Malta is a small European country that is doing great wonders in the field of education. The country is fast gaining recognition for its standard academic institutions, affordable cost of living & tuition fees, beautiful weather, and a welcoming environment for international students. So, when a student applies for a study permit to get admittance into the country to realize their academic dreams, they are required to submit a cover letter for Malta student visa. This cover letter is a formal application where the student details how and under what circumstances they came to apply for this course and country. Simultaneously, they also have to acquaint the visa officer with other parts of their life like their academic experiences hitherto, any professional learnings, career goals, family information, or any other relevant thing that your visa officer should know about. Other than the matter of your student visa application cover letter, you have to give particular importance to ‘how’ you are writing your application as you must follow a specific format while staying clear of common errors also. To accomplish this humongous task that comes with such responsibility, we at Contentholic provide Cover Letter Writing Services in India to help students write an application that best suits their profile. Even so, the student must understand ‘what is a cover letter’ and ‘how it is attempted’. This blog will help you clarify all your doubts about this topic and enhance your knowledge about the task at hand. 

A Step-By-Step Guide For Writing A Cover Letter For Malta Student Visa

A precise and innovative opening- 

Start with an overview of yourself. Try to occupy the reader in your application by adding a catchy thought or quote. Include all factual details pertaining to your applied course and university. 

Briefly talk about yourself/your family-

Very succinctly you can talk about your interests and passions. They may or may not be academic. Write a little about your family and how they shaped your ideologies and values. Add some particular quality of theirs that you would like to develop in yourself and your work skills. 

Your performance as a student in school and college-

From high school to the latest academic qualification that you have completed, pen down how you decided on the subjects that you want to study. Describe any noteworthy projects and assignments that you have been a part of while highlighting the contributions made by you. 

Professional skills that you have learned/ responsibilities managed-

Name the companies/firms which you have worked or interned with. Be specific while sharing your roles and responsibilities. Emphasize the personal and professional skills that you learned and how they can support you with your studies in Malta. 

Why do you want to study this course?

The explanation that you will provide for your choice of course in your cover letter for Malta student visa will be of the highest prominence in deciding how genuine you are with your passion for your course. Share an insightful story or narrative for the same. 

How is your university favorable to you?

Here, you not only have to sing high praises for your academic institute in Malta but also personalize your answer by showing how the university will be favorable to you or support you with your personal/professional goals. Research well about the academic and non-academic facilities that your university provides to its students. 

Motivation to study in Malta-

Express the factors that encouraged you to complete your higher studies in Malta. You can state the country has several world-class universities that offer high-quality education. Moreover, there is a diverse range of course options and a rich vibrant culture that promotes the growth of international students. 

Showcase your financial strength-

Although the cost of studying in Malta is far less than in any other popular European country, you still have to show that you have enough finances to pay your tuition fees, housing costs, travel fare, or any other living expenditure. Write the estimated worth of your savings, properties, investments, etc. 

Professional aims and aspirations-

Elaborate on the professional roles and duties that you want to take on in the future and what is their validity to your course in Malta. The more strong links you show between the two, the better it will be for your cover letter for visa application. 

Errors that you need to be careful about while writing a student visa cover letter

  • Writing beyond the suggested word limit of 800-1000 can make the visa official lose interest in your application. 
  • Your sentences should not be very long or devoid of appropriate punctuation marks. 
  • Don’t be vague or try to confuse the reader with indirect or unclear information. 
  • Following a structure is absolutely important. You cannot put random information anywhere in the document.
  • While trying to highlight your achievements, do not use repetitive content. 
  • Using artificial intelligence or software applications to get an ‘instant’ cover letter for student visa is highly discouraged. 
  • Copying your application from online samples is also seriously unethical. 


When a visa official analyzes the profile of a student for a study permit, they take into account several factors. Their goal is to find if the applying candidate is true toward their intent, do they have the capability to accomplish their goals, and if they deserve to receive this golden opportunity to change the course of their life for the better. So when you take on the strenuous task of attempting to write this document, you have to ensure that you do not miss any information, write quality content only, and check that your application is readable as it also stands out from the one written by other applicants. A foolproof way to make certain that your document is of the highest quality is by availing of our services for CL writing. Our academic writing agency Contentholic provides this facility to students who want to fulfill their goal of studying abroad. Our skilled and experienced CL Writers prepare a customized cover letter for visa application that is not just error-free but also of optimum quality!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) for CL for Malta Student Visa

Is it difficult to get a student visa for Malta?

Malta has a good acceptance rate of at least 95%. Applying students must make sure that they submit all documents in a foolproof manner. You can expect a response in about 4 weeks from the university. 

What are some good universities in Malta for international students?

Some popular Maltese universities where international students can seek admission are-

-European Graduate School

-STC University

-University of Malta

-London School of Commerce

-Institute of Tourism Studies

-Queen Mary University

-Advenio eAcademy

-Ascencia Business School

-Triagon Academy

How do I begin my cover letter for Malta student visa?

You can start your application with a relevant thought or quote that highlights your course interest or knowledge. Move on to giving your formal introduction, passport details, and citizenship. Next, with appropriate passion and enthusiasm write about the course and university for which you have been accepted. In 1-2 lines write why this study program is of worth to you and will affect your life in the future. Your introductory paragraph should not be written in more than 150-200 words. 

I have not decided on my career plans yet. Can I skip them in my student visa cover letter?

No, you cannot skip writing about our future plans in your student visa cover letter. They add value to your ‘course interest’ and ‘purpose’. It is better to spend some time and research the career prospects that will be available to you after the completion of your applied course. Select the work fields that interest you the most and write about how you will accomplish your goals in the short and long term. 

Can I write about my extracurricular activities in my cover letter for Malta student visa?

Yes, you must write about your extracurricular activities in your cover letter for Malta student visa. They will enhance your student profile while simultaneously giving you a chance to soft skills. Moreover, Malt prefers and encourages students to be actively involved in all academic and non-academic activities.

Do I need to take any language test to study in Malta?

Depending on your course and university, you might be required to take an English language proficiency test to prove your level of understanding of the language. The country accepts scores of IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, or CEQ. 

What is the writing format of a cover letter for student visa?

A student visa cover letter should never be more than 2-2 ½ pages. Always use formal writing fonts like Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, etc. Fix your font size at 11 and do not forget to justify your document for a decent presentation. Divide your application into 7-8 paragraphs. 

How do I personalize my cover letter for Malta student visa?

Avoid any sort of general statements and conclusions to write an impeccable cover letter for student visa. Most of your content should bring out your strong & positive personality traits, highlight your successes, and clearly define your intent. It is best if you can brief stories or instances while giving your answer as it will not just give an insight into your life but also make your student visa cover letter interesting to read.