The flourishing education system of Danish universities can be attributed to its characteristics of advanced study facilities and an informal yet developing learning environment that supports critical thinking. Year by year, the number of students who are making this country their study-abroad destination is increasing exponentially. A careful look at the course structure will make anyone realize that they are all crafted to suit the needs and demands of the professional work field. However, to enjoy these benefits you have to seek admittance into the country by receiving a study permit from the embassy of Denmark based in your native country. As and when you file for a visa request, it is expected that you will provide the embassy with a cover letter written in your voice. If you are someone who is coming across this term for the first time then you must know that a cover letter for student visa is an application that conveys to the visa officials your intent and motive behind wishing to study in a Danish University. This ‘intent and motive’ is expressed with the help of certain points that make up the ‘structure of a cover letter’. Abiding by this structure will be a convenient way to ensure that you cover all the required points. However, the quality of a cover letter is not just limited to its content. The writing tone & style, choice of words, and format too are of utmost importance. A reliable way of ensuring that your cover letter for Denmark student visa stands tall on all these accounts is by availing professional support from our Cover Letter Writing Services at Contentholic, which have been helping students with their cover letter for visa application for more than 13 years now!

Direction to write a standard cover letter for student visa

A brief yet constructive introduction– 

The introductory paragraph of your cover letter for Denmark student visa sets the reading tone of your entire application. The purpose of this paragraph is to inform the visa official of the course and university to which you have applied after writing your complete name and passport number. In another 2-3 lines maximum express your enthusiasm for your purