Singapore is a country in the Asian continent that is admired from time to time for its education standards that give tough competition to Western countries. A commercial hub, the country facilitates an all-around learning atmosphere in a broad spectrum of courses and programs. Since the country attracts students from all over the world, owing to excellent learning programs, infrastructure, and world-class learning experiences; it is tough for a scholarship student to grab a chance to study at Singapore’s hi-tech and advanced universities. To make this competition among students worth it and give a fair chance to all, students have to write and submit a document called SOP for Singapore scholarship which highlights their strong points and convinces the officials to consider the student for a scholarship. At graduate, postgraduate, and doctorate levels; international students have to submit this crucial document only after making sure that they have written the required information.

What is the SOP for Singapore Scholarships?

A SOP for Singapore scholarship is a document prepared by the student for the eyes of the evaluator who decides if the student deserves to study in Singapore with a scholarship or not. After introducing yourself briefly; academic and professional background information is a key part of this document. It helps the officials understand the subjects you have been oriented towards during your school or college years. It is also a subjective report of how well you performed in them and do you have the potential to work hard and study well if given a chance to study in Singapore on a scholarship. It is only after proper research and going through innumerable websites can students understand and include all necessary points in it. However, we have equipped this blog with all the information that you need to know to start to draft out your SOP for Singapore scholarship. You can also hire SOP writers online and avail their services if writing is not your forte. 

Points to remember while writing your SOP for Singapore Scholarship

Map out important points- Before starting to type out your document, do your research on an initial level to understand what is SOP for Singapore scholarship and how to write it. Write down key elements that are a part of this document and what evaluators hope to read in an SOP for scholarship purposes. Think through the points that you want to write under academic or professional background and what course-related skills can you write about. You need to have an in-depth understanding of the scholarship program from which you want to benefit as various eligibilities have to be met for specific scholarships.

Brief but sufficient start– The first paragraph of your SOP should not be too detailed. It is an introduction of the course and university you have chosen. Express your passion and interest in particular subject modules if possible but do not repeat any point. Your introduction should also be inclusive of the scholarship program that you want to apply for and the benefits that are a part of it. Also, write if you meet all the eligibility criteria of an ideal student or not.

Describe the relevance of the course– The course that you want to study in Singapore is a key factor in deciding your worth as a student who is serious about applying for this program. Describe why you think this course is important for you and how it can help you in the future. If there are substantial research papers, group projects, or assignments that you have been a part of in your education until now, feel free to make them a part of your SOP.

Why choose Singapore?– Although there can be many academic and non-academic reasons for wanting to study in this developed country, customize your own answer so that it looks original and valid. For example- “I recently came across a piece of news where a renowned physicist made a fascinating discovery in the field of Quantum Mechanics. Since I too am a student of physics, this piqued my interest and I started to learn about this physicist. In my research, I came to know he completed a good part of his education at your prestigious university. This excited me beyond words and I decided that I too would want to learn from a university that is capable of producing such research-oriented individuals who contribute towards discovering our galaxies”.

Why apply for a scholarship?– Students have to write explanations for applying for a scholarship and not bearing their own finances to obtain a degree. Most students who apply for scholarships are facing financial burdens of their own or of their family. When you write about “why” a scholarship, make sure that you explain your problem without being over-sentimental about your issues. If possible, prefer writing about accurate numbers to describe family income or relevant bills, if any.

Highlight deserving qualities- Scholarships from Singapore are extremely competitive and very few students of a university are entertained with it. Other than an excellent academic record during previous school and college years you have to write about qualities or achievements that separate your SOP from other general SOPs that might not have the expected qualifications. Skills that are related to your course or a recognized talent that is admired in your Singaporean University can definitely be written about.

Check on the word limit– Generally, all SOPs should follow a word limit of 1000-1500 words. But if you can write your SOP for Singapore scholarship in approximately 500 words, then it will be easy for the official to read and analyze your document. However, do not compromise on covering all important points and highlighting your achievements.

Attractive scholarships offered by Singapore for International Students 

ASEAN scholarship– This program is for students who want to study in Singapore for their undergraduate degree. However, it applies terms and conditions for students that is they should maintain excellent academic performance during all years of their degree program if they want to avail the benefits of not submitting any tuition fees and even getting living costs. 

Singapore International Graduate Award- This award is given to bright candidates only who want to do research work after completing their graduation and postgraduation. In two previous degrees, students have to show good grades and extra-curricular skills too. Each year, about 240 students win this award that covers their university fees of 4 years, give living expenses of up to 1000 S$, and stipends each month that can range from S$700- S43,500. Students should have excellent references while applying for this scholarship and be skilled in written and spoken use of the English language.

CCPL Program- The Singapore Management University gives this financial award to undergraduate students whose monthly income in their country does not go beyond $750. Moreover, their academic score in previous academic qualifications should not be less than 3 GPA. 

GIIS Singapore Global Citizen Scholarship– This is one of the favorable scholarships for Indian students after completing their class Xth. You are given a chance to continue your future education in Singapore with aid from funds that can go up to S$ 90,000.

NUS Merit– All students from various academic fields who want to pursue different levels of degrees can apply for this scholarship from the National University of Singapore. The percentage of tuition fees that are waived and per day/monthly funds that are granted is based on the requirements of each student. However, health insurance, admittance to libraries and seminars, and conference passes are provided without condition.

Nanyang Scholarship- It is one of the best international scholarships for undergraduate students who have an A-level grade in their previous education. It bears the financial burden of students by taking care of their full university fees, living costs, educational materials as well as expenditure on food and travel. 


Even if a student has been accepted for admission into Singaporean Universities, it is difficult to secure a scholarship that can give you the desired monetary benefits. Only a well-worded SOP that justifies your educational interests and future aspirations can ease the path of your scholarship SOP being accepted. While writing, do not make the grave mistake of using AI tools or jotting down points directly from web sources. Genuine human content is easily recognisable by the officials and any machine-written essay will only be rejected from being considered for a scholarship. It is better to focus on using an active style of writing that shows your enthusiasm and commitment to your subject. Define the long and short-term career goals that you have made for your professional life and what role can your scholarship play in realizing them. 

Keeping the importance of Statement of Purpose (SOP), many consultants ask students to take assistance from SOP agencies. We, at SOP Pro have been in the business of providing SOP writing services for more than 13 years. Our Professional SOP Writers have written thousands of successful SOPs for the students. Get in touch with us right away to avail our services.