Norway, a country in Northern Europe is well-known for its natural environmental wonders which people from all around the world visit to admire. Along with it, a particular factor that adds to the country’s reputation is its education system/facilities for both national as well as international students. The quality of education is such that each year, several universities from the country rank high in global rankings. Moreover, the country’s social environment is highly diverse and inclusive as students enjoy a good study and work-life balance. In the last few decades, the number of students who have shown an interest in completing their higher studies in this picturesque country has grown tremendously. This interest has led to a silent competition about who gets the exclusive chance to study here. A factor that plays a part in this decision is how competently and effectively an applying candidate has written and submitted their SOP for Norway student visa. You must be wondering what is this term and how it can play a role when it comes to studying in Norway. Here, we shall inform you that an SOP for Norway student visa is a document/application that is submitted along with your visa application. By keenly going through your profile (student visa SOP in particular), the visa officials decide if you should be given a study permit to accomplish your academic goals in Norway or not. So, it then comes down to how well you can craft your SOP for visa application to study in Norway. Here, in this blog, we have prepared the accurate way of how to write a visa SOP, things to be careful about, initial preparation for this task, etc. These tips are curated by our successful SOP writers who have helped thousands of students with their Statement of Purpose for Visa.

How To Write An SOP For Norway Student Visa?

An introduction to your application

  • The introduction of an SOP should first and foremost have all the factual details of who you are (name), your passport number, what course you are going to study, and the name of the university to which you have been accepted. 
  • Since your introduction is also your ‘first impression’ to the reader, you have to try to make it engaging. Either In the very beginning or the last part of this paragraph, you can add a personal thought, quote, or viewpoint that makes your passion for your course program obvious. 
  • Concurrently, you can express how this course program will affect your personal and professional life. Your choice of words must bring out your enthusiasm for your goals. 

Some insights about you/your family

  • If you believe that some information about yourself and your family is important to the context of your visa SOP, then it can be written briefly. 
  • Write about the values and qualities of your loved ones that have influenced you or shaped your views. Additionally, contemplate how they can favor you with your studies in Norway. 
  • If you have opted for a course in whose field any of your family members is a professional, then you must not hesitate to make the connection. 

Your former student life

  • Put down the academic qualifications you have completed and the institutes in which you were enrolled. 
  • Give academic details from your performance as a student in school and college. This includes the marks you scored in important examinations, curricular or extra-curricular activities in which you participated along with the year of your passing. 
  • Lay special focus on subjects you liked the most and show whether they can help you with your studies abroad. 

Professional roles and responsibilities

  • Applicants have to write about any and all sorts of professional work that they have done. Name the companies with which you have been/are employed. 
  • Do not write lamely about your designation; instead, explain your responsibilities. Show the visa official the work skills you have developed and how expertly you can attempt them. 
  • Your SOP for Norway student visa is a ground for you to subtly show off the positive aspects of your work and personality. Exhibit the projects & assignments you have handled or participated in. Let your contribution to all this be the center point of your explanation. 

The why and how of your applied course

  • Describe why you decided to study a specific course and how you developed your interest/curiosity in it. 
  • To make your answer more engaging, you can share a story or incident to showcase your orientation for your course. 
  • You can further extend your reasons by communicating how well you are aware of your applied course. Talk about the modules you are most excited to study or how this course will prepare you for your future profession. 

Qualities of your academic institute

  • When a student applies for education in a foreign country, the university/college that they choose to study in is most important. 
  • In your visa SOP, you have to show what qualities of the university appeal to you the most. You can write about the well-maintained infrastructure, excellent faculties, successful alumni, focus on project work, connections with Industry professionals, etc. 

Expectations from studying in Norway

  • Justify how according to you studying in Norway is the best choice for you. Describe the academic and non-academic factors of the country that can support you with your stay in the country. 
  • Norway has a safe and friendly environment where international students can feel comfortable. Although the country has a different official language, almost all courses are taught the English language as well. 

Show your financial strength

  • The tuition fees for studying in Norway are comparatively less and quite reasonable in comparison to other European nations. Students still have to spend a significant amount on their accommodation and several other lifestyle expenses. 
  • Your SOP for Norway student visa should make it evident that you can easily afford your education in Norway. For this, you have to write about the accurate amount of savings that you/your sponsor have as well as the worth of properties and valuables owned by you. 
  • If you have applied for a scholarship from the country/university, then give proper details about that as well. 

Obligation to return home

  • Give trustworthy and genuine reasons that mandate you to return to your own country after your studies in Norway. They can be personal as well as professional. 
  • Some general reasons that can help you support your point are employment contracts, responsibility toward parents or other family members, good professional opportunities or scope of growth, etc. 

