Hire the Best SOP Writers for USA for Your University Application
12+ years of Experience of SOP writing for USA
500+ Ivy League Success Stories & counting
2000+ Premium US University done since 2020
Specialized SOP Writers for Common App Essays
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Hire Best SOP Writing Services for USA at Contentholic
SOP for American Colleges majorly seek the intent of the candidate for pursuing that particular course more than anything else. Apart from the intent, it provides a platform for the candidate to share the background of the candidate showcasing why that he / she is the best fit for the program. SOP guidelines and word limit play a very important role because it is mandatory for the candidate to adhere to specific word limit and instructions. The most important part of writing SOP is that the content should be original and should have no traces of plagiarism. Lastly the cadidates should also keep this in mind that their SOP should not be a copy of your CV. Talking about achievements and credibility ads much value to the draft but it should be written in a very humble tone. Fonts and spacing should be ideally very simple and easy to read.
Hire Professional SOP Writers for USA University Applications & Essays
Elements of a Stellar SOP for USA
Profile Introduction
Academic Journey
Professional Experience
Academic Interests
Justify choice of course, university and country
Description of future goals
Short Term and Long Term Plans
Community Service and Social Volunteering
Financial Support & Family background

Our SOP Writing Services for USA

Get the Best SOP for USA from Professional SOP writers and reduce the stress of getting admission in USA Universities.

Admission Essay for USA
Our Essay writers are well aware with the content of Admission Essay that Colleges of United States look for.

Common App Essays
Get our help in writing Common App Essay, otherwise known as Personal Statement and secure admission in Popular US colleges.

Resume & LOR Writing
Resume and LORs can have big impact on your University application. One must take professional help in Resume & LOR Writing.

Ivy League Essays
IVY League colleges test the candidates with the essays and SOP that they submit. Don’t take a chance and hire experts to write it.

US Scholarship Essays
Present your case convincingly to the Scholarship council with a well-written essay for scholarship in United States of America.
SOP for Programs / Levels

SOP for Courses

Business Analytics

Computer Science

Mechanical Engineering

Business Management

Project Management

Physics & Life Sciences

Fashion Designing

Food Science

Supply Chain Management

Data Analytics

Data Science






Residency PS

Global Project Management

Business Administration Management

International Business Management
Check Reviews of Our Students
Our SOP Samples for USA
Sample SOP for
Computer Science, USA

Sample SOP for MS
in Data Science, USA

Sample SOP for PHD
in Material Science, USA

SOP for Prestigious Universities of USA

No of SOPs delivered since 2011

Number of Resumes done

No of LORs delivered till date

Visa Refusal Case SOPs delivered

Visa SOPs written & edited till date
Contentholic was awarded as India’s leading Academic Writing Agency at the Indo-Asian Business Excellence Summit in 2022
Contentholic was awarded as India’s Leading SOP Writing Agency at Ace Influencer & Business Awards by Ameesha Patel
Our Founder was awarded the Outstanding Mentor of the Year Award at the ISA Awards in Bangkok, Thailand in 2023
FAQs Related to the SOP Writing for USA
What is the SOP format for the USA?
Statement of Purpose for the USA is a 1 or 2-page document wherein the student convinces the admission committee to consider his / her application for study. Although it’s an essay / goal statement, it must be written in an organized way which explains the student’s story clearly while keeping the interest of the reader. The Statement of Purpose for the USA must have a strong introduction of the student’s profile leading to academic achievement with extracurricular activities. If the students have relevant work experience, he must mention it in a way that it complements the current course. Moreover, the SOP should talk about the particular course. This part is quite significant and must be written carefully. Before ending the SOP, the student should mention why he chose to study in the particular university in the USA. Lastly, End the SOP with a fine conclusion.
Find the format in the listed way below
· Introduction
· Academic / Extra-Curricular Activities
· Professional Experience (If any)
· Future Goals
· Why University?
· Why USA?
· Conclusion
What Should be the word limit of SOP for USA University applications?
Most of the universities provide guidelines to the students which covers the word limit part of the SOP. However, there is a standard word limit for the Statement of Purpose if there is no guideline. The standard word limit is 850 – 1000 words. Moreover, some universities ask students to write an essay in 500 words. They provide the question for the same. Few universities also ask for Personal Statements for the USA which should not be more than 500 words.
Statement of Purpose for USA | 850 – 1000 Words (If no guideline is there)
Essay for USA Universities | 500 Words (Check the guideline of the College)
Personal Statement for USA | 500 Words
What happens if I use my friend’s SOP or copy from the internet?
SOP is a personalized document which must be written keeping two things at center; the student’s profile and the course that he has opted for. Each individual has a different story and the admission committees at colleges and universities of the USA are looking for the student’s point of view. Therefore, if one submits their friend’s SOP or copies it from the internet, it will be a plagiarized document. These prestigious Institutes have a lot of software to check plagiarism. So, there is no escaping it. Don’t try to be too smart and submit a copied SOP.
Can I use the same SOP for different universities?
This is one question which students ask a lot. They need to understand this basic thing that the Statement of purpose for course application revolves around the course. If you are applying for the same course, then you can use the same SOP. However, the same cannot be done for different courses. For e.g. if your course is computer science and you want to apply in 10 colleges, you can easily do that keeping the word limit. Now, if you have written a SOP for computer Science for one university and you want to apply for Project Management in another university then you’ll have to write one for Project Management as well.
To Sum up, one course and multiple universities, you have to write 1 SOP. Multiple courses in different universities, you have to write multiple SOPs.
Is the SOP or IVY league different from SOP for Other University applications?
IVY League colleges are the Prestigious of all. One needs to submit an outstanding Statement of Purpose or essays to beat the competition. Mostly, one needs to cover all the details of a standard SOP in IVY league’s Statement of Purpose. However, you need professional touch and good research to stand a chance in the competition
How to find the best SOP writers for the USA online?
You can do a quick google search about “SOP writers near me” and have many sop writers at your tip. However, most of them are not up to the task. We, at Contentholic, have a vision of helping students in realizing their dream of studying abroad. We have many Professional SOP writers who have written thousands of SOP, LOR, Essay and Resumes for the USA. You can contact us online and avail our services.
Why Should I avail SOP writing services for the USA?
The companies providing SOP writing Services have professional Sop writers who have been doing nothing but writing Statement of Purpose for the USA. They are aware of the formats and guidelines for the SOP for University application. Therefore, rather than taking a chance one should avail SOP Services for the USA and be relaxed with the application.
Is there any different Pattern for resumes / CV for the USA?
No, there is no different pattern.
How many Letter of Recommendations (LOR) do I need to Submit?
It depends on the University / College you are applying to. Some ask for 2 LORs while few ask for 3 LORs
Who will Sign the LOR?