Japan’s reputation as a study-abroad destination remains unparalleled for many decades now. Who would not prefer to stay and study in a country that provides world-class education in a globally recognized university that too at a reasonable cost? Unfortunately, all these dreams shatter away when an applicant’s visa request is denied. But, this is not the time to lose heart but to return with better preparation and strategies. So when you apply again for a similar visa, you will have to write and submit a cover letter for Japan student visa after refusal. This letter is an application that supports all the documents you have submitted. However, its primary purpose is to show the visa officer that you have corrected the errors that led to your initial visa denial and must now be considered worthy of receiving a study permit for Japan.

 The process of ‘writing’ an application of such magnitude is not an easy task. Dozens of content, format, and construction factors have to be considered. If you too are in the complex situation of having to write a cover letter after visa refusal and are doubtful of being able to do justice to it, you can get in touch with our team of professionals. Our academic writing agency Contentholic has visa refusal experts and professional cover letter writers who can take away the stress of this burdensome task off your shoulders and provide you with an impeccable application. Now, even after you have put your trust in our work, it is the ethical duty of an applicant to understand what is a cover letter after visa refusal. Only after you have understood its concept, structure, general rejection reasons, and errors that should be avoided; will you be able to know what you can expect to see in your application. This blog covers all the above-mentioned points so that you can easily grasp the character of the application you are dealing with!

Situations that can lead to the rejection of a student visa for Japan

  • Submitting incomplete, forged, or unauthorized documents. Even spelling and numerical errors can prove to be negative for you. 
  • Limited strengths and achievements as a student may affect your chances of receiving a study permit. Low academic scores are also a factor that is considered. 
  • Insufficient funds that show you cannot afford to study and live in Japan. Even an unrelated sponsor can become the reason for your visa denial. 
  • Unreliable reasons to return to home country. The visa officials should not have any doubts about your personal or professional connections in your own country. 
  • Not providing any justifications for any criminal records, visa rejection history, or hiding information. 
  • An unmotivated purpose and clarification for the need to study in Japan and not in your own country. This includes showing solid interest in your choice of course, university, and country. 
  • Unclear writing that does not make your intention clear. It even raises questions about the seriousness with which you have submitted your application.

The Key Components that make up the Cover Letter for Japan student visa after Refusal

Profile Introduction and Beginning- 

When you write your cover letter for Japan student visa after refusal, your aim should be to make it more effective than your previous application. Start with an impactful first few lines that show your passion for your course or bring forth a positive personality trait of yours. After introductory details about yourself, inform the visa officers that you have been given a visa refusal for your previous application. 

Grounds of visa denial-

All visa rejections for Japan come with reasons that did not convince the visa officials about your worth as a student deserving of studying in Japan. State these reasons in your cover letter after visa refusal without missing any points. Now if you believe that there was some miscommunication with your previous application or you can justify/have corrected the reasons for rejection then request the visa officer to give you a chance to explain with this new cover letter for Japan student visa after refusal. 

Academic Journey Of The Student-

Write about your academic qualifications (degrees, examinations, institutes, and academic or co-curricular achievements). Avoid writing casual statements that dully state what you have done. Make your letter personal by showing what motivated or influenced you to make decisions about what you wish to study. Connect your subject interests and knowledge with your study program in Japan. 

Work Experiences & Skills Developed-

Show all the employment that you have been a part of to date. Emphasize the work skills and expertise that you developed. Discuss how they will help you with your course in Japan. Any formal recognition or work appreciation can be a great add-on to add value to your words. 

Selection of study program-

Describe in detail how you decided to study a particular course program. Answer if it is an extension of your previous studies or work experience, did somebody/thing influenced you to study it, or how passionate you are about your course. Take into consideration that your course is also the ‘purpose’ for which you want to study in Japan. Do not make any general answer a part of your cover letter for Japan student visa after refusal as they make your application weak/unmotivated. 

Qualities of your Academic institute-

Talk about your university/college and show why it is the best one for your chosen course. Recount on what basis you chose this institution. You can also highlight its national/international reputation and world rankings so as to make it a point that you have not made any random decision and are proud of having secured admission at such a prestigious place. 

Making Japan Your Education Destination-

Elaborately answer the question of why you wish to study in Japan. Here, applicants who are writing their cover letter after visa refusal have the liberty to communicate both academic and non-academic plus points of studying in Japan. Support your answer by pointing out the country’s attractive course programs, encouraging environment for international students, high-ranking universities, safe environment, a chance to explore a new culture, etc. 

Relevant career objectives-

Express how your course and university in Japan will help you achieve your professional goals in life. Do not be ambiguous about your future goals as it will affect the clarity of your application. Do not shy away from listing out your short and long-term aims. 

The money matters-

Show how you will be affording your education in Japan. Lack of finances is a common reason for student visa rejections. Write about the savings, investments, income, properties, and assets that you/your sponsor has. In clear language, assure the visa official that you have the financial ability to cover your academic fees, living costs, expenditure on maintenance & lifestyle, etc. 

