The need for a cover letter for Netherlands student visa arises when you apply for a study permit to fulfill your academic dreams in this European country. This letter can be considered an application whose purpose is to show why a student is willing to study in this country. It is written in the voice of the student and is a form of written communication. The worth of this ‘application’ can be understood by the fact that each year several student visa requests are rejected due to the moderate quality of cover letters that were incapable of competing with other worthy candidates. The students have to ‘show’ how their academic/professional achievements and fortes make them the perfect fit for the course which they have applied to study. Keep in mind that the visa officers go keenly through the academic and non-academic content of your application as they try to assess your personality. There are distinct parts of a study visa cover letter that contribute to writing a perfect application. To execute them, you must have decent writing skills as well as the understanding to analyze which information is worthy of being a part of your application and which is an unnecessary detail. 

Preparatory Steps That Can Help You Write A Strong Cover Letter For Student Visa

  • Research, understand, and learn what is the meaning of a student visa cover letter
  • In rough, write down the steps and format of your application. 
  • Think and find the details from your professional, personal, and academic life that you will include in your cover letter. 
  • Decide which projects, assignments, and activities done by you can bring out your soft skills. 
  • Start preparing the initial drafts and do not hurry through your work. 
  • Your letter must sufficiently show your passion and enthusiasm for the course, university, and country.
  • If you know the country’s official language ‘Dutch’, then do not forget to mention it in your application as it creates a good impression of yourself. 

The elements of a cover letter for Netherlands student visa

Paragraph 1: Initial Details

Charm the reader with an engaging introduction. Add an interesting thought or quote related to your course. Provide important details (name, passport number, course name, course duration, university, and intake period in clear statements so that your application purpose is clear. Briefly write how this course can help you shape a better future for yourself. 

Paragraph 2: Personal Information

Concisely talk about your life in your home country. You can mention your immediate family members, their outlook, and concern towards your education. You can highlight the relevant qualities that you have adopted yourself.

Paragraph 3: Academic and work details

List all your formal academic qualifications. Your focus should be on the subjects that interested you the most, qualifying exams that you have taken as well your performance in them. Likewise, write about your professional experiences. Lay extra emphasis on the exposure you received and the skills that you developed. Specify whether your current professional learnings can help you with your education in the Netherlands. 

Paragraph 4: Choice of course & university

The visa authorities are curious to understand what motivated you to study your choice of course. This point is a chance to share a fascinating story, experience, or scenario that shaped your interest in this field. It is also possible that your course is the ‘next best option’ in line with your previous studies. Further, you have to sing all praises for the Holland (the Netherlands) university to which you have applied. You can write down the brilliance of your course design, how you can benefit from the infrastructure & location, events and activities held at the university that can shape your personal as well as professional self, etc. 

Paragraph 5: Why study in the Netherlands?

Point out the country’s inclusive approach for international students, world-class universities, diverse study programs, etc. The country has beautiful cities and unique landscapes that make up the peaceful learning environment. Even when providing general explanations, personalize your details to show how they will benefit you. 

Paragraph 6: Career goals

Stipulate the steps you are going to take to fulfill your career goals. Do not attempt this point as a formality or as something that might/might not happen in the future. Your motive should be to show your commitment to what you wish to achieve in the future. Write about the nature of your future profession with the roles and responsibilities that you are looking forward to managing. 

Paragraph 7: Incentives to return

Writing about your ‘motivation to return to your home country’ is a way of assuring the visa authorities that completing your higher studies in the Netherlands is the only reason for which you have applied for a study permit. Reasons that you can use to support your argument are interest in living in your own country, family responsibilities, valuable properties and assets that require your care, or any other personal explanation. 

Paragraph 8: Proof of finances

Showcase the finances that enable you to complete an academic program in the Netherlands. It is better if the value of your savings, bank statements, investments, and assets exceed the expenses you require to study in the Netherlands (tuition fees, accommodation, everyday needs, travel fare, etc.). 

