Spain is one of the most advanced countries in the world. Particularly in the field of education, the country is recognized for several prestigious universities that offer a diverse range of course programs. Higher studies in Spain are also gaining prominence because the system there sponsors a learning pattern that supports an individual’s professional growth. All universities and institutes are equipped and keep themselves updated with the latest industry trends, innovations, and advancements. Although this stands true for almost all subjects from different fields of study, some particularly popular courses that remain in great demand from all universities are business, finance and accounting, economics, hospitality management, natural sciences, IT, international relations, arts and sciences, journalism, etc. 

Every year, more than 150,000 international students move to this visually magnificent European country to benefit from its lucrative study programs that help them carve fruitful careers for themselves. Now, if you too are a student who has decided to make Spain their study-abroad destination then there are several academic and non-academic preparations that you have to begin with in time. Even after being accepted by a university, your dream of studying in Spain can be left incomplete if the country’s visa officials do not allow you to enter with a study permit in hand. As and when you apply for a permit, you are expected to submit a cover letter for Spain student visa. This letter has not one but several purposes as it makes you eligible to stand and compete with several other candidates who might have submitted a similar request. The quality and relevance of your covering letter for visa decide whether you are a candidate who is worthy enough to study in Spain. 

Understanding the concept of Cover letter for Spain student visa

A cover letter for Spain student visa is an integral and high-weightage part of a student’s visa application. To simplify, this letter can be understood as an application request submitted to the visa officials who will analyze your profile. The importance of this document lies in the information that is written in it. This information envelops different aspects of the student’s personal, professional, and academic life. As it is written in the voice of the students themselves, they are supposed to show relevant features of their life in their own country, expected student life in Spain as well as the professional future they have envisioned for themselves. Your information in a cover letter is always presented in various elements that make up the format of a student visa cover letter. This blog will help you understand not just the structure of an application of this nature but will also make you aware of the common mistakes that you must avoid while writing a cover letter. 

The Appropriate Format For Writing A Cover Letter For Spain Student Visa

Introduction to your application

Start with an eye-catching thought or idea. Move on to mentioning your particulars that is your name, passport number, and citizenship. Here, you have to write the name of the course, the university to which you have applied, the course duration, and the intake in which you are seeking admission. 

Educational Background– 

Talk about your academic qualifications and performance since high school. Point out the subjects/concepts that were of most interest. Do not overshare or write about anything which is not fitting. 

Professional Experiences

Internships, jobs, and specific projects & assignments can be counted as your work experience. Be cautious as your focus should not just be on writing bland details about companies and positions, but stress on the professional and personal skills that you developed. Describe how your learning can help you with your course in Spain. 

Choice of course– 

Share a fascinating story or reason that motivated you to choose your selected course program. Discuss whether it was a professional requirement, academic curiosity, or a personal interest in the subject. 

University/institute Details

Explain what was the reason that you chose to study in this particular university and not any other academic institute. In a way, your answer should put the spotlight on the qualities of the university. To personalize your answer, show how these ‘qualities’ can help you as an international student. 

Why study in Spain– 

Gush over Spain as a country that encourages student growth. You have the liberty to talk about the academic as well as non-academic aspects in your cover letter for Spain student visa for this particular point. Spain has a vibrant and thriving culture which makes it favorable for students. 

Financial Details

 Your cover letter for Spain student visa will be incomplete without information about your finances. This detail informs the visa officials whether you have the monetary strength to afford your education abroad. Write about the income, savings, worth of properties, and assets of the person who is sponsoring your education. 

Career Aspirations

Academic qualification must always lead to a productive professional life. Your student visa cover letter should take the reader through your immediate as well as long-term career goals. List the steps/actions that you will be taking to achieve them. 

Conclusion to your application

Even if you believe that you have written an impeccable application with all crucial details, you must not avoid writing a brief conclusion. State your purpose and motivation to study in Spain after rephrasing it. Lastly, express sincere thanks to the officials for reading your application and end with an appropriate salutation. 

