The Indian and French education systems are similar in the manner that they are both highly competitive. There is a lot for students to learn and find their interest and passion from a wide variety of programs offered. In the last few decades, Indian students who opt for France as a destination for their higher studies have increased at a great rate. Top French Universities like Sorbonne, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Lorraine, Nantes, and Bordeaux have a good acceptance for Indian students at graduate, postgraduate, and doctorate levels. Sometimes, deserving and academically bright Indian students have to let go of their French education dream due to a lack of financial resources. If you are such a student who wishes to study in France but is unsure about this idea due to lack of funds then you must apply for a scholarship from the country to support you financially. Many Indian and other international students apply for such programs, making the competition stringent. A statement of purpose is the most vital document that is written by the student to the authorities to convince them about their reasons for deserving a scholarship. Your chance to study in France with a scholarship in hand is dependent upon your SOP. Students will have to use some really good writing skills and do proper research about the topics that have to be a part of their document.

What is an SOP for Scholarship in France

Your SOP for the French scholarship is like an essay that you have to write to ask for monetary benefits from the government or university that help you cover your tuition fees and other necessary expenses. Self-introduction, academic and professional experiences, personal health, financial or other reasons that hinder you from submitting your own fees, the value of this course in your future life, etc. are some of the most important points that are to be a part of your SOP for France scholarship. There is no compulsion whatsoever to write your SOP in French which is why you should not worry about it. Adopt a formal English language while writing this document and ensure that there are no grammatical errors or incomplete sentences that are difficult to understand. Your word limit should be limited to 1000 or less words only. However, if there is more relevant information that you feel can help you present your circumstances better, you can go up to 1200 or 1300 words. Students should keep in mind that a very long SOP is exhausting to read and can decrease your worth as a valid candidate. Thus, it is better to keep your essay crisp and clear. However, if you find it overwhelming to write it by yourself, you can get help from Professional SOP Writers.

Importance of French Scholarship for Indian Students

Both India and France are countries that have significant histories and cultures that are reflected in their present too. A cordial bond between the two has initiated many student exchange programs for nationals of both countries. France has even announced that it hopes to welcome almost thirty thousand students from India by the year 2030. Attractive scholarships are offered by France for almost all courses that are available in the country for International students. For Indian students, It is a chance that is not worth missing. Strategic planning towards your approach to seeking admission in France will certainly give you the desired results.

Details to keep in mind while writing your SOP for France

Present yourself- The first short paragraph of your SOP is always reserved for an introduction. Students can write about the name of the course for which they want to move to France and the scholarship name from which they expect to receive funds.

Educational Qualifications- Academic scores and degrees that you have earned while studying in India are a very crucial part of your SOP for France scholarship. High-scoring meritorious students are always a first preference in the race for scholarships as it is proof of their dedication to studies. If you are a student who has won numerous awards during your school/college years then you can mention it in your SOPs.

Professional Qualifications– Work experience is often an advantage for scholarship SOPs especially when they are related to the course for which you have applied in France. Courses like MBA, computer science, and IT services that value basic knowledge of subjects majorly accept those students who have worked in a professional environment and are aware of what they want to learn in France.

Interest in Course/Subjects- Your SOP should have sufficient reasons about why you want to pursue a specific course course only. Real-life experiences or influence, desire to learn about some subject, or curiosity about something in your environment can be some points that can help you justify your interest in the course.

Why France- Although you do not have to give a very detailed explanation about choosing France as your educational destination like you have to do in an SOP visa, a brief introduction on this point is always welcome.

Why Scholarship- Students have to describe in detail the situation that has propelled them to write SOP for France scholarship. Eagerness to learn a subject without using family resources or personal issues is a common reason for students to apply for such programs. While writing about them in your SOP, students should remember that their document should be crafted keeping the academic standards in mind. It is not a charity program so there is no point in using over-sentimental words and language that might distract the reader from your important achievements.  

If you are having trouble writing your SOP that meets the expectations of the Scholarship officials then you can contact professional SOP writers who can draft your document for you.

Who can give you a scholarship to study in France?