Coming back home after studies-

Show solid ties to your home country. They can be either professional or personal. Make them convincing enough to show that you have substantial reasons motivating you to come to your own country. Your relations and familial relations back home are a way of showing that you are a genuine applicant who has no intention of staying in Japan after the completion of their studies. 

Sum up your application-

Wind up your cover letter for Japan student visa after refusal by restating the purpose/importance of your course and studies in Japan. You can reemphasize the changes and corrections you have made in your document. Be positive and respectful in your tone as you finally request the visa officer to consider your candidacy for a study permit. The conclusion of a cover letter after visa refusal should not exceed 150-200 words. 

Points you should be careful about to avoid mistakes in your cover letter after visa refusal

  • You must not sound rude or disappointed in your tone. Be respectful and humbly accept your previous errors. 
  • Do not take your refusals lightly or apply with the previous application without making any changes. 
  • As you provide your justification, you must also remember to write all the basic points of a student visa cover letter as well. 
  • Stay away from plagiarized content, AI tools, writing software, or online samples (you can read them for reference only). 
  • If there have been any noteworthy changes in your profile from your previous application, highlight them. 
  • Avoid putting loose/unconnected information anywhere. Structure your entire letter into 7-8 equal-sized paragraphs. 
  • Keep in check the grammatical errors and stay away from idioms and phrases that are not easy to understand. 
  • Show a connection between your previous studies, professional work, personal interest, present activities, applied course, and career goals. 
  • Make your application interesting to read so that the visa official is captivated by your narration. 
  • Do not write anything complicated. Use simple sentences that explain your point of view clearly. 
  • Read your cover letter several times before submission and follow the steps of editing, revising, and proofreading. 


One of the most developed nations in the world, Japan, has a very detailed and strict visa policy for international students who want to study in the country. Even a minor discrepancy with your documents or student visa cover letter can lead to a visa denial. So when you apply again with a fresh cover letter for Japan student visa after refusal, your focus should lie on addressing the refusal reasons first. Indeed it is a stressful task that can be difficult to attempt by an amateur. However, if you dedicate sufficient time to it, rectify your previous errors, improve the quality of your content, and write with a confident hand; you will certainly up your chances of receiving a study permit. If you have any lingering doubts about your skills to attempt a document of such kind, then you must avail of our Cover Letter Writing Services. We at Contentholic help candidates write their cover letter for student visa, cover letter after visa refusal, and many other visa and academic-related documents. Our experience in this field and industry is more than 13 years. Until now, thousands of students have benefited from our services as we dedicate sufficient time to the profile of each client. 


What is a cover letter for Japan student visa after refusal?

A cover letter for Japan student visa after refusal is an application that is written as a part of an international student’s visa request to study in Japan. However, we cannot deny the fact that the applicant has already received a visa rejection for a similar purpose. So, when they apply again with a fresh application, it is constructed by keeping the refusal point in mind and justifying it. 

What should be the length of my cover letter for Japan student visa after refusal?

The length of a cover letter for Japan student visa after refusal should be 2 to 2 ½ pages. Do not write an application that has more than 1000-1200 words. 

Can I study in Japan in English?

Yes, you can study in Japan in the English language as the country has a diverse range of English-taught programs. 

In my cover letter after visa refusal, do I only have to explain the points because of which my visa was rejected?

Yes, it is compulsory to explain/justify the previous refusal points in your cover letter after visa refusal. The inability to do so can result in another visa rejection, thus leading to a waste of time, energy, and resources. 

My student visa was Japan was rejected because of an unjustified career scope in my home country. How can I correct this in my justification letter for visa refusal?

Unsatisfactory career details are a common reason for student visa refusals from Japan. To show that you have good employment scope in your own country, you must do in-depth research about the career prospects of your course. Next, search for companies and organizations that hire people with your qualifications. In your application give detailed short-term and long-term goals of the companies and positions at which you want to grow as well as the action plan to grow in your career line. 

My student visa request for Japan was rejected because of an unjustified study gap. How do I explain it?

For a student visa application, a study gap can be justified by talking about your/your family’s health issues, jobs, preparations for exams, lack of monetary resources, or any other personal reason. Remember that you must stay honest with your answer and do not ‘make up’ or exaggerate your emotions. 

What is the success rate of a student visa for Japan?

The success rate of a student visa for Japan is almost 90%. If you submit a ‘perfect profile’, then it is one of the easiest visas to get. 

What is the format of a cover letter for Japan student visa after refusal?

The format of a cover letter for Japan student visa after refusal should have the following points-

  • Introduction
  • Previous refusal points
  • Justification of refusal points
  • Personal, academic, and professional information
  • Choice of course
  • Grounds on which you selected your university
  • Why study in Japan?
  • Career prospects
  • Financial details
  • Ties to your own country
  • Conclusion

Can I apply for a student visa for Japan again after receiving a visa refusal?

Yes, you can apply for a student visa for Japan again after receiving a visa refusal. However, you can do this only after a period of six months after the rejection has passed.