General errors that should be avoided in a cover letter for Spain student visa

  • A cover letter for student visa should not be written in more than 800-1000 words. 
  • Do not write anything that leads to confusion or doubts.
  • Don’t forget to stress your skills and achievements. 
  • In an effort to be influential, do not sound fake or impractical.
  • You are not allowed to skip points and information out of your own will. 
  • Writing a weak purpose or motivation for your studies can lead to a negative result. 
  • Avoid writing widely common answers that do not have any freshness to them. 
  • Refrain from using difficult words whose meaning is not generally understood. 
  • One lengthy application with no proper segregation can be considered unreadable.
  • No paragraph should be written in more than 180-220 words.
  • Be extra cautious that there are no wrong spellings and incomplete sentences.  
  • Abstain from copying your application from online sources, friends, or acquaintances.
  • Failing to revise and edit your cover letter will land you with a document with several mistakes.


A notable number of applicants are denied study permits when their cover letter for Spain student visa is not written up to the desired mark. You have to be careful not just about the content of your application, but also the writing style, structuring, and presentation. Even the most minimal factors like the conversational tone of your application cannot be compromised.  An accurate way of ensuring that your cover letter for Spain student visa works in your favor is to get professional help from our team. The primary benefit that you gain from our services is that you can be 100% confident about your application. Our cover letter writers are skilled at building a narrative that structures your information into a smooth readable flow. We at Contentholic, are committed to helping students with our more than 13 years of experience. You can be assured that with our assistance, your visa application covering letter is in safe hands with elevated chances of a successful visa permit. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) for Cover Letter for Spain Student Visa

What is a cover letter for Spain student visa?

A cover letter for Spain student visa is a document that is prepared in support of your visa request. Its purpose is to convince the visa officer to grant you a study permit. It is expected that your application has all the required details about academic history, work history, family details, passion for your course, interest in university & country, financial strength, and any shortcomings or information that a visa officer should know. 

Can I study in Spain without knowing the Spanish language?

It completely depends on your course and university. Some institutes can demand you to show your level of Spanish proficiency and others may not. However, a certain level of knowledge/understanding of the Spanish language can help you converse easily with the locals and other national students. 

Do I need to take the IELTS examination to study in Spain?

If you are going to Spain for a study program in the English language then you will have to show your understanding of the language. You can take English language tests like IELTS and TOEFL for this purpose.

Is it difficult to get a student visa for Spain?

No, it is not very difficult to get a student visa for Spain. Spain has a 97% success rate for student visas. Make sure that you submit all the necessary documents that do not have any errors or raise any doubtful questions. 

Which are some good universities in Spain for international students?

Some popular Spanish universities that accept international students are-

– University of Navarra

-University of Jaen

Universidad Carlous III de Madrid

-University of Granada

-Autonomous University of Barcelone

-Pompeu Fabra University

-Barcelone School of Economics

-EU Business School

-University of Valencia

How do I explain why I want to study in Spain in my cover letter for visa application?

In your cover letter for student visa, you must show how obtaining a qualification from Spain can increase your career prospects in your own country. Spain has a properly organized education system that provides optimum quality knowledge. Its universities are highly reputed and often rank at the top. Moreover, the locals of the country are welcoming toward international students and you are willing to experience an ever-thriving culture. 

How much money do I need to study in Spain?

The cost of your education in Spain depends on your study program and the university/institute to which you have applied.  Approximately, you will have to pay somewhere around 5,000-18,000 Euros. 

How do I start writing my student visa cover letter?

The introduction of your student visa is of significant importance as it sets the tone of your entire application. All crucial details like your name, passport number, citizenship, course & university name, and duration of the course have to be written. To make a mark with your introduction, add a creative thought, view, or quote that reflects your passion for your course studies. Do not confuse the beginning of your cover letter to be your personal introduction or provide unnecessary details about your own self. 

How do I make sure that my cover letter for student visa is written formally?

To ensure that your cover letter for student visa is written formally, you must remember the following things-

-Use accurate salutations.

-Address the visa officer respectfully.

-Be respectful throughout your application.

-Your writing should not be too personal or sentimental. 

-Do not make any presumptions about the visa officials.