  • The Foreign Ministry of the French government is responsible for handing out Government scholarships. Course-specific, research-specific, and subject-specific scholarships are also given by the government.
  • The French Embassy in India and the Indian embassy in France enroll out scholarship programs for exceptional students who wish to study in France. The Franco-Indian education trust is a popular example of such a program where researchers, students, teachers, and other professionals are allowed to earn their qualifications from France.
  • Industries and private companies in India and France offer scholarships in many technology, science, and arts-oriented subjects. They are even given additional benefits of relaxation on travel and visa fees, social security amount, etc.
  • Some Institutions in France that are specific to business, hospitality, work field, or famous personalities give funds to eligible students if they fit into the priorities and requirements that are expected from them.

Sample SOP for France Scholarship

Some illnesses can be really cruel to humankind. Modern science has a solution to most of them if their reach can be extended to each and everybody. Taking motivation from this passion itself, I applied for a Master’s in Neuroscience from the University of Paris. Owing to my academic orientation, I would like to apply for the scholarship program (scholarship name) that will enable me to fund my course in France and cover my living expenses too.

During high school, psychology was my favorite subject because of our teacher Ms. Danielle who explained the concepts so well while relating them to our real life. Once, she took our whole class on a trip to an NGO that admitted only those people who were in need of assistance because of their deteriorating mental conditions. To my surprise, the facility was occupied by a large number of young and old people who were abandoned by their families because of their illness. Our teacher told us that most of their problems were curable with the help of medications and therapy. Severe depression, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and phobias were major contributors to the pitying condition of these people as we wondered how we can help them.  Although I was already motivated to pursue a career in the field of psychology, I was not sure about the branch that I would choose.  On consultation with my teacher and expressing to her my desire to make a difference in society with my work, I decided to complete my BA in Psychology. My extraordinary grades in 12th standard (93.2% from CBSE Board) and a full 100 score in psychology allowed me easy entry into Daulat Ram College of Delhi University which is reputed for famous alumni who have completed their studies from here. 

During my graduation we made several trips to mental facilities to understand the problems faced by people suffering from curable mental conditions and understand how medicines improve their condition. My interactions with the patients motivated me to write research papers on topics like ‘Awareness and prevention of bipolar disorders’ and ‘Understanding theories of Ivan Pavlov and their relevance in modern times’. I even received a certificate from the university for my detailed research work and commitment to this subject. 

This recognition motivated me to enhance my knowledge in this field. I started to search for good universities for a Master’s in Neuroscience that would help me learn about molecular and cellular mechanisms of the human brain and how they are affected when a mental disease procures them. My passion for learning more about cognitive functions, sensation, and perception of the anatomy of the brain and the hormones and nerves responsible for brain activity can only be fulfilled with proper knowledge. When I came across the University of Paris, I felt that I found the institute that would help me grow in this field and move a step ahead in my dream of becoming a Neurologist. 

I grew up in a decent family environment in Uttarakhand, India with my parents and two younger brothers. My father is a private school teacher and my mother looks after the home and family. My brothers are still studying in school in grades 11th and 8th respectively. My parents have always been proud of my academic qualifications and have invested in my education with all their heart. However, a foreign degree is too costly to be afforded by my family which is why I request you to kindly consider my request for a scholarship.

I can assure the university that just like my previous grade, I will work hard to receive the best result possible and make the teachers and university proud of me.




It will not be an exaggeration to say that France gives the most specific and result-oriented scholarships to Indian students. A well-prepared SOP can be the final key that you need to unlock your dream of studying in one of the most beautiful and culturally rich countries in the world. Your scholarship SOP must include all the important points that the university has asked you to cover. Any incomplete thought, extra information, or very low academic grades can result in a rejection of your application. You don’t necessarily have to write about issues that are/are not bothering you as scholarships are also given to students as gifts and awards for their exceptional achievement/skills in a particular domain. If you have exceptional qualities in the field of music, sports, drama, or some subject module then you can search for programs that reserve funds for these categories.

After reading this blog, I am hopeful that you have familiarized yourself with the nitty gritty of SOP for scholarships. Now, if you still feel that you need someone with a good knowledge of SOP Writing who could do the job for you. We, at Contentholic, provide SOP Writing Services to all students who want to pursue their studying abroad dream using scholarship funds. Get in touch with our team and get a well-written Scholarship SOP.