Below is the Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Visa Canada


The Visa Officer

Canadian High Commission,

Sub: Application requesting a Tourist visa for Canada

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am John Michael, a Nigerian resident currently residing in Germany on a resident visa. I work here as a steward in the gastronomy industry. I have been working in this country for a long time, and over the past year, I have worked hard not to take a break for myself. It has also earned me good money, but now I am exhausted and longing for an international trip. Therefore, I have decided to visit Canada for a week.

Purpose of visit

As mentioned above, I have been very busy with work over the last year, and I have not treated myself well, which has made it quite monotonous for me. As a human being, I need the much-required rejuvenation and break from work where I can be myself. I am an enthusiastic traveler who likes to explore different places. According to my ability to pay for my trip, I have found Canada to be the most fitting destination to break free. Hence, I have planned a week trip from 9th June to 15th June 2023.

There, I have planned to explore the Distillery District, Royal Ontario Museum, Niagara Falls, Butterfly Conservatory, Botanical Gardens, Canadian Museum of History, Niagara Falls View Casino Resort, and Canadian War Museum. Also, I would like to experience the Maid of the Mist Boat ride and the delicacies of authentic Canadian food in the local restaurants.

Tiebacks to the country of residence (Germany) and permanent home (Ghana)

Considering my family ties in Canada, I do not share any family relations here, and I assure you that I will not overstay in Canada. I have stable employment in Germany, and I have to return to my job within the stipulated time, which may harm my employee relations with my employer if I don’t be present at my work. I cannot risk my current job as it is my sole breadwinner and helps me stay in an excellent financial position. Therefore, I must return to my country of residence at any cost. Likewise, if we talk about my country, Nigeria, I have my family there, and I share a good rapport with my family members for whom I will return home.

Financial ties

Since I have been working for more than <add number> years, I have saved enough to fund my trip. I earn <add amount> per month, which is more than enough for me and allows me to save a decent sum for my extra expenditure. I already have <amount> as liquid savings, which will be used for my trip. Therefore, I can bear the expense of my journey without depending on anyone or posing any liabilities.

Travel history

Since <add year>, I have been living in Germany for employment reasons. I traveled between Nigeria and Germany to meet my family members during this time. Besides this, I do not have any other international travel history.


Thank you in advance for going through my application and giving me an opportunity to explain my reasons for visiting Canada. My genuine intentions and tiebacks to my country of residence will help you allow me a travel permit.


John Michael