that you do not misscommunicate or provide any unclear information. While you do not have to go overboard with your emotions, make the reader feel that you have a sufficient level of zeal and excitement for your purpose. 

Inability to provide an itinerary-

Your itinerary is a tool that shows your level of preparedness for your academic adventure in France. Write about the arrangements you have made for your accommodation, travel plans, brief academic schedule, etc. 

Language test scores

Depending on your course, it may or may not be required to show your language proficiency in the English or the French language. Write whether you have scored the passing marks,/ met all the eligibilities or not. 

Key components that should be considered while writing a cover letter after visa refusal

  • Do not think that you can/should avoid that you have already received a visa rejection. Acknowledge it state the refusal points right after introduction as your new application will be formed keeping in mind these points. 
  • If you have added new documents to your profile, let the visa officers know that through your letter of explanation after refusal. 
  • If there have been any major or minor changes in your application from the last time, acknowledge them directly. 
  • Reiterate your purpose and motivation. Your application must bring out your passion for your course and university. 
  • Show that you are grateful for being given the chance to apply again for a similar purpose. 
  • Your application letter should be readable and easy to understand. Avoid any difficult or handsome words that do not have a clear meaning. 
  • Even if you have to explain/justify several points, do not cross the prescribed word limit of 1200-15– words. 
  • Maintain a similar writing font and size. Do not highlight any unnecessary information.


We at Contentholic believe that it is not a thing of luck but how appropriately a student writes their cover letter for visa application, which decides whether or not they will be receiving a study permit to study in France. Students who recognize the errors of their first request and correct them in their refusal letter for France student visa have good to better chances of accomplishing their dream of studying in France. A standard letter of explanation after refusal should be written in all honesty with the optimum level of clarity and formal politeness. We understand that it is a stressful task to write a cover letter after visa refusal as it holds the chances of you studying in your preferred country. Thus, to help aspiring students, our academic writing agency provides Cover Letter Writing Services. Our experienced cover letter writers analyze your profile and work on it to elevate your chances of receiving a study permit. So if you too are worried about writing your cover letter for a France student visa after refusal and want to benefit from the help of a professional, you must contact us!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) 

What can I do after receiving a France student visa refusal?

If you have been refused a France student visa refusal, then you can apply again by correcting the errors pointed out in your rejection letter. 

How do I convince the French visa officers that I will return to my country after my course in my cover letter for France student visa after refusal?

As an applicant, you should provide a personal and not general explanation for your reasons to return home in your cover letter after visa refusal. Show that you have planned details on how to establish your career in your country by writing about short and long-term goals. Contemplate and describe how your family will be awaiting your return home once your studies in France conclude.

What is the word limit of a cover letter for France student visa after refusal?

The word limit of a cover letter for France student visa after refusal is 1200-1500 words.  

Do I need to learn French to study in France?

No, it is not mandatory to learn French to study in France. However, you must have a certain level of proficiency in the English language as the country has several courses in it. 

My student visa for France has been denied because of a lack of funds. Can I apply for a study permit again?

Yes, you can apply for a study permit again after receiving a visa rejection. However, if you have lack of funds, you must address this problem. It is either possible that you have not ‘shown’ how you will cover your costs of studying in France or you genuinely have low funds that do not make you eligible to complete your higher studies in this country. If it is the former scenario, then show your funds and savings reserved for this purpose in detail. However, in case of the latter, try to arrange more funds either by loan or getting a known person/relative to sponsor your education.

I believe that my student visa was rejected wrongly. Can I mention this in my cover letter after visa refusal?

If you believe that your student visa rejection was unjust, then you can appeal it in your cover letter after your visa refusal. However, do not make the grave error of being impolite or accusing the visa officer of their decision. Be humble in your approach and address your refusals calmly along with substantial proof.