Australia has always welcomed international students to benefit from its standard education system that promises practical learning and unlimited exposure to academic and non-academic topics. Students who have wished to study in the country have always been inspected with tight scrutiny to ensure that they do not have any dubious motive to come to the country. The Home Affairs Ministry of Australia has now introduced the concept of Genuine Student Requirement which is to be passed by international students. The application has to be submitted along with the other documents of your student visa application. Your complete profile is then assessed on the guidelines of GSR as the ministry decides if your application meets the eligibility criteria set by them. This new scheme is relevant to all students who have applied for courses that are taught for more than 12 months. As a student, if you have applied for a visa that allows you to stay in the country for more than one year, then you too have to make sure the GSR details are a part of your final application.

What is a Genuine Student Requirement?

The Genuine Student Requirement (GSR) is a set of guidelines that were previously known by the name Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE). Significant changes and updates have been made for students who will be applying for a visa after March 23, 2024. Students who have filed for their application before this date do not need to worry about this scheme as their profiles will be reviewed based on previous regulations only.

The intention with which GSR has been launched is to increase transparency of the student’s overall life in their home country. Transparency of details about the personal and professional life of the student is the only key for the officials to verify the degree of genuineness a student holds to their character. Australia strictly does not want any student who is not serious about their studies and has motives other than education to come to their country. 

How to write your SOP for Australia student visa while following the Genuine Student Requirement

A statement of Purpose is a crucial part of your visa application that can make or break your chances of studying in Australia. It is an essay letter prepared by the student that emphasizes information such as the course details, professional work, and financial worth in the home country. A different format of SOPs is followed for visa, admission, scholarship, or other purposes. The introduction of GSR has enhanced the value of SOP to a great length. Students now have to be more careful with their writing style as officials will avoid accepting any student who is not fit to stay in the country. A balance needs to be established by the student regarding the information that should/should not be a part of their application. The Home Affairs Office has explicitly given the details that they expect to see in your profile application. Here, we have written the points that you can follow while writing your GSR SOP

Establish a clear motive in the introduction

  • Begin writing your GSR SOP for Australia by stating the purpose of writing this document. The course and university to which you have applied can be named in the introduction itself followed by a brief experience or passion that encouraged you to study it. There is no compulsion to write your name or age since it is already provided in your other documents in the profile. 

Academic Information of the Student

  • The formal education that you have gained prior to applying for a course in Australia is a crucial part of your SOP. This includes school, high school, degree, or any diploma qualification that you have studied. 
  • Write the name of the school, university, institute/organization in which you were enrolled along with the duration of each of these levels. 
  • The final degree award or merit certificate that you received after completing your titles is to be written in your GSR SOP.

Academic History in Australia, if any

  • If you are an applicant who has studied in the Australian land before also then there is some additional information that should find space in your SOP. Write complete details of your educational background in the country and the year, name of the course, duration of the course, along with the institution name.
  • If you have changed your field/ course of study then give reasons for it. If you have any documents to substantiate it, then make them a part of your profile.
  • Describe your merit-based performance during your previous stay in Australia. Any academic, and non-academic achievements, subjects that you studied, or other relevant details can be counted too.

 Details of Ongoing occupation

  • Students who are currently working as professionals in any field or industry have to give substantial details about it. Clearly state the name of your company, the department in which you are working, and your employer. Write the address of your company too. 
  • Mention the exact detail on which you started your employment, any particular condition if attached to your work, the post you held, and the kind of work that you have undertaken in this role.
  • The name, contact details, and e-mail address of a person who can confirm this information is very crucial. Do not lie or provide any false or misleading information since Australian officials consider this an important part of your background check.

Your all-inclusive information in the native land

  • You can start by writing about your family members. Give their names, their relation to you, their occupation. The kind of bond you share with them as well as any quality of theirs that you want to imbibe into yourself which can add worth to your character is relevant too.
  • Talk about the community to which you belong. If there are any responsibilities or duties that you work towards, then include them in your GSR SOP. This can be an excellent opportunity to make your social involvement count while showcasing your participation in them.
  • A vital detail that has to be addressed by you on this point is whether the course that you want to study in Australia, is available in universities/colleges in your home country or not. If available, what is your reason for not pursuing it in your own country?  GSR SOP writing students can defend this point by writing the positives of their chosen Australian university, advanced technology, diverse teaching methods, focus on practical learning, experimental opportunities, fieldwork, etc. 

Details of economic documents

  • Students have to depict their standard of living in their residential country. Annual personal/ family income has to be written in exact numbers. Significant profits or losses that you faced in terms of money during the period of the last twelve months before filing for your application have to be particularly detailed. 
  • Explain your income tax details and ascertain the fact that you have attached its documents with your profile. Bank statements of your personal account or the person who is sponsoring your education are necessary too. Do proper research about your tuition fees and living costs in Australia as your account should showcase the expected amount.
  • If you have connected with a company or employer who is ready to employ you after you have completed your education in Australia then this will add scoring points to your profile. Give details of your prospective company and the salary that they are offering you. 
  • If there is minor/major political tension in your home country that is or might affect you personally in the future and you want to leave your nation for this, then do elaborate on this topic. This also includes community unrest, religious tensions, or military actions.
  • Reassure the fact that you have attached all proofs related to your information about bank details, ITR, or other funds and investments.

