Sweden is one of the most popular countries in Europe because of its friendly culture toward international students. The universities give quality education that is equipped with the latest technology and expected industry standards. Although studying in Sweden is free for nationals in the country and people belonging to the EU, non-EU students belonging to other parts of the world have to pay tuition fees and cover their living expenses in the country. For Indian students, it can be quite difficult to cover these costs because of certain reasons. Therefore, each year Sweden government, universities, and private institutions bring out scholarships and give them to deserving students. The academic record is usually the major factor that decides a student’s eligibility. However, a Statement of Purpose is given equal importance to understand why they want to come to Sweden to complete their studies. Many times, academically well-performing students fail to win scholarships because they are not able to convey their positive personality and work traits in their SOP. Your academic records are factual information and their value increases only when you add other strong points to them. 

Importance of SOP for Sweden Scholarship

As a country, Sweden spends luxuriously on maintaining the best educational standard in the world. All world-class technologies, facilities, and equipment are a part of the teaching and learning process. Unfortunately, for Indian internationals, the price to experience this best of the world can range from EUR 6000 to 35000; depending on their choice of course and university.   Some scholarships that are offered by the government and SI institutes can cover your tuition fees for all semesters while offering you timely stipends to be used for living expenses. An SOP is the only document that students write in their own words while expressing their willingness to be considered. It is different from the SOP written for admission or visa purposes and has to adopt a different tone in writing. Keeping in mind the importance of SOP for Scholarship, one should hire Best SOP Writers to help them with the Statement of Purpose thereby making the process of scholarship easy.

Steps to Follow while Writing SOP for Scholarship

Brief introduction- A formal introduction in the first paragraph of your SOP is expected to state your course name and what you hope to learn from it. Mention the scholarship for which you have applied. A student’s zeal and excitement to study in Sweden is relevant in the process of asking for a scholarship and a well-written introduction that propels the officials to read your application further can be a first impression that encourages them to read further.

Course details and your interest in it- A student’s scholarship SOP has to be written in a manner that highlights the reasons for choosing the course that they have applied for. It is a chance to present your interests and passions that have motivated you to learn further about it from Sweden.

Educational details and work background- Write your qualifications in the academic field ranging from high school to any other degree or diploma that you completed in your home country. Any noteworthy points in the form of good academic grades, scholastic or non-scholastic awards, and recognition in the work environment can carve your identity as an exceptional student who performs well in the tasks expected to be done by them. 

Introduce academic/non-academic skills- Academic skills are the ones which are related to the course and subjects that you have studied. If these skills form the base of the course that you have now applied for in Sweden then it can be a plus point for you. For example, a student who has applied for a Bachelor’s in Computer Science can write about their ability to develop software and websites, understand complicated algorithms, prowess over technical writing, etc.

Future scope of your chosen course– If a student is investing their time, energy and resources in moving to a foreign country, it has to yield some results for them that can be beneficial in the short and long run. It is better to write both in your SOP for the Sweden scholarship.

Word limit of your SOP– Some countries allow you to express yourself in your SOP in about 1500 words or less. Whereas, Sweden prefers 300-500 words as a good number for showing yourself worthy of studying in their universities with a scholarship. Student don’t have to worry too much about these numbers unless you are exceeding more than two pages. If you feel that you can write information about your strikingly impressive accomplishments, then feel free to give them space in your SOP. 

Avoid copying from formal/informal sources– Copied SOPs that are a product of plagiarism or AI are easy to detect and even easier to reject for a scholarship. It can reflect you as a student who is not serious or hardworking enough to pursue education abroad since they cannot even present an original SOP.

Requirement of scholarship- Students can apply for a scholarship for various reasons. It can be because of your excellence in academics or other co-curricular activities that make you meritorious and deserving. In some cases, there can be personal issues in the student’s life which makes iot difficult for them to cover the cost of their education. The reasons have to be highlighted in your SOP application but students should also take caution that they do not needlessly magnify or overstress on anything that should not be a part of a good SOP.

How you plan on using funds– Other than the scholarship program for which you have applied, students can describe how they plan on spending the funds that will be given to them if their scholarship request is accepted. Research work, training or skill learning, tuition fees, living and maintenance expenses, food and other basic requirements can be some areas that can help students describe this point.

Significant Scholarships that Indian Students Can Apply To

Compared to many other Western countries that roll out hundreds of scholarship programs in different subjects and courses each year, Sweden has a limited number of offers in comparison for students who can prove themselves as worthy of studying in Sweden. Students will be elated to know that they are not restricted from applying to numerous scholarships instead of just one.  Some of them are-

BTH Scholarship Program– The Blekinge Institute of Technology offers scholarships to students who want to complete a postgraduate level degree from Sweden. The institute offers to reduce your tuition fees by exactly half of the original amount and lasts for the entire period of your course. They will not offer you any other extra funds or stipends for purposes that are not related to your fees. Indian students are eligible for this program as India is not a part of the European Union. The criteria for choosing students for this is completely dependent and based on their academic performance until now. Your application will be considered only after you have been accepted into a course by the university.

‘Study a Masters in Europe’– This scholarship too is reserved for students of the masters program only. An undergraduate degree from a recognized university is one of the eligibility that has to be met. The importance of your SOP increases manifold here as this program expects students to be adept with various non-academic qualities too. For example, eagerness to learn about global cultures, passion to bring positive influence/change in society and the world, and socially active and comfortable working in teams are only some factors that are taken into notice while evaluating your candidacy for their scholarship.

Jack and Jones Scholarship– The Jack and Jones Scholarship accepts applications from undergraduate and postgraduate students. It is reserved for students who have applied for business and fashion courses. The company can give you a scholarship worth 3000 EUR but is highly competitive.


A student’s SOP for Sweden scholarship should be written keeping in mind the expectations of the reader. Since private companies and institutes too offer many attractive funds and programs, the student has to tailor their academic or professional achievements according to them. It can be a tricky task to connect your accomplishments with the course that you want to pursue in Sweden as excellent writing skills are required to draft a decent SOP. Your words and language should be clear and avoid writing any information that is not relevant to your aim of writing this document. Students should focus on presenting the challenges they faced in their academic and professional lives and also write about the excitement they have for studying in Sweden on a scholarship if given the opportunity. If you too are a student who wants to make Sweden their education destination and seriously desire to write an impeccable SOP that can land you a good scholarship then you should not hesitate to take professional help.

We, at Contentholic have been providing SOP Writing services in Delhi and whole India for more than 13 years. We have helped thousands of students outside of India. We have a team of experienced and professional SOP Writers in Delhi who are well acquainted with the process of writing SOP and what elements must be there to make it convincing. You can get in touch with our team right away and avail our services to go and study in Sweden on Scholarship.