Closing your application

  • End your SOP for student visa by reiterating your course interest. Exhibit how this academic endeavor will help you realize your professional goals in the best manner possible. 
  • If the course has a personal relevance for you, then you can touch upon that as well. Finally, express your thanks to the visa officer for reading your application and how you are hopeful for a positive response.

Precautions That Save Your Student Visa SOP From Errors-

  • Make no compromise with following the prescribed format. Scattered and loosely written information can promote miscommunications which will be difficult to rectify later. A structured visa SOP is more readable. 
  • Do not opt for common and general statements. Keep in check the words you are using and the impact you are creating with them. 
  • Personalizing your information can make a big difference. For example, instead of saying “Norway is a beautiful country that can help students make successful careers for themselves”, you can say- “ I have always found Norway to be a visually attractive place and would always wonder about its scenic landscapes. I am certain that completing my higher studies in this country will help me carve out a beneficial career for myself”. 
  • Keep the timeline in check. If you are writing your own SOP or are getting help from Visa SOP Writing Services, you need time to follow the before and after steps of SOP writing. There might be corrections and editions that are time-consuming, thus start early and finish before the approach of the deadline. 
  • A common mistake that often leads to visa rejection is not meeting or exceeding the word limit of 800-1000 words. A short visa SOP may look like a formality that you have attempted unwillingly with insufficient information and a very lengthy application will be difficult to read. 
  • Do not be influenced into using artificial intelligence or software to derive an ‘instant’ SOP. First of all, this is an unethical practice and if found out, your application will be rejected. Secondly, such tools are not proficient enough to customize your application and often resort to common statements with difficult words. 


As you write your SOP for Norway student visa, you have to keep in mind that your content and presentation should align with the expectations of the visa officer who will be deciding on your chances of getting a study permit. A timely preparation will ensure that you get to prepare, write, and review your application to make sure that it is of the appropriate standard. Focus on quality and relevance over quantity as this will certainly help you write a winning document that increases the chances of your admittance into Norway. As it is a complex task that requires thought and dedication at every turn and point, it might be a little difficult to create an excellent statement yourself. To assist you with this, we at Contentholic provide SOP writing services in India. Our more than 13 years of expertise in this domain ensure that our skilled and professional SOP writers in India prepare applications that bring out the best aspects of a student profile. Our reviews can vouch for the standard of our service as we make it a point to stand up to the expectations of our clients!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) for Statement of Purpose for Norway Student Visa

What is the role of an SOP for Norway student visa in my visa request?

Your SOP for Norway student visa is a form of personal communication with the visa authorities. The role it plays in your visa request is to explain your purpose and motivation for which you wish to come and study in the country. This application provides support to all the other formal documents that you have provided as you give reasons for your actions and decisions in your former, present, and future life.

Which are the best universities in Norway for International students?

Some of the best universities for international students in Norway are-

-University of Oslo

-University of Bergen

-Oslo Metropolitan University

-Norwegian University of Life Sciences

-UiT The Arctic University of Tromso

-Norwegian University of Science and Technology

-Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

How much money do I need for a bachelor's course in Norway?

A bachelor’s course in Norway can cost an international student around 7,000-150,000 Euros per year. There will be additional costs in the form of taxes, travel fare, accommodation, and maintenance. 

Is part-time work allowed for international students studying in Norway?

Yes, part-time work is allowed for international students studying in Norway. With your study permit, you have permission to work for up to 20 hours a week. 

Should I write about my gap year in SOP for Norway student visa?

Yes, if you have a study gap, you must write about it in your SOP for Norway student visa. Avoiding it can lead to doubts and questions in the mind of the visa officer which is not good for your visa request. Consider it an opportunity to provide your reason and justifications for the same. 

Do I have to learn Norwegian to study in Norway?

No, it is not compulsory to learn Norwegian to study in Norway. There are several English language courses which you can apply for. However, knowledge about the country’s official language will certainly make it convenient for you to engage and communicate with people around you. 

How can I make my student visa SOP more effective?

You can make your SOP for student visa effective in the following manner-

-Structure your SOP by following a proper format. 

-Use simple sentences whose meaning is easy to understand. 

-Avoid dull content and write engrossing stories. 

-Highlight your personal and professional qualities. 

-Do not omit any points out of your own will. 

-Make sure there are no content or writing errors. 

-Your SOP should have a lasting impact on the reader. 

Which are some good courses for international students in Norway?

Some good courses that international students can study in Norway are- mathematics, health sciences, business administration, law, digital business, international environment and development studies, language subjects, education, creative system design, etc. 

Do I have to take the IELTS exam to study in Norway?

If you have applied for a course in English then you have to take a language proficiency test. Both IELTS and TOEFL scores are accepted to prove your understanding of the language.