Below is the Sample of SOP for France Student Visa After Refusal


The Visa Officer

Consulate General de France

Sub. Application in response to study permit refused on 23/10/2023

Dear Sir/Madam

I am Gayathri Reddy (Passport No. XXXXXXXXX), an Indian citizen who lives in the beautiful state of Andhra Pradesh, India. In a bid to elevate my career prospects and ensure that there are ample growth opportunities for me, I applied for a Global Master of Business Administration program at the Berlin School of Business & Innovation. I was overjoyed when I received an acceptance letter for the September intake. However, to my dismay, my happiness was short-lived as I received a visa refusal for the same on 23rd October 2023. With this application, I would like to present my case to you again so that you find me eligible to receive a study permit for 18 months (course duration). My initial visa request was rejected on the following grounds-

  • The information communicated to justify the purpose and conditions of the planned stay is incomplete and/or unreliable.

Academic and Professional Information

In the year 2016, I completed my secondary school education with 77.6%. My inclination towards economic concepts and accountancy encouraged me to study commerce subjects in senior secondary school. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about monetary policies, production, market structure, analyzing costs, prices and expenses, etc. I passed my senior secondary school in 2017 with 68% marks. An in-depth research assured me that the graduation program that will best suit my interest and career graph will be a Bachelor in Business Administration. In 2020, I completed my Bachelor’s degree with 74.41%. In June 2020, I joined ‘TCS’ as an HR intern which was my first encounter with the professional world. My time management skills and ability to learn quickly supported me in handling responsibilities related to recruitment, employee data management, analyzing resumes, making interview plans, addressing queries, etc. Soon after, I joined the HR team of Accenture in March 2021 as an intern.  My previous experience helped me perform my duties here with limited to no errors. My internships proved to be a favorable learning ground that helped me enhance my professional as well as personal identity.

The Purpose of My Visit

Early in my graduation, I decided to work in corporate teams and organizations responsible for a firm’s management and optimum functioning. After completing two internships in the business industry, I learned that there are diverse business sectors in which an individual like me can grow professionally. Despite having a BBA degree, my qualifications were not yet strong enough to allow me to hold managerial and leadership designations. After discussing with my colleagues and seniors, I finalized that I will be pursuing a Master in Business Administration that can help me grow steadily in my career. Observing my previous work experience, I realized that organizations often fail in their tasks due to improper strategies, planning, and appropriate connections with qualified individuals. In this constantly evolving and advancing field of work, even minute factors like a company’s image, quality of skilled employees, leadership abilities, communication, etc. make a difference in the development of a firm. So, when I began my search for the most beneficial study program that is capable of resolving these issues, I came across a Global MBA Program from BSBI University. My academic curiosity touched new heights after reading the well-developed curriculum plan, numerous career aspects as well as the assuring scope of growth throughout my professional life. The course subjects are flexible and useful enough to carve a niche for myself while working in different industries.  My strongest motivation to study Global MBA is the career prospect of becoming a business leader in multi-national companies. I am specifically enthusiastic to study the strategic management and leadership modules as these elements make up the the core of a company’s vision and mission.

Choice of College and Country

Several high-ranking universities around the world offer MBA programs, however, I am strong-willed to pursue this course at a business school only whose qualifications are recognized worldwide. The Berlin School of Business and Innovation ranked as the third-best in the globe for its quality of education and facilities provided to the students. Moreover, it was evident that the course was far more advantageous than a general MBA program. The program, course design, approach, and course ideologies of BSBI were far more attractive than any other university.  My fascination with the university grew further when I learned that top industry professionals from the UK and Germany give lectures so that students like me can learn from their real-life experiences and current industry trends. I was impressed with the institute’s state-of-the-art facilities and world-class infrastructure. My confidence in my choice of university grew because of student reviews and the university’s compelling interest in the academic and personal development of the student.

Since my school days, I liked to stay updated about the economic practices all around the world. Several times, I observed that giant companies in France performed comparatively well than others. I would follow the success stories of Dior, Renault, Sanofi, Engie, etc., and wondered about the progressive business environment that assisted these firms in entering into lucrative deals. Additionally, the powerful economy, quality of lifestyle, facilities, freedom to international students, and an inviting culture are some added benefits that drove me to choose France as my destination for higher education. Despite being a European country, France offered the Global MBA Program at a reasonable cost without compromising on the standard of education. It is my profound desire to experience student life in France as it can be a great add-on to my valuable life experiences.

Explanation for not studying this course in India

The main reason for not studying master’s in India is that I did not find any decent colleges or universities that were offering the Global MBA program that was satisfactory in terms of curriculum or skillset. Since my initial goal after completing my MBA was to join a standard organization, the course options and facilities did not satisfy my expectations. I did not wish to join a course/university about which I was unsure or lacked determination. On the other hand, the Global MBA program in France is inclusive of all the latest theories, technologies, and advancements that will aid a student like me when I enter the professional arena.

Sponsor Details and Financial Stability

My father will be sponsoring my MBA in France. Along with the tuition fees, he will also take care of the financial costs required to cover my accommodation charges, travel fare, lifestyle expenses, etc. He is a businessman in the field of (________). He makes an annual income of (___________). We have properties and assets in (city name) that are worth (____________). Our bank statements will prove that we have savings worth INR (__________). We also own vehicles and ornaments which can be valued at (___________). My family is my biggest cheerleader when it comes to accomplishing my academic and career goals. My father is willingly desirous of supporting my higher studies in France. I am confident that we have sufficient finances to fund my education in France.

Professional aims and aspirations

On account of my internships in the Human Resource Department, I can say that I have now grown fond of this sector. In the short term, I envision a career in the field of Human Resource management. My noteworthy qualification from France will aid me in finding good financial opportunities with big corporations in India such as Tata, Concentrix, Microsoft, Honeywell, etc. I am positive that my master’s in France will instill all the necessary skills and knowledge in me to work as an HR/Senior HR Manager. After gaining some years of experience and putting my knowledge to practical use, I strive to apply for even coveted designations such as VP of Operations and HR director.

Ties to Home Country

I live in Amravati, Andhra Pradesh with my (family members). My family has always supported me through thick and thin. It would not be wrong to say that I am dependent on them for my emotional fulfillment. It is because of their love, care, and guidance that I enjoy the freedom to find my feet in the world. Once I become an able professional, I intend to take care of my family’s financial needs. I must say that I feel complete in the proximity of my loved ones and will be eager to return home after my studies. I have carved all my professional dreams keeping in mind the opportunities and success options available in India. The HR department is becoming a prerequisite in all national, international, small-scale, and large-scale businesses. Companies strive to work with eligible candidates who promise to take their business to new heights. It cannot be denied that a business program from France will set me apart from other candidates, thus increasing my chances of working at reputable companies as well as positions.

Before closing my application, I would like to thank you profusely for giving me a second chance to explain my point of view. To reinstate the purpose of my statement, I would say that an MBA from France will support me in climbing the ladder of my career growth more swiftly. With my newly gained knowledge, I am hopeful that I will be able to make an impact in the HR industry by promoting work policies, ethics, and practices of the international standard that I will learn about in France. I shall be greatly obliged to you for granting me a valid French study permit.


Gayathri Reddy