Points To Remember While Writing Your Cover Letter For Netherlands Student Visa

  • Ensure that the ‘introduction’ of your student visa cover letter is absolutely perfect. The first impression that you make can have a lasting impression on your entire cover letter. 
  • While writing about your academic and professional details, do not talk about anything negative in an exaggerated manner if it is not important. 
  • The kind of information you are writing in one paragraph should not be repeated anywhere again.
  • All paragraphs of your cover letter for student visa should be of equal length (150-220 words). It adds to the presentation of your application.  
  • The writing style and font have to be similar throughout your document. 
  • Just because you want to write a strong cover letter, do not lie about your education, qualifications or marks. 
  • Revise and edit your application until you are convinced that it is of the optimum standard.
  • You must not copy or develop your cover letter using AI tools. If you find it difficult to write your own application, seek professional help from Cover Letter Writing Services as it is a legal practice. 


When you write your cover letter for Netherlands student visa, you take on the difficult task of proving to the visa officials that you are a worthy candidate who can be trusted with all the claims that have been made by you in your application. Recently, students have been falling prey to the unethical practice of using AI tools or copying online samples as they think that they are error-free and correct. However, what they forget is that such computer tools only use general tools and are incapable of personalizing your application in a manner that highlights your personality traits as well as skills. Moreover, if and when the visa officers realize that you resorted to plagiarism and AI, they can go to the extent of disallowing you to submit a visa request again. Writing a formal document like a cover letter for visa application to the embassy is a professional skill that cannot be executed by everybody. If you are unsure about whether you will be able to do justice to an application of such magnitude, then you must contact our writing team. We, at Contentholic have the best cover letter writers who remain in demand for their impeccable work conduct. We understand what a visa official expects to see in your application and thus tailor your document to suit all their expectations. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) for Cover Letter for Netherlands Student Visa

Is it important to write a cover letter for Netherlands student visa?

Yes, if you want to study in Holland, then you must submit a cover letter for Netherlands student visa. This application provides you with the chance to communicate your worthiness yourself as well as write about your achievements/limitations. Being the only subjective document that is personal to yourself, it presents you with the opportunity to communicate directly with the visa authorities. 

What do I write in my cover letter for visa application?

The format of a student visa cover letter can help you understand the information that has to be included in your application. This ‘format’ consists of the following points-

  • Brief introduction
  • Personal Details
  • Former academic and work life
  • Reason for interest in the selected course
  • Why have you chosen this university
  • Motivation to study in this country
  • Show your finances
  • Professional aims and aspirations
  • Assurance to return to own country
  • Concluding your application

Which are the best courses to study in Netherlands?

Some popular courses to study in the Netherlands are-




-Social Science

-Computer Science

-Business and Technology

-Healthcare and Medicine

-Natural and Environmental Sciences

How do I end my cover letter for Netherlands student visa?

Conclude your cover letter for Netherlands student visa by reiterating and stressing your purpose of the application. Explain the positive effect your selected course will have on your life in the short and long run. Finally, thank the visa official for taking the time to go through your application as you express that you sincerely hope for a positive response.

What is the IELTS score required to study in Netherlands?

Netherlands demand an overall IELTS band in the range of 6-7. Students should score at least a ‘6’ in all the sections that are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Some universities can also demand a higher score for certain study programs. 

What is the cost of studying in Netherlands for an international student?

The Netherlands has a different fee structure for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate programs. Approximately, you will need 12,000 to 33,000 Euros to study in the Netherlands. Students will also have to take care of their accommodation charges, lifestyle expenses, transportation fares, etc. 

What do I write in the financial details of my cover letter for Netherlands student visa?

Firstly, inform who is going to support your education in the Netherlands and what relation they share with you. Next, show your/your sponsor’s financial strength by talking about their income, savings, bank statements, and investments. Write clear numbers as you describe the monetary worth of movable and immovable assets owned by you. Also, share the estimated value of vehicles, ornaments, and other luxuries owned by you or your sponsor. 

Can I study in Netherlands in English?

Several high-ranking Dutch universities have introduced courses that are taught in the English language. Students will have to find the right course programs that fit with their university expectations as the country is still choosy about the course language. The country has some excellent business, tourism, and language courses.