In case you are wondering what is meant by a ‘cover letter for Ireland student visa after refusal’, then we must inform you that it is an application which is written by a student whose initial request for a student visa has been denied and they are applying for it again. In the last 3-4 decades, Ireland has gained the identity of one of the most preferred study-abroad destinations for international students. Students from all over the world wanting to pursue higher education are attracted to its world-class & high-ranking universities, variety of courses, highly experienced & trained faculties, infrastructure, peaceful social & cultural environment, beautiful landscapes, etc. Even employers, industries, and business professionals prefer and value individuals who have studied in Ireland. Therefore, both academically and professionally, it will be fruitful to accomplish one’s higher studies in the Republic of Ireland. Certainly, to receive a visa refusal after going through the tiresome procedure of applying for a permit is a major disappointment. However, you must remember that it is not the end of the world and there may still be a chance for you to go ahead with your studies in Ireland.

This chance comes in the form of reapplying for a student visa. But, how would you inform the visa officials that your rejection was unjust or that you have now corrected the errors of your initial application? Well, we have the answer for you. You present your case in the form of an application which is called a cover letter for Ireland student visa after refusal. Here, you individually pick up each point of your visa refusal and justify it with reasons and statements for the concerns raised. In this blog, we bring to you all the information that you must know before writing this critical application.

Ireland Student Visa Rejection Codes and Reasons

While there can be several specific and general reasons for a student visa refusal from Ireland, the most common ones have been listed below for your reference and understanding.

S. No. Code/Point of Refusal Meaning Rectification
1. INCO- Inconsistencies Contradictions in the information supplied Visas are sometimes refused due to miscommunication when different parties provide unmatching information about the applicant. It is important to get your stories straight with your recommenders, sponsors, or any other person related to your application. Explain the miscommunication issue thoroughly in your student visa cover letter after refusal.
2. ID- Insufficient Documentation Submission of incomplete, fraudulent, or unreliable documents. Change or add documents that are required. The correction in your documents has to be explained in your cover letter for Ireland student visa after refusal.
3. R- Reference In Ireland Unclear link or description of your reference in Ireland Describe the link/ connection based on which you have applied to study in Ireland. For a student, it may refer to the acceptance letter from your university/college.
4. P- Passport Invalid passport, damaged condition, or approaching expiry date You may apply for a new passport beforehand.
5. F- Finances Financial Issues, less funds compared to expected expenditure or lack of evidence regarding funds Write in detail about your funds and attach equally valid documents proving your theoretical claims. For eg. if you say in your student visa cover letter that you have XXX amount in your bank savings, then the XXX amount should be reflected in your bank statement.
6. PF/PR- Public Funds/Public Resources The officials suspect that you will be relying on the public/state funds of Ireland Ensure that you show enough finances for your studies as well as living expenses. Clearly claim in the section of ‘finances’ that you will not be a financial liability to the government of Ireland during your stay in the country.
7. OC- Observe the conditions Unsurety about the applicant’s commitment to abide by the conditions of the applied visa Elaborately describe why you will not overstay in Ireland after your studies, work illegally/beyond the permitted time, and follow all rules set for international students.
8. SP- Student Profile Unjustified or unexplained study gaps or employment gaps. ‘SP’ as a refusal reason may also be provided when an applicant changes their field of study from what they have previously studied or the sector they have worked in. If you are changing your academic stream or have study gaps and low marks then you shall clearly state it in your cover letter for Ireland student visa after refusal. Some students make the grave mistake of hiding this information and have to face a visa refusal. Some common reasons to correct this error are personal/family health issues/ financial crunch, engagement in other activities, etc.
9. OB- Obligation The applicant could not convince the visa official that they have strong reasons to return to their home country. Talk in detail about the points that propel you to return to your homeland after your studies. They can be your home ties, the kind of bond/relation you share with your loved ones, professional goals, the responsibility of assets and properties, etc.
10. CP- Course Profile It includes an insufficient explanation of one’s course interest as well as the motivation to study in Ireland. Discuss the personalized course details of your study program and what skills and knowledge you expect to gain from it. Strengthen your point by linking your career goals to your study program.
11. VR PVR- Visa Refused and previous visa refusals Applying for a student visa again without justifying the refusal reasons of the previous application. Before applying for a study visa again, read through the points because of which you were initially denied the permit to study in Ireland. Address them directly in your new application with new/added/corrected information.

How To Write A Cover Letter For Ireland Student Visa After Refusal


The application starts with the most important details about yourself. The applicant’s name, passport number, institute name, study program, course duration, and the type of visa you have applied for should be mentioned at the beginning of your application. To make the introductory part captivating, you can briefly write about your motivation to pursue your higher education.