Valid explanation of the following

  • Give acceptable reasons for which you want to leave the comfort of your country. If similar subjects and courses are taught there too, then why do you wish to study them in Australia? Any academic drawbacks that you face/ have faced in the past are admissible.
  • Elaborate on the nature of the connection you feel between yourself and your country. GSR SOP writing students are advised to not be unnecessarily negative about their situation and instead talk about the affection that they have felt in their growing/current years. 
  • Share your economic standard, the luxuries you can afford, and if you are overall comfortable in your everyday life. Financial tensions or hurdles that you face in your native land should also be referred to. 

Stress upon expected life in Australia

  • This point aims to understand your expectations from your student life in Australia. Other than the course name, write down the subjects and modules that you are going to study at your Oz University. If you have a certain level of interest in some particular topic or are excited about learning something that will help you with your career in the future then it is better to highlight it. 
  • Convey details about your accommodation arrangements in the country and if you have taken any steps for it yet. International students often opt for residential colleges, hostels, rented apartments, or friends/relative’s homes for their living facilities. 
  • Depict how financially stable you will be with your stay in Australia. If you are planning to do part-time work or have already found employment, elaborate on its details. 

Course relevance in the future

  • The Home Affairs Ministry gives due consideration to the subject approach that you have followed until now. They strictly analyze the validity of your past education with your current education/employment. It is preferred that it aligns with the course you are going to study in Australia. If you are a student who is genuinely looking to change their field of education and have no other ulterior motive then substantiate your decision with reasons that motivated you to do so. 
  • Emphasize whether your choice of course will give you suitable employment options back in your home country or if you have plans to work somewhere else around the world.
  • Do thorough research about the salary you expect to draw from the position on which you desire to work in your own nation. Give proper numbers and avoid any vague explanation to this point. If there are incentives and bonuses that you expect to receive then shed light upon them too.

Visa History

  • Share travel details of your visit to Australia and any other international country in previous years. It includes the people you traveled with, the year of your visit, purpose, frequency, etc. 
  • If you have a history of visa refusal or visa applications for Australia and other countries then talk about them in your GSR SOP.
  • Any trip cancellations after visa acceptance or any other travel detail related to immigration is equally relevant to your current application.

The Basis on which Your Application is Judged

  • The officials thoroughly scrutinize financial, economic, academic, familial, and personal circumstances in your life until now. 
  • Immigration details and the history of yourself and family members closely connected to you should not be underestimated.
  • Efficiency in submitting the documents that are asked for can be a key contributor in deciding your chances to study in Australia.
  • Fulfilling all visa conditions and answering the GS requirements in an optimum manner.

Writing tips to follow for your SOP while keeping GSR in mind

  • Write your GSR SOP in standard English language. 
  • Do not use ancient terms, modern slang, or short forms. 
  • Each point/question should be answered in not more than 150 words.
  • Avoid inappropriate use of grammar or leave incomplete sentences.
  • Any relevant information about you that is not asked, write yourself.
  • Keep your essay simple, yet engaging.
  • Re-think, revise, re-edit, and proofread your document thoroughly.
  • Maintain clear, crisp, and precise language.


Each year more than 5,50,000 students are accepted to study in Australia. At the same time, there exists a large number of students whose visa applications are rejected because they could not submit a foolproof visa application. The Australian officials want objective as well as subjective evidence of the true intent with which you have applied to study in their country. Any student with a grain of doubt about their application will certainly miss out on their dream of studying in one of the best countries around the world. The newly launched GS requirements have powered the officials to understand your “genuineness’ with transparency to understand your life until now. Applicants must make sure that they write their GSR SOP for Australia while adhering to the guidelines proposed by the Home Affairs website for GS Requirements. Carve out a balance between necessary and unnecessary information and give due importance to writing style, frame of words, the language used, etc. 

Understandably, such a broad range of directions can be confusing as well as tricky for a student to include in their GSR SOP. However, if you do not want to take any chances with such a vital piece of document then you should contact professional SOP writing services who can assist you in carrying out this process seamlessly. We, at Contentholic, have been dealing with students going to Australia on student visas and helping them with the SOP. We have been listed as the best SOP writing services in Delhi. Our Experienced SOP Writers in Delhi have written SOPs for many students and are aware of all the guidelines. Along with that, they also keep themselves updated with the latest guidelines like GSR. So, let us help you with this new Australian Study Visa SOP format and fulfill your dream of studying in Australia.