Below is the Cover Letter Sample for France Student Visa After Refusal


The Visa Officer

Consulate General de France

New Delhi, India

Sub. Reapplication requesting a study permit for France

Respected Sir/Madam

I am Rohit Kohli, a tech professional from the heart of India – New Delhi, bearing an Indian Passport – XXXXX. Having a keen interest in technology, I have always followed my passion for an abreast with the latest trends and technologies. Post my engineering studies in computer science, I have gathered some relevant work experience and now I am willing to continue the journey of my learning, I have decided to pursue higher studies at the République française. I am writing this application to support my re-application for a French Student Visa Permit. I had applied for the same previously but unfortunately, it was rejected on 09/06/2022 on the mentioned grounds-

You have not provided proof that you have sufficient resources to cover your expenses of all kinds during your stay in France, or you are not able to legally acquire these means.

After my professional experience, to improve my knowledge and skills in the same domain and leap in my career, I am willing to pursue an MSc in Data Science for Marketing from Audencia Business School. This one-year program will be commencing on 22nd July 2022 and thus I am re-applying for the study permit to join the program timely. I am presenting my profile again with a better explanation to provide clarity on my financial resources and capabilities.

Academic and Professional Details

I have been a consistent performer in my academics during school and college. In 2016, I completed my higher secondary school from the non-medical stream with 86.2% marks. Given my curiosity for computer technology and fascination with software and its programming, I decided to pursue a B. Tech. in Computer Science. The period of my graduation proved to be a great learning time as I developed my knowledge about data structures, algorithms, data visualization, programming, scripting, etc. I also completed certificate courses in Advanced Python and Operations Analytics to enhance my knowledge further. In 2020, I completed my graduation with 78% marks. I soon joined HEDENX Technologies as an Associate Software Engineer and contributed to the improvement of device performance, implementing Python automation scripts, making data-driven decisions, etc. In early 2021, I joined the Royal Bank of Scotland, India as an advisor engineer.

Choosing an MSc in Data Science for Marketing

The scope and use of Data Science and Engineering for marketing and decision-making has moved the world to the next level. It has been estimated that by the end of 2026, there will be 180 zettabytes of data globally which further highlights the expansive future of data science. With a passion for the latest technology and upcoming trends, I have understood that data science is going to be the future of marketing, AI, and automation. Thus, to further increase my knowledge and skills in data science I profoundly believe that a formal education is important and thus I have chosen this M.Sc. program in Data Science for marketing.  When I came across this program offered by Audencia Business School, I was thoroughly impressed with the course design and structure. First of all, it targets professionals like me and emphasizes on learning of practical skills like programming, use of XLstat, SPSS, etc. Secondly, to become an expert in a subject, it is important to learn from people who are masters of their field. The course guarantees several talks and lectures from professionals who are connected to the work industry. I am eager to learn about applications and evaluate real-life case studies using databases. The module that has grasped my interest the most is machine learning for marketing, consumer psychometrics, predictive analytics, and AI for marketing.

Reason For Choosing Audencia Business School and France

Once I made up my mind to pursue my masters abroad, I was always willing to do it from Western Europe and started doing my research for the top destination among which France always had a special place in my heart owing to its language, culture, architecture, and rich heritage. Early this year, French President Mr. Emmanuel Macron visited India and announced to welcome 30,000 Indian Students by 2030 to strengthen India-France Relations. With such great diplomatic relations with India, I am sure that France would be the best place for my higher education. I desired to pursue my higher studies in a place that has a certain level of academic prowess and is known for its academic excellence. Audencia not only comes under 1% of worldwide institutes that have triple accreditation but also ranked 3rd in digital marketing and data analytics. The institution supports international students from different backgrounds and gives them the chance to make personal & professional development. To reflect upon my choice, I went the extra mile and contacted several alumni of the school and received positive reviews from people who were satisfied with their career progression. Additionally, my prospective institute is located in a thriving place that maintains a certain quality of life. The student-friendly environment, emphasis on experiential learning, practical projects, and notable partnerships of the university make it the perfect place to complete my master’s. Being a developed country, its quality of education is incomparable. The country’s universities always rank high in world rankings which is why I am certain that I will learn about all the latest developments of my chosen subject program and gain advanced knowledge. The process of teaching and learning in France is certainly more advanced than in my home country as I will gain international exposure and learn from the experiences of my classmates and qualified teachers. France is a vibrant country that has a unique culture of their own just like India., I am excited to study in this extraordinary country and learn more about it as I complete my course.

