It is only natural for a person to look for growth and development in personal as well as professional aspects of their life. What if we tell you that Germany is one such country in the world that offers you the best quality of life and a chance for a rewarding professional life through one of its latest schemes? On June 1, 2024, Germany introduced a new immigration pathway called ‘Opportunity Card’. This opportunity card, also recognized as ‘Chancenkarte’ is a kind of permit that allows you to live in Germany for one year. During this duration, you are supposed to look for full-time/part-time employment for yourself. However, just like nothing good comes easy in life, there are several eligibility and expectations that you should meet in order to qualify for this entry permit to Germany. This blog will help you understand all the nitty gritty details revolving around the Germany Opportunity Card along with its relevance for you. 

What Is A Motivation Letter For Germany Opportunity Card?

When you submit your application for German Opportunity Card to the said country’s embassy/visa officials; you are required to submit a motivation letter alongside it. This motivation letter which may also be known as a statement of purpose, personal statement, or letter of intent; is basically an application that is written in the voice of the applicant. In this application, the candidate is supposed to justify their worth for the Germany Opportunity Card by talking about their professional achievements, academic qualifications, personal highlights, financial standing, and other such relevant things. It holds a strong weight in your entire Opportunity Card Application as it is your written communication with the German authorities who will grant you this permit. Through this application, the applicant’s purpose should be to convince the immigration officials to provide you the opportunity card by showing your worth for it. In simple language, the quality and authenticity of your writing will decide whether your request for this unique entry card will be accepted or not. To be able to write and convey your message is quite a skill in itself. We understand that it is not possible for every eligible/worthy candidate to express themselves through their writing; which is why they connect with professional LOM Writing Services (letter of motivation) to get their application written. Our academic writing agency Contentholic is a recognized service provider in this field. Our skilled LOM writers are proficient at crafting an application that elevates the standard of your profile. 

Eligibility To Apply For German Opportunity Card

  • The applying candidate should have completed a minimum of two years of vocational training. Not all vocational courses will be acknowledged and applicants must check whether their course is recognized or not. 
  • If a candidate has not done any vocational course, then they should have a university or college degree from an academic institute that is recognized in their home country as well as in Germany.
  • Proven language skills in either German or English language. If you are showing your German language proficiency, then you should have completed at least the A1 level. Similarly, if you are showing your understanding of the English language, then you should meet the B2 level. 
  • Proof of adequate finances to support your stay in Germany for one year. 
  • Applicant must score a minimum of six points on the evaluation criteria set for the Chancenkarte.

Understanding The Point Criteria For Chancenkarte

The point criteria is a system where certain points are awarded based on factors that matter for an international to come and work in Germany. Scoring at least ‘6’ is a must for receiving the opportunity card. 

S. No.  Evaluation Criteria Points Awarded
1 Age of the applicant
  • 35 or less than 35 years- 3 Points
  • 36-39 years- 1 point
2 Having a residential history in Germany and less than 40 years of age
  • 1 Point
3 Professional Experience
  • 5 year work experience- 3 Points
  • 2 year work experience- 2 Points
4 Spouse qualifying for Opportunity Card
  • 1 Point
5 Recognized qualification 
  • 4 Points
6 German/English Language Skills
  • 3 Points/ 1 Point

Steps To Write An Effective Motivation Letter For Germany Opportunity Card


Begin your application by introducing yourself through your name, passport number, and nationality. You may write a few lines about your personal self and family background so that the reader can familiarize with you. State that you are writing this application to request for a German opportunity card. Remember, this initial part of your application should be short and engaging; the officials should be motivated to read your application further. 

Academic Information-

Our academic journey is a testament to the professional activities we are engaged in. Share your educational details in terms of the qualifications you have completed, the academic institutes you joined and their recognition in your country as well as the marks and scores that you finally obtained. Keep in mind that one of the eligibilities for this opportunity card is a recognized university degree or at least two years of vocational training. Your motivation letter for Germany opportunity card should clearly state whether or not you qualify for these points. 

Professional Details-

Your professional details include all internships and jobs that you were previously and currently engaged in. Specify the designations at which you were employed. It will be admirable to show how you have progressed in your career and the variety of skill sets you have gained. Applicants must not hesitate to emphasize their professional qualities and the skills and knowledge that make them a preferred employee. 

Notable Achievements and Participation-

One of the ways through which you can strengthen your claim as a worthy professional capable of contributing to Germany’s economy positively is by showing off your achievements. Applicants may talk about special projects and assignments that they have handled, praise & recognition for their work, awards received, contributions that led to profits for their company, soft skills that make them a team player, and other such things. 

Purpose and Motivation-

Clearly describe what is your purpose for coming to Germany and the plan of action you have set to achieve your goals. You must be able to prove to the immigration officials that you do not have any dubious intent and that this opportunity card is not a random decision with no serious approach. If you have a unique or interesting explanation for what motivated you to apply for this permit then you might as well share it in your motivation letter for German Opportunity Card

Why Germany?

Is there a particular reason why you want to set up a professional life in Germany? At this point in your Germany Opportunity Card Application, you must explain why have you chosen Germany for your professional advancement. Here, the applicant may highlight the vibrant social and cultural environment of Germany, financial benefits, scope of career growth, standard of living, scenic beauty all around, etc. 

Language Proficiency-

Language skills are an important point that adds notable points to your profile. English and German are the two languages in which you can show your proficiency. Your knowledge of the English or German language should be at levels B2 and A1 respectively. IELTS and TOEFL are the two English language tests that are recognized because of their Qmark certification. Besides your overall score, write your section-wise scores as well. 