State the Refusal Reasons-

The visa officers should be informed that you have already received a refusal for your study permit. Write the date on which your visa was refused and put down the refusal reasons as provided to you in the letter.

Explain Your ‘Purpose’-

The applicant must elaborate on what motivated them to study the course. Is there a particular reason for deciding to continue with your studies or an end goal that requires certain academic qualifications? Many student visa requests are denied when applicants are not able to write an impressive case for themselves which convinces the visa authorities of their purpose and intention.

Give Academic Details-

Share your academic journey. You can begin by talking about your secondary and senior secondary school, until the latest formal education that you have completed. You may talk about the recognition and reputation of your academic institutions and the board from which you have completed your studies. A crucial piece of information on this point that has to be shared is your performance as a student. Talk about the marks scored, positions secured, or any other curricular or extracurricular achievements that are noteworthy.

Describe Work History-

Professional details are an important part of your application. Jobs and internships show that you have the subject knowledge and skills in your field of interest. Without fail, show that the course you wish to study in Ireland is related to your work field.

Talk About Your Study Program- The officials are interested in knowing the grounds on which you decided to study a particular course. To make your statement compelling, it is best to narrate a story that shows how you developed your interest in your subject. In the same paragraph, describe how the contents of your course in Ireland will be favorable to you. You can be specific about the skills and knowledge that you will gain, projects or research work that you are excited about as well as the modules that you are looking forward to studying.

Choice of University/College-

When an applicant wishes to get a “student visa”, details pertaining to student life take center stage. One of these details is what motivated you to choose a particular academic institute. There are several ways in which you can answer this question as all universities and colleges either specialize in a field or are known for some particular qualities.

Ireland As Your Choice of Country-

It is very common for student visa requests to be denied because the applicant could not prove the ‘need to take this course in this state/Ireland’. Try not to be obvious with your reason and personalize your application by showing how studying in Ireland will be fruitful to you. Ireland’s quality education, diverse range of courses, high-ranking universities, beautiful natural environment, etc, can be some of the reasons why you may want to study here.

Language Test Results- Ireland is majorly an English-speaking country and the teaching-learning process also takes place in this language. Applying students have to show in their cover letter for Ireland student visa after refusal that they have taken the accepted English language tests to prove their proficiency in it. The exams that are accepted in Ireland are IELTS, Duolingo, PTE, and TOEFL.

Professional Aims and Aspirations-

Write about your career goals. Certain designations as well as companies may require their employees or management to have some qualifications. Show that in order to achieve your professional dream, it is mandatory for you to study your applied course. For a more precise answer, you may list out your short-term and long-term goals individually.

Financial Arrangement for Education In Ireland-

Describe that you have the financial strength to cover your tuition fees, lifestyle or accommodation costs as well as all other expected and unexpected expenses. Unsatisfactory/incomplete financial details too often lead to student visa rejections. You must give specific numbers about the amount you have in your banks, investments, worth of properties and valuable assets owned by you, etc. If you have a sponsor who is funding your application, then provide all relevant financial details about them.

Reasons to Return Home-

If the applicant does not convince the visa official that their purpose of coming to Ireland is strictly academic and that they will be returning to their home country after their studies, then their application will surely be up for rejection. Family ties, professional commitments, affection for one’s own nation, or any other personal, social, or cultural reason can help you assure that the visa officer through your cover letter for student visa after refusal that you are determined to return to your own country.

The Final Word-

Don’t let your enthusiasm get dull in the last part of your application. Be precise as you reiterate your purpose of studying in Ireland. You can state the relevance of this academic step in your future personal and professional life. Be humble with your words and thank the visa officials for reading your application. Assure them that you have tried your best to justify the refusal reasons of your previous visa requests and now hope to receive the applied visa.

NOTE- When an applicant crafts their cover letter for Ireland student visa after refusal, the entire application is designed to justify the points that are raised in their refusal letter. As you do so, you must also explain the points that are generally answered in a visa application. Lay extra emphasis on the extra information that you have provided this time. For example, if your initial visa request for denied due to insufficient financial evidence, then show in your cover letter after refusal by what amount you have increased your funds, additional documents you are submitting, relation with the sponsor, etc.

