Below is the Cover Letter Sample for German Study Visa After Refusal


The Visa Officer, 

German Consulate General

Sub: Application in response to study permit refused on 07/02/2022 (S052732530)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Abha Singh, an Indian citizen willing to pursue further studies in Germany. I am writing to provide further insights into my application for a student visa to pursue a master’s degree in Digital Engineering at Otto von Guericke University (OVGU), Magdeburg, Germany. I understand that my previous visa application was not successful, and I would like to address any concerns that may have led to the following rejection.

<add reasons as in rejection letter>

Motivation to Pursue this Program

The decision to pursue a master’s in Digital Engineering stems from my desire to strengthen my foundation in computer science. As a Software Developer, I find myself continually adapting to new technologies. The fast-paced nature of my current role limits my exploration of fundamental computer science concepts. The Digital Engineering program at OVGU aligns perfectly with my career objectives, offering in-depth subjects in computer science fundamentals, AI/Machine Learning, and Human factors in IT systems. My long-term goal involves pursuing a Ph.D. and continuing my research in healthcare security using IoT. This program equips me with the necessary knowledge to integrate electronics, machine learning, and software for building enterprise-level applications.

Academic and Professional Skills

I am Abha Singh, a resident of Hyderabad, India, with a background in Electronics and Communication Engineering. I have completed my post-graduation in Wireless Networks and Applications, securing a GPA of 8.7. I have been employed as a Software Developer since 2017. I am seeking to enhance my skills and knowledge through the Digital Engineering program at OVGU. With a strong academic record in science and engineering, I have consistently excelled in my studies. My work as a Software Developer has allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. I have two international publications in healthcare security using IoT, demonstrating my commitment to research. I have garnered invaluable experience working on the software development of the Governance Risk and Compliance product, Archer. Collaborating seamlessly with team members, I actively participated in decision-making processes at various project stages. My role involved troubleshooting and debugging defects, showcasing my problem-solving skills to ensure the product’s optimal functionality. I honed my proficiency in writing Unit Tests, contributing to the software’s reliability and robustness. Additionally, the opportunity to give presentations and demos on completed work at large company forums enhanced my communication and presentation abilities. This multifaceted experience has not only deepened my technical expertise but also sharpened my collaborative and communication skills, fostering a holistic approach to software development within a dynamic corporate environment. The Digital Engineering program’s curriculum, with modules in machine learning, software engineering, database models, and human-computer interaction, directly aligns with my professional journey.

Why Germany and not India?

I have chosen to study in Germany, specifically at OVGU, to bridge the gap between software and electronics in my ongoing research. Germany, known for its high-quality and cost-effective education, provides an environment conducive to technical research. The Digital Engineering program at OVGU, with its adaptability and diverse curriculum, offers a unique blend of software, electronics, artificial intelligence, and business analytics. Unfortunately, I found no equivalent course in India that integrates these areas with active industry involvement in teaching.

Digital Engineering at OVGU

I selected the Digital Engineering course at OVGU for its comprehensive curriculum and the university’s reputation as one of Germany’s top public institutions. Driven by my interest in Dr. Frank Ortmeier’s Software Engineering work at OVGU, I am eager to learn under his mentorship. The course modules, including advanced topics in machine learning, software engineering, database models, clean code development, Swarm Intelligence, IT Security, human-computer interaction, and computer vision, are precisely what I need to achieve my academic and career goals.

Career Goals

My immediate goal is to return to India and apply the knowledge acquired during my master’s program to advance my industry career. Specifically, I aim to secure a position within a leading FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google) company, leveraging the comprehensive understanding gained in Digital Engineering. Looking ahead, my long-term vision involves a transition into full-time research, culminating in the pursuit of a Ph.D. at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. This esteemed institution aligns seamlessly with my ongoing research in healthcare using the Internet of Things (IoT). By bridging the gap between academia and industry, I intend to contribute significantly to advancements in healthcare technology while maintaining a strong foothold in the corporate sphere.

Family Ties and Responsibilities

I have strong family ties, and my decision to return to India is rooted in my commitment to fulfilling responsibilities. My father, an army officer, and my husband, a doctor, are supportive both emotionally and financially. I share a unique bond with both of them while also being attached to my entire clan. I crave family touch and emotional stability which is a true indicator of how much I am willing to return to my home country soon after the completion of my study program in Germany. I also have other assets, including a house and land, contributing to our financial stability.

Financial Status

To support my education and cost of living, I have personal savings, and both my father and husband contribute to my financial well-being. I have already transferred 13,184 Euros to a blocked account through Expatrio, further showcasing my commitment to fulfilling financial requirements. We have savings of 25 lacs and my father earns an annual income of 1,73,000 while my husband’s monthly income is 2,00,000. Adding to this, we have substantial assets, land, and house which backs my financial standing.

Language Proficiency

I am proud to share my TOEFL scores: Reading-30/30, Writing-26/30, Speaking-25/30, Listening-29/30. These scores reflect my proficiency in English and readiness for academic studies in Germany.


I kindly request a student visa to pursue my Master’s in Digital Engineering at OVGU. I assure you of my genuine intent to study, contribute to the academic community, and return to India to apply the acquired knowledge for the betterment of my home country. I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to the opportunity to study in Germany.

Thank you for considering my application.


Abha Singh