Career Goals

India is one of the most lucrative countries in the world for all the major international companies across the world. The growth of MNCs, start-ups, and corporations has gone up by leaps and bounds. With increasing competition and growth, there has been a great demand for professionals in data science, AI, and automation. I have plans to return to India after the program and will aim to find a suitable job in some of the global players in this domain to learn and hone my skills in the domain of data science and analytics. I am confident that because of my notable qualifications from France, I will be able to work with companies like tech giants Tata, Wipro, Amazon, Google, AbsolutData, Genpact, Deloitte, etc. After gaining practical experience for some years and developing my work skills, my long-term goal is to take on coveted leadership and management positions and contribute significantly to my organization and team.

Financial Planning for Education in France

Along with me, my parents are quite excited about my studies abroad and have willingly offered to be my sponsor for my entire education and living expenses. My father Mr. Tarun Kohli is a salaried employee with Uflex India and my mother is a housewife. On his designation as product manager, he earns a monthly gross income of INR 5,00,000 per month. Since my teenage years, my father always advised me to dream big and work hard to achieve all my goals. He highly emphasizes quality education and started saving money for my studies early on. He planned a fixed deposit specially for this purpose in which he started collecting money. Each year, this amount gets mature and he renews it by adding some more amount to it. There are INR 55,76,000 in this FD. I must make it clear that this amount can be liquidated at any point in time according to need and use irrespective of the maturing date. My mother Mrs. Sunita Kohli has a fixed deposit of INR 15,00,000. They are both providing this amount for my education. To talk about myself, I earn a monthly gross income of INR 2,51,000 from my employment at Royal Bank of Scotland. I too have INR 31,00,000 as fixed deposits. To add to our financial strength, my family owns properties that are worth INR (___________). We also have jewelry and vehicles whose value can be estimated at INR (__________). We are disciplined taxpayers who fulfill our legal duty religiously. With this application, I have attached the Income Tax Return for the last 3 years for your reference.

To confirm my admission, I have already deposited 7,000 Euros to my institute. For my accommodation, I have already paid an advance of 1257 Euros (deposit) and 1459 Euros (first-month rent). To reflect on my and my family’s standard of living in India, we are an affluent family who enjoy certain luxuries in our lives. We have thoroughly evaluated the finances to pursue this course in France and can confirm that we are capable of affording the required amount without putting any financial strain on ourselves. My sponsors are willing to pay for my tuition fees, travel fare, accommodation, lifestyle expenses, and any other unexpected expenditures. I have also traveled internationally to Vietnam and Thailand for tourism and recreational purposes.

Family Ties

The foremost reason that encourages me to return to India after completing my studies in France is to reunite with my dear family. I live in Delhi with my parents and my brother and sister. We are a family that shares a strong emotional bond and appreciates one another’s role in our lives greatly. Being the youngest in the family, my family has showered me with love and care. I urge that after I return, I too look after my family’s emotional and financial needs. My parents will be awaiting my return as I share a close connection with them.  Moreover, I have planned my career goals in India for which my return is necessary. I will share the knowledge that I will gain from my course in France with my colleagues and company so that our work practices also become of the international standard and we can make worthy achievements from it.


To conclude, I would like to restate that my purpose in applying to study in France is to increase my knowledge of Data Science (Marketing) and then develop a lucrative career in this field. As was the concern raised in my previous visa request, I can confirm that my sponsors have sufficient funds to support my education comfortably and we are capable of affording my education, living expenses, and any other unexpected expenditure. I earnestly request you grant me a study permit so that I can realize my academic goals by studying this valuable course in France.

Finally, I wholeheartedly thank you for your time and attention to this application.


Rohit Kohli