Things to Remember While Writing Your Application

  • When applying for a student visa after refusal, you will have to adopt a better strategy and plan of approach that will help you make the required changes.
  • Thoroughly research the pros of your course and academic institution.
  • While addressing the refusal points is important, do not forget to talk about other necessary components of a student visa cover letter.
  • Try to provide documents for all claims that you have made in your application letter (for example- sponsor details, scholarship letters, talent certificates, or proof of funds).
  • Submitting an updated CV/resume is of utmost importance.
  • Develop a simple yet effective writing style so that your application is easy to understand and convincing.
  • Humbly accept the limitations of your previous application and assure the officials that you have provided justifications for them.
  • Avoid repeating similar words, statements, and content again and again just because you want to reiterate it.
  • Do not be lame or dull with your narrative. Let the visa officials know that you are serious and excited about your studies in Ireland.
  • At all costs, abstain from writing general statements or a random purpose/motivation that is not personalized to yourself.
  • Copying online samples, and using artificial intelligence or software to write your cover letter is highly unethical. If found, your visa request may be instantly rejected.

Documents Required to Apply for Ireland Student Visa After Refusal

  • Valid current passport and its copies
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Identity proof
  • Proof of nationality
  • Medical and Travel Insurance
  • Biometric details (if applicable)
  • Documents justifying study gaps or low academic scores (if applicable)
  • A filled visa application form
  • Previous visa refusal letters
  • Proof of amount deposited as fees
  • Travel documents like tickets, insurance, vaccination certificates, etc.
  • Academic documents such as mark sheets or certificates
  • Cover Letter For Ireland Student Visa After Refusal
  • Bank statements and other financial proofs
  • Passport-size color photographs
  • English language test scores
  • Acceptance letter from a university or college


A cover letter for an Ireland student visa after refusal can be the bridge between you and your academic goals in Ireland. Certainly, it will not be a wise decision to approach this application casually. If you expect a positive response this time, then it is better to take extra caution with your words, content, intention, and presentation. Show the Irish visa officials that you are a worthy applicant for this coveted visa. To add scoring points to your profile, highlight relevant skills, talents, and achievements with which you can contribute to your institute in Ireland as well. Remember that it is one thing to have a good or decent profile and a completely different one to be able to show it in your application. So, if you find yourself incapable of writing a student visa cover letter after refusal or have doubts about describing a certain refusal reason then, it is best to get professional assistance from companies offering cover letter writing services. We, at Contentholic, have been providing CL writing help to students all over the globe for more than 13 years now. We are a formal writing agency that specializes in writing visa applications for students. Our visa refusal experts and skilled cover letter writers come together to work on an applicant’s profile to deliver the best results possible!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

What is a cover letter for Ireland student visa after refusal?

A cover letter for Ireland student visa after refusal is a document that is prepared when an applicant reapplies for a study permit after receiving an initial refusal. 

What is the word limit of a cover letter for student visa after refusal?

The word limit of a student visa cover letter after refusal is 1200-1500 words. The applicant’s focus should be on writing a good application that covers all important points. 

Why did my student visa for Ireland get rejected?

Some general reasons for Ireland student visa rejection are-

-Insufficient documents

-Unconvincing reasons to return home

-Lack of funds

-Academic drawbacks

-Professional drawbacks

-Improper course interest

-Errors with passport

-Unexplained reason to take the course in Ireland

-Insufficient information about family, personal & economic life, etc

-Inability to submit acceptance letter from Irish college/university

Who can I contact to write my cover letter for Ireland student visa after refusal?

You can contact professional cover letter writers or formal academic writing agencies to write your student visa cover letter after refusal. 

Is it necessary to write about my previous refusal in my new visa application?

Yes, it is mandatory to write about your previous visa refusal in your new application. Hiding this information is not encouraged. You are supposed to write the exact reasons for which your visa request was rejected. 

When can I reapply for Irish student visa after rejection?

Since there is no definite waiting time, an applicant can reapply for Ireland student visa anytime. However, make sure that you rectify/have a strong justification for your previous refusal reasons. 

My visa request for Ireland has been rejected because of ‘SP’. How do I convince the visa officer about my stream change in academics?

‘SP’ in Ireland student visa is a code for a student profile. If an applicant has changed their field of academics, then you can justify it by talking about how you developed an interest in a new field, what will be the outcomes of studying this course, modules you are eager to learn about, professional relevance, etc.

How much finances do I need to study in Ireland?

Education in Ireland may range from 9,000 to 45,000. Majorly, it depends on your choice of course, level of degree, and the university/college about how much you will be charged for your study program. 

Where can I find cover letter writers for my student visa application?

You can search for decent cover letters on the internet. You may find them on search engines like Google. Verify their authenticity and work approach by going through their websites and reviews.