Below is the Sample SOP for Masters in international Automotive Engineering, Germany

The above quote deeply resonates with my calling in life: Automobiles and Innovation. My inextricable interest in automobiles and their working dates back to my childhood, where I could be found engrossed in disassembling and assembling all the toy cars and cranes I could lay my hands on. This innate inquisitiveness led me to pursue Mechanical Engineering at the Bachelor’s level and over the years, it has blended beautifully with my passion for automobiles. The last few years have been spent pursuing my passion for racing and simultaneously, towards the engineering behind it. Master’s in International Automotive Engineering is thus a vehicle to master the mechanics of design and engineering of a car and to bridge the sense of incompleteness in ‘actual’ knowledge through a specialised course in Automotive engineering. 

Given my technical bent of mind and a penchant for Sciences, the science stream in high school was a natural choice for me. I then followed it up with a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Mumbai University moving on to the Mechanical Engineering Degree Program at Solapur University. College has been a prodigious learning experience for me, opening the portals to a haven of knowledge and a variety of experiences. While the initial years laid a foundation of basic understanding of different engineering fields, the later years saw me hone my skills in Material Science, Engineering Mathematics, Fabrication Technology, Automobile Engineering, Metrology and Quality Control, Industrial Quality & Management, Thermal Engineering, Fluid Machinery & Hydraulic Machines and Fluid Power. I was fascinated by the working of Internal Combustion Engines, their construction, the reasons behind the difference among operating characteristics of different engine types and designs. The rigorous curriculum saw me working on the various projects of which my capstone project on “Temperature Sensor on individual axles” was perhaps the most challenging. I put my experiential knowledge to good use by developing an intelligent temperature sensing system for detecting hotbox due to bearing failure, hot wheels due to brake binding and cold wheels due to ineffective brakes. 

My thirst for knowledge propelled me to go beyond the realms of academic learning by researching cutting edge technologies for IC engines and undertaking a Solid-works designing course. I also immersed myself in co-curricular activities, partaking in various team-racing events across Universities. From various poll positions in technical events to co-ordinating and organizing Dista Technical Event 2017, I have had the opportunity to sharpen my co-ordination, team building and leadership skills through my co-curricular exploits. It was a proud moment for me when we won the Full Throttle event at IIT Mumbai’s Techfest, the most challenging competition in the country. Despite failing in previous years, the honour and the sense of accomplishment on winning this prestigious event was unparalleled. These events have helped me to gain competence in Radio-Controlled vehicles, learning about telemetry, gasoline fuels, servo motors, tire compounds, chassis design & steering systems, electronics in the RC car, emissions, suspension, differentials, oils used in suspensions air-filters and engines. The knowledge of gearing and power-train, clutch systems, 2.4Ghz & FM radio inputs, signal receivers, batteries and their types, aerodynamics of front and rear wings etc. has given be deep knowledge beyond the classroom walls. My internships during my Diploma and Engineering helped me to learn on the job and test my skills in the industry. While my internship at Mazagon Dock Limited saw me learn about ship building (pipe shop), assembly and maintenance, at Air India I worked in the Components and Engine Overhaul Divisions gaining valuable insights into the aviation industry. 

At this juncture, my keen desire to explore and specialize in my passion, propels me to pursue a masters in Automobile Engineering. Germany is an undisputed leader in the automotive Industry, and Technische Hochschlue Ingolstadt with its 

unique industry based learning programs is an ideal platform to give the necessary impetus to my academic aspirations.  With its emphasis on innovation and research, immersive curriculum and experiential learning through the dual study mode, the Program promises to be a flagship experience. THI is the only university offering Vehicle Electronics as an Elective Module with an emphasis on 

Mechatronics. I look forward to learning under the guidance of pre-eminent professors like Dr.Andreas Hagerer and Dr.Ulrich Margull at its helm and perhaps work at the research lab at the Center of Automotive Research on Integrated Safety Systems and Measurement Area (CARISSMA). My career goals comprise exploring hybrid technologies in the automotive domain in the short term. To become a Race-Engineer in the FIA industry is a long cherished dream and I am confident that the International M.Eng. Program will empower me to achieve the same. 

In the peer group of the diverse THI community, the shared experiences and collaborative learning will surely enrich my academic journey. I bring with me learning and experiences as a part of the college technical team, with participation and accolades in more than two-dozen team racing events. The Go-Kart Design Challenge 2015 and National Kart Racing Championship 2016 broadened my horizons and whetted my appetite for innovation. Thus the Master’s in International Automotive Engineering will equip me with the necessary automotive skills to push the boundaries of technological innovation and embrace ensuing challenges. Finally, the credibility, experience and confidence of a Master’s from Technische Hochschlue Ingolstadt is all I need to chart my own course in the futuristic automotive domain. 


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