Spain is a country that is slowly gaining popularity among Indian students who want to study abroad. A weather quite similar to India, clean beaches, culture, and heritage with extraordinary history are some attractions that attract Indian students to explore this land of diverse people who welcome international students with open arms. Everybody who wants to move abroad for the purpose of education has to prove their worth in the form of good merit and SOPs. As it happens, many meritorious and fitting students are sometimes not able to afford their education in such developed countries due to unfavorable financial situations back home. Such students can apply for a scholarship from Spain universities and colleges. Since Indian students will have to show that they are more capable than other international students, they have to write a statement of purpose and highlight their strengths in the academic, professional, or personal fields. Your SOP for the Spain scholarship should also mention the reason or circumstances under which you hope to get financial aid from the country. Needless to say, such a crucial document has to be written with utmost care for words, tone, and language while keeping in mind the content that has to be a part of your SOP. If a student wants to grab the golden opportunity to study in the scenic country of Spain but is unsure about how to write a convincing SOP or request a scholarship, then they should hire professional SOP writers who are experienced in drafting such documents and provide the best sop writing services.

Relevance of Scholarship from Spain for Indian Students

Just like the people and culture of Spain, the education system of the country is also diverse. It offers the best programs and courses from around the world that are inclusive of advanced learning and innovations in that field. Each year, many lucky students from India get a scholarship to benefit from these exceptional learning programs. Depending on the type of scholarship that has been granted to you, you can be given expenses that help you pay for the tuition fees, travel fare, other college payments, insurance, food and living arrangements. 

Essential Points to Remember While Writing Your SOP for Spain

Introduce Yourself- Start writing your SOP for scholarship in a conversational tone of words. You can introduce yourself by focusing on some exceptional qualities of yours and how it has helped you in your academic or personal life. Students should avoid overused general statements for the introduction as they might make the reader lose interest in your application from the very beginning. 

Write academic qualifications- Your resume already has very brief information about your academic schedule. You do not have to repeat this information word for word in your SOP. Instead, theoretically explain why you chose a certain stream of subjects in your high school, which interest or passion guided you to study and the result you achieved in them. If the course that you want to study in Spain has relevance to the subjects or degree for which you studied in India, then you can write an interesting chain of ideas that motivated you to gain knowledge in a field only.

Focus on research and assignments– In your SOP for Spain scholarship, you have to write about only those research papers/programs or assignments that are connected with the subjects you are going to study in Spain. You can emphasize the contribution that you made and the results that you gained from these experiences. Your ability with soft skills like teamwork and communication can be based on group projects that were a part of your research.

Choice of course- Students have to give acceptable reasons about why they want to study a particular course and from which university. From a variety of different subject options, studying one field might have triggered some interest or willingness to gain knowledge. You can share your experiences with the subject at this point. Sop writing students must try to emphasize how education from Spain can help enhance their course knowledge along with their expectations from your subject as the course progresses. 

Highlight deserving points- Since you are writing an SOP for a scholarship that will allow you to study in Spain without spending on the high living costs, students will have to prove their worth as a student who will not let this opportunity go to waste. Good academic scores, awards, trophies in a certain field, or mastery over skills in a subject are some common points that can help you show your capability as an achieving/overachieving student.

Extracurricular activities– It is often observed that some students who have average academic scores in their subjects but are very good in extracurricular activities have been granted a scholarship to study in Spain. The expectation that the universities have after giving you this opportunity is that you will make your contribution to their universities too and will be an active participant in various activities.

Describe your problem- Students who are applying for a scholarship often face some issues regarding finances. Make sure that you write about your problem without exaggerating or showing sentiments that are not valid For a standard SOP.

Who can offer you a scholarship to study in Spain?

Universities- You can apply for a scholarship from your university only after you have been accepted there. Students should do detailed research on the university website to gather apt information about the available scholarship programs. Universities have different grants, stipends, and funds for undergraduate, postgraduate, doctorate, and diploma courses. Diversity scholarships from Spain’s institutions are quite popular and you can specifically write in your SOP why you think you are a deserving candidate.

Government- As the name suggests, these scholarships are given to international students by the government of Spain. Based on your level of degree, the government offers fully funded scholarships. The concept of ‘fully funded’ implied here means that the government will be paying for your health insurance during your stay in the country, air tickets, living facility within or off-campus, timely stipends, complete college expenses, special funds required to take part in conferences or webinars. The competition for the Spanish government scholarships is very high but students who precisely depict their worth in their SOP for Spain scholarship can easily get hold of them. Some popular scholarships for international students are UIC Barcelona, University of Granada, EADA scholarships, Fulbright Program, Aga Khan Foundation scholarships, etc. 

Regional Government– If students are targeting a particular university that is situated in a region managed by a regional government, then you can address them in your SOP for Spain scholarship as you provide them with valid reasons for deserving financial aid from them. 

Sponsored Programs– Other than the government and university, some private individuals or corporations can also give you funds in the form of awards to make your stay in spain as a student easy. In your SOP, you will have to prove your eligibility based on their expectations. Such scholarships are quite popular with professionals who want to work with a particular firm in the future and expect them to cover their costs for now.

External organizations- The Erasmus-Mundus program is a strong example of an external organization that gives scholarships. This initiative by the European Union favors postgraduate students moreover undergraduate candidates who want to move abroad. However, with proper research, you can understand if the course, degree, university, and country for which you have applied accept this scholarship or not. 

Sample SOP for Spain Scholarship

It is often said that a picture speaks a thousand words. With my experiences, I have realized that the effect that movies have on our society is massive in terms of any other thing that influences it. Today, I feel immense joy as I write my SOP for the Spain scholarship after being accepted into Pompeu Fabra University. The diversity of this one-year course is equipped with advanced topics in the field of media from all over the world.

During my school years, I was an average student who was very active in all extra-curricular activities. I scored a seven GPA in my examinations and received an A+ in all activities that were a part of the curriculum.  After 6th grade, I took part in almost all school events as my skills were not limited to any one field. Be it dancing, anchoring, or mimicry, I was always applauded by the school authorities for my exceptional talent. In high school, I even managed and crafted the full schedule which was to be followed during the school events. Simultaneously, I enjoyed watching regional movies in my free time that would open my mind to things, experiences and emotions that I had never felt before. Realizing my passion in this field I opted for Bachelor’s in Mass Communication from Indraprastha University in Delhi. I consider my graduation period to be the best learning ground I ever had as I got innumerable chances to explore my talent. Mass Communication was a subject of my choice and I obtained an 8 GPA as an aggregate score. 

A team of students including me produced a short film based on gender roles in society. Our college head was so impressed with our work that he sent our short movie to be a part of the international film festival. 

My grades during my graduation and portfolio of the work that I did in my school and graduation years helped me secure an internship with a company called ‘Pioneer Filmz’ which is an established production house in Delhi NCR. After working with the company for six months as an assistant director for various advertisements, I received a job offer to work with the company owing to my hard work and creative ideas in this field. However, I have now realized that I must move on to bigger projects and work with production houses whose content has a wider reach. It is crucial that I first update my knowledge with the current developments in this field. A master’s degree can help me fulfill this goal.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to afford the complete financial demands that come with this opportunity to study in Spain. Both my parents are now retired and have reserved their savings for their comfortable future. It would be unethical of me to ask them for money for my education. I will be using my savings from the last two years to cover my accommodation, travel, and maintenance expenses in the country. It will be my pleasure if I get to contribute my skills to my university in Spain too if given a chance. 




Spain is one of the most developed countries in the world that values educational rights for all. Even for international students, some universities give you relief on your tuition fees if you can ask for it in the best formal manner possible through your SOP. The word limit for Sop for Spain scholarship can range from 500-800 words and you are allowed to apply for more than one program. The better a student explains their circumstances in the SOP, the higher the chances of their scholarship application being accepted. Be true to your reasons and demands so as to sound like a genuine candidate whose only motive is to benefit from their course in the long run. If you are capable of covering a part of your fees or living expenses in the country and only want a certain amount to facilitate your stay in the country, then you should apply for a scholarship that fulfills your needs. Now, writing a perfect SOP will lead you to get the scholarship. Therefore, you must not take it lightly and hire professionals who can help you with this.
Contentholic is India’s best SOP Writing Agency. We have a team of SOP Writers in India who are well-versed with the guidelines of drafting a perfect Statement of Purpose. We have helped thousands of students in getting scholarships and fulfill their dreams of studying in top universities with scholarships funds. So, don’t think much, avail our SOP writing Services in India today.