For decades, Japan has been winning the hearts of international students with its highest standard of quality education, diversity of study programs, affordable facilities, easy lifestyle, and beautiful landscapes. Considering the favorable career options that alumni from Japanese universities get, prospective students begin their preparation to study in the country in advance. The reason for this early preparation lies in the fact that it is not easy to get a Japanese student visa. The Japanese officials maintain a stringent visa policy. Unless and until they are certain about the profile of a student, any visa request is not entertained by them.

Even though visa officials make it challenging to get a study permit to fulfill your education dreams in the country, they give you a chance to make this process easy for you in the form of a cover letter for Japan student visa. This ‘cover letter’ is a document or more precisely an application that is written in the voice of the student. Herein, you are supposed to answer the ‘why’ of your wish to study in the country with the help of certain points like work opportunities, course interests, personal and professional goals, etc. Along with this, it is your responsibility to familiarize yourself and your life in your home country with the visa authorities so that they can get an insight into who you are and what are your priorities. By now, you must have realized that a majority of your chances of studying in Japan depend on this one single document. Thus, it comes down to how well you write/craft your application so that it assists you in winning a study permit to fulfill your educational goals in Japan. It can be quite a tricky task to attempt writing this document as there are a variety of factors that one needs to keep in mind. To help you with such assignments, our writing agency Contentholic provides Cover Letter Writing for Visa. Our professional cover letter writers craft personalized applications with information from our carefully prepared questionnaires. However, if you are interested in attempting your cover letter for Japan student visa, then this blog is sure to help you with this task. 

Standard format for writing a cover letter for Japan student visa

The Introduction 

Engage the reader early in your application. After a brief information about yourself, precisely state the purpose for which you want to visit Japan. Show your enthusiasm for the course in 2-3 lines. 

Your academic history 

Write about your grades and achievements. Any formal degrees or diplomas completed by you should also find space in your letter. Speak about noteworthy curricular and extra-curricular activities in which you participated while stressing on your performance and contribution. 

Professional experiences 

Instead of writing bland statements about your work tenures, consider your cover letter for Japan student visa as a chance to show how your work roles & responsibilities will benefit you with your studies in Japan. 

Reflect on your choice of course program 

Explain your objective for choosing the course program which you have applied for. State whether it is a professional motivation, academic interest, thirst for knowledge, or an influence of someone you admire. 

Grounds on which you selected your university 

Talk about your selected university/college at a great length. List the academic as well as non-academic features that appealed to you. Further, personalize your answer with how you hope to reap benefits from qualified faculty and fitting projects and assignments. 

Determination to study in Japan 

A point of paramount importance; it is expected that you will why you have decided to make Japan your education destination and not any other country. Your reasons can be course-specific as well as general in terms of the country’s culture, societal environment, lifestyle, etc. 

Future Professional Goals

Exhibit clarity of your professional goals in the immediate time frame and the distant future. You have the liberty to pen down specific companies and designations at which you aspire to work. 

Understanding of Japanese Language 

Learning Japanese is not a pre-requisite unless and until it is mandated by your course. However, if you show that you have a certain level of knowledge about the language, it will certainly add scoring points to your cover letter for Japan student visa

Show your finances 

As you write your cover letter for visa application, it becomes your duty to assure the visa officials that you are financially affluent enough to support your education and lifestyle. Talk in the language of bank statements, assets and properties, personal/family income, etc. 

Sum it up

Keep the conclusion brief and positive. Stress the important points of your application again without repeating words and statements. Ensure that your enthusiasm to study in Japan is visible in the final part of your cover letter for Japan student visa and does not meet a dull end. 

Errors that you should stay away from while writing your cover letter for Japan student visa

  • Exceeding the word limit to more than 4000-5000 characters. 
  • Do not write your content in paragraphs or loosely put information anywhere in the document. 
  • Lying about your achievements or scores is ethically incorrect. 
  • Changing the writing format or font again and again. 
  • Writing big sentences that do not have a clear message.
  • Verify your document several times for spelling and punctuation errors. 
  • Avoiding direct answers and talking about irrelevant points. 
  • Copying your cover letter for Japan student visa from online samples. 
  • Using artificial intelligence or other tools make the original touch disappear from your application. 
  • Writing dull statements that lack your personal emotions. 


At all costs, avoid being random or unserious about the worth of your cover letter for student visa to Japan. This application is a smooth way to answer questions that arise from your other objective documents, make a personal conversation with the visa officials, shed light on your strengths & achievements, and answer questions about yourself and your life. Do not overlook minute errors and write with the determination of submitting a perfect document. With the beginning itself, ensure that your writing style is such that the reader attempts to go through your entire document without getting bored or considering it as another general cover letter with no passionate goal or motivation. Certainly, this plethora of expectations can be overwhelming for a student who is writing this formal document for the first time or has not received success with their prior attempts. In such instances, do not shy away from getting in touch with the best Cover Letter Writing Service in this field. We have several experienced writers who have innumerable success stories to their name. In our more than 13 years of service, we have helped thousands of students write their Japanese Visa Cover Letter that befits the expectations of the visa authorities. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) for Cover Letter for Japan Student Visa

Are financial details important for cover letter for Japan student visa?

Yes, financial details are of utmost importance in your cover letter for Japan student visa. You cannot study in a foreign country unless you have the required funds for it. A visa request is accepted only after the authorities are convinced that you will be able to fund your education, tuition fee, lifestyle expenses, food requirements, travel fare, etc. At the beginning of your financial details paragraph itself, state who is sponsoring your education, their relation with you along with their financial prowess.

How to write an interesting introduction for cover letter for Japan student visa?

The introduction of your cover letter for student visa sets the tone of your entire application. Reading the first few lines only will make the visa officers analyze the seriousness with which you have attempted this task. To make it compelling, you can share a unique thought, proverb, or experience that is related to your course or personality. 

Is it costly to study in Japan?

Studying in Japan is neither excessively expensive nor conveniently cheap. It would not be wrong to say that the education cost in Japan is reasonable when compared to the facilities that the universities and country provide to their students. Education in Japan can cost you anywhere between YEN 820,000 to YEN 1.64 million depending on your choice of course and university. 

What is the structure of a cover letter for Japan student visa?

The appropriate format of a cover letter for Japan student visa is-


-Personal Details

-Academic Details

-Professional Details

-Choice of course

-Choice of University

-Why Japan

-Future Goals

-Financial strength


Which courses in Japan have good career options?

Courses in Japan that have excellent career prospects are-

  • Architecture
  • Engineering 
  • Business Administration
  • IT
  • Medicine
  • Global Japanese Studies
  • Course of Food Science and Technology
  • Environmental Science
  • Economics

Are degrees from Japan recognized the world over?

Yes, degrees from Japan are well-recognized the world over. Japan’s education system is one of the best in the world. Degrees/Qualifications have international recognition and are highly valued. 

What is the word limit of cover letter for Japan student visa?

The appropriate word limit for a cover letter for Japan is 800-1000 words.