Below is the Sample SOP for Spouse Visa, Australia


The Visa Officer 

High Commission of Australia

Sub: Application requesting a permit to join spouse in Australia

Dear Sir/Madam, 

I, Aafreen Khan, hereby express my sincere thanks to you for allowing me to put forth my intent for traveling to Australia. I am a resident of India, possessing about 7 years of experience as a customer care executive at CONAXP. My spouse, Aijaz Ali Khan, is a student of Master of engineering (Civil Engineering) at Victoria University. Through the medium of this application, I seek to demonstrate my intention to join him in Australia.   

Currently, I am fully devoted to take care of our loving daughter who is 1 year and four months old. Since, Aijaz is very much emotionally connected with the both of us, I wish to accompany him so he can focus on his studies without feeling love deprived in a foreign land. Academically, I am a graduate from St. Georges College (affiliated to Osmania University) while professionally I have served as a customer care executive for 7 years at CONAXP.  Hence, I possess a blend of education and professional exposure that I can also utilize, if given an opportunity to work on part time basis while also looking after our daughter who is our prime responsibility. As I want Aijaz to make full utilization of the studying opportunity in Australia, I will do every bit of effort to make sure his study time isn’t hampered by supporting him in all chores or running errands. Meanwhile, I will keep him all fueled with our love and presence to ensure he feels like at home even being in a foreign land.

I met Aijaz at a friend’s birthday party in 2013 and it was a love at first sight. We instantly connected with each other and dated for 6 long years before finally tying the knot in 2019.  Within a span of one year after our marriage, we were blessed with a baby girl. Having accomplished our family goals, Aijaz expressed his desire to study abroad only to expand his learning horizons and to secure better career or promotional opportunities back home. I was more than elated to know about his ambitious plans to secure our future. I became determined to support his dream and shoulder him through thick and thin. 

Since I am a qualified professional having an innate affinity to cook and bake, I am confident that I would be able to sustain myself and my daughter in Australia without depending on my husband.  Additionally, I have personal savings of INR 8,00,000 which will come in handy, if the need arises. Moreover, my father owns a footwear business and has an annual income of INR 10, 00, 000. The total value of our shop and property counts to INR 2 Crores while my husband also possesses enough savings to support us, in case of any additional financial expenses. However, I am confident that I would be able to sustain ourselves well without seeking financial support. I wish to declare that I do not have any travelling history in the past and that I will be flying first time with my daughter to Australia. To fulfill the English language criteria, I have taken the IELTS examination and have secured an overall band score of 5.5. Please find the IELTS scorecard enclosed herewith.   

As I present before you my application to visit Australia, I intend to clarify that my sole purpose for visiting Australia is to take care of my husband and ensure that his entire focus is directed towards his studies. Neither I nor my husband wish to settle in Australia due to having our families as well as family business in India. Our parents need us back in India and we are more than willing to return to our homeland where we can raise our daughter in close connection with our revered elders. Also, we intend to take care of our parents and shoulder their responsibilities as we return to India.

I am thankful for the Visa High Commission to have given me an opportunity for justifying my reasoning to accompany my beloved spouse to the land of Australia. Also, I am grateful to you for paying kind attention to my application for consideration of my visa permit. Therefore, I request you to kindly process my application and allow me an opportunity to be with my husband until he completes his studies after which we will return to our roots- our homeland India.


Aafreen Khan,

Download PDF of Sample SOP for Spouse Visa, Australia