Career Aims and Aspirations-

Be cautious about the fact that you must not be aimless with your career goals. For a better description, you may divide them into short-term and long-term goals. The more planned your maneuver is, the more easily you will be trusted with your intent. If there are specific companies and organizations in Germany, then you may name them in your application. 

Financial Details-

Prove in your motivation letter that you have sufficient finances (minimum €1027 for each month) to support yourself during your job search in Germany. The amount can be demonstrated in a blocked bank account. To further prove your financial strength, you may briefly talk about the value of assets owned by you, sources of income, current earnings, savings, etc.


Conclude your motivation letter for Germany opportunity card by restating your purpose and intent. Stress how a career in Germany will be lucrative to your professional life. Briefly describe the factors that make Germany the right place for your career growth. Finally, end your application on a positive note and thank the officials for the kind perusal of your application letter. 

Writing Tips To Be Kept In Mind While Writing Motivation Letter For German Opportunity Card

  • Do not write general statements that lack motivation and enthusiasm. Just like this unique entry card, your application and the content should be personalized to you. 
  • For a better presentation, divide your letter of motivation into paragraphs. Ensure that each paragraph has a piece of different information so that there is sufficient ‘clarity of case’ for the reader. 
  • Keep your language clear and crisp. There is no need to use decorative language or using idioms and phrases whose meaning is not generally known. 
  • Write an engaging introduction so that the authorities are motivated to read your letter further. 
  • While highlighting achievements and recognition is important, stay wary of repeating information as it brings down the magnitude of your accomplishments. 
  • Stay cautious about the word limit of your letter of motivation. An unnecessarily long application may look dragged, making the reader lose interest in it. 
  • All through the application, you must maintain a similar font, font style, and line spacing. 
  • Grammatical errors, appropriate use of punctuation, formatting, capitalization, etc. too are factors that should be taken care of. 
  • The use of AI softwares and applications is looked down upon. Such tools drastically fail to deliver a customized application that can bring positive results. 
  • Remember to edit and revise your letter of motivation before the final submission. It helps you discard your writing errors and make relevant additions and substractions to your content.
  • Finally, proofread your application one last time to check whether you have met your writing goals. 

Advantages Of Applying For The German Opportunity Card

  • Germany has an exceptionally strong economy which means that there are a variety of work opportunities and ample scope of growth for an individual. 
  • People living in Germany enjoy a standard quality of life due to affordable living costs and all basic amenities available at hand. 
  • In comparison to other entry permits like the job seeker visa, the opportunity card is easier, advantageous, and restrictions-free in terms of finding work at your own pace.
  • Once you have found employment of your choice, you can apply for a longer stay permit which can later transition into permanent residence. 
  • The opportunity card is financially beneficial as you can work both part-time or full-time. Even part-time pays you a minimum wage of 12.41 euros per hour.

Final Note

An applicant’s motivation letter for a Germany opportunity card can surely be the one document that can both increase or decrease their chances of working in Germany. The process of availing this entry card can be quite long and complex. There are several eligibilities and steps that the applicant has to pass through before reaching the final stages of their applying process. One may question that amongst other forms of formalities, how does a motivation letter play the main role? To answer this question, we must tell you that in your entire application, the authorities decide how worthy and genuine you are as an applicant. Through your letter of motivation, you make it convenient for them to analyze your profile by providing a gist of your application and stressing on points that need attention (eligibilities, qualifications, achievements, etc.). The more precise, authentic, and goal-directed you will be, the better your chances of winning the German opportunity card. Even the best of the minds may find themselves in a dilemma with a task of such kind. It is after all a formal application that needs to be attempted with skills and proficiency. We at Contentholic have been providing services in this field for more than 13 years now. Our LOM writers and visa experts work together to understand every profile to work out what works best for each applicant. By availing of our LOM writing services, you can elevate your chances of receiving the German opportunity card and fulfill your professional ambitions in Germany!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) for Motivation Letter For Germany Opportunity Card

What is a motivation letter for Germany Opportunity card?

A motivation letter for Germany opportunity card is an application in which an applicant justifies their worth to get a chance to find employment in Germany. It is for skilled professionals from respective fields who are looking for attractive work opportunities. The opportunity is a worthwhile chance for individuals belonging to non-European Union countries.  

How long should be my motivation letter for German Opportunity card?

Your motivation letter for German Opportunity card can be written in a maximum of 1 ½ to 2 pages (4000-5000 characters). 

Is there an age limit to apply for Germany opportunity card?

No, there is no set age limit to apply for the German opportunity card. 

Where can I apply for the German Opportunity card?

There are two ways in which an applicant can apply for the German opportunity card. You may either submit your request/application at the German embassy of your home country or in the online mode on Consular Services Portal.

Is it compulsory to learn German before applying for Chancenkarte?

To apply for the German Opportunity card (Chancenkarte), an applicant needs to prove their language proficiency in either German or English language. To be more specific, you must have German language skills at the A1 level or English language skills at the B2 level. 

Is professional experience required to apply for Germany Opportunity Card?

While it is not a compulsion to have professional experience before applying for Germany opportunity card, you can certainly gain points for relevant work history. Applicants with two and five years of work experience get two and three points respectively. 

Do I need to show financial strength while applying for Germany opportunity card?

Yes, an applicant must show that they are financially secure while applying for a German Opportunity card. Since the job card is valid for one year, you must have a minimum of € 1027 for each month.

What decided my chances of receiving the opportunity card for Germany?

A ‘point system’ has been put in place by the German authorities to evaluate how deserving you are of receiving the German opportunity card. A minimum of 6 points are compulsory to be scored by the applicant.

What are the charges for applying for German Opportunity card?

The charge of applying for the German opportunity card (application fee) is € 75.