Korean universities are becoming increasingly popular for students who are finding their academic dream destination. While some might say that this is the influence of K-pop singers who belong to this East Asian Country, we would rather say that this is the charm of the country’s one-of-a-kind universities and effective education system that has an astonishing student success rate. The country has an advanced up-to-date curriculum of courses at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels. Each year, prospective students enter a strenuous competition to get their student visas accepted so that they can begin their education and journey in the country. However, it is not an easy nut to crack as multiple formalities have to be completed. After you have completed the said formalities, the visa officers decide if you should be considered eligible to study in the country or not. One of the tasks that should be accomplished by you is to write a cover letter for Korea Student Visa and submit it along with your request for a study permit. 

What is a cover letter for Korea Student Visa?

A cover letter for Korea student visa is a document written in the voice of the student who wishes to study in the country. This document is written in the form of an application/letter that is addressed to the embassy/consulate of The Republic of Korea which is situated in your country. The intent with which a student must write their student visa cover letter should be to sufficiently explain the purpose for which they want to travel to Korea and what are the reasons that have convinced them that this country will be the most suitable one for higher studies. Moreover, another writing goal that is to be achieved by you is to familiarize yourself with the visa official by giving your personal details from different parts of your life. However, you must remember that all these details have to be relevant to the purpose of a cover letter. Keeping this in mind, there are general guidelines for the structure of a proper cover letter which is widely accepted. Here, in this blog, we have presented the apt format for a cover letter for visa

Points to remember

  • Colorful texts and unnecessary highlights are not encouraged. 
  • Since it is a theoretical essay, avoid writing information in points. 
  • Put different information in different paragraphs to avoid intermingling of ideas.
  • Understand the significance of careful editing and proofreading.
  • Try to collect insights and expectations from alumni or current students.
  • When your academic past and future align, your profile becomes more trustworthy. 

The appropriate structure of a visa cover letter


A brief introduction with to-the-point details of yourself, your course & college, and the reason for applying for a cover letter.

Academic Details

Follow the introduction with details of the education which you have completed until now. Share the important examinations you have appeared for, the score obtained by you, your favorite subjects, and awards/recognition that you won.

Professional Information

List out the companies and positions at which you have worked. Stress on the skills that were learned during this period. It is better if the knowledge from your work experience connects with your course in Korea.

Talk about your course

Express how and why you developed such interest in your applied course that you decided to pursue higher studies in it. If you are excited to study a particular module or topic, write about it by giving suitable reasons

Choice of University

Share the criteria based on which you finalized your academic institution in Korea. Put a spotlight on the facilities that the university promises to provide you as a student.   

Korea as a country

Elaborate on how Korea is a suitable education destination for an international student like you. You can share academic as well as non-academic reasons for your wish to study in Korea. Some points that can support your case are safety (thanks to the low crime rate), reasonable tuition fees, college fests, friendly & polite natives, natural beauty, attractive heritage sites, etc. 

Future career goals

Divide your answer into short-term and long-term career objectives. Be reasonable and do not exaggerate or set baseless unachievable goals. You can increase the clarity of your answers by writing about the companies in which you hope to find employment, the variety of job roles available, the scope of growth, etc. 

Convey your Financial Details

Emphasize the worth of assets and valuables owned by you or your family. Bank details too are considered highly relevant. Clarify how you are going to fund your higher studies in Korea and whether there is a sponsor who is funding your education, stay, and other significant or insignificant expenses.

Closing your cover letter

Wrap up your cover letter for Korea student visa in a maximum of 5-6 lines. Reemphasize your interest in your course program and Korea. In 1-2 lines only you can share how this course will affect your personal and professional life. Extend warm regards to the visa officials for reading your application and expressing your hope of receiving a study permit.  

Mistakes that can level down your Cover Letter for Korean Student Visa

  • Writing a cover letter without prior research work and strategy planning is like guaranteeing a visa rejection for yourself.
  • Maintain stability between highlighting your achievements and overstressing them. Repeating information can prove to be harmful to your cover letter. 
  • Clearly address your English and Korean language proficiency in your cover letter for student visa
  • After starting with an interesting introduction, do not go light on your conclusion. Maintain a similar writing tone throughout your document. 
  • Using cliched sentences will show that you have not put in any personal effort. 
  • At no point should your visa cover letter indicate a lack of focus. 


The Republic of Korea has more than 400 public and private institutes for higher studies. More than 150,000 international students are accepted to study in the country each year. The reason why thousands of students choose to study in Korea is the seriousness with which the country has maintained an impeccable reputation for the quality of its education. It is only reasonable if the students are expected to submit a foolproof cover letter to secure their admittance into South Korea. Yes, this single document can have a mammoth impact on how officials view your profile as a student. Make sufficient efforts to ensure that you have explained your purpose clearly. Although it is a theoretical write-up, you do not have to write weak statements that demotivate the reader from reading your entire document. Instead, make sure that your cover letter for Korean student visa is engrossing enough to not let the reader drift their eyes. Coming to the writing style, keep it simple yet informative, creative yet related to the purpose, and communicative yet respectful. One way to ensure that your cover letter for student visa is written according to ideal standards is to get professional help from people who are experts in such form of writing. At Contentholic, we provide trustworthy Cover Letter Writing Service from which thousands of students have benefitted until now. We enjoy a reputation of being the best in the business because of our quality documents written by skilled cover letter writers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) for Cover Letter for Korea Student Visa

Name some of the best courses for international students in South Korea.

  • Some popular courses for international students in South Korea are-
  • Finance and Management
  • Hospitality
  • IT & Computer Science
  • International Trade
  • Engineering (Robotics, Mechanical, Civil, Nanoengineering etc.)
  • Medicine
  • Tourism & Event Management
  • Korean Language & Cultural Studies

Many popular courses in the country offer specializations if students are interested in carving out academic niches for themselves. 

What is cover letter for Korean Visa application?

A cover letter for Korea student visa is an application that highlights your intention to study in the country as you navigate through your interests and passions.

Is it important to learn Korean to study in Korea?

Depending on your course and university, it might/ might not be a prior requirement for you to learn the Korean language. However, it is advised that students migrating to Korea for studies should learn the language as it will help them communicate better with their surroundings.

Do I have to take IELTS to study in Korea?

The scores of your English Language Proficiency Tests are important if you wish to study in Korea. You can take either the IELTS or the TOEFL exam. There are different passing scores for bachelor’s and master’s levels. 

How much money do I need to study in Korea?

The tuition fee for studying in Korea depends upon the course you are pursuing, the university to which you have been admitted, and the facilities that are being provided to you. The average amount that a student needs to study in Korea can range between $ 3000- $ 5000 per year. 

Which Korean universities teach in English?

Some Korean Universities that have courses in the English language are-

  • Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
  • Sogang University
  • SolBridge International School of Business
  • Korea University, Seoul Campus
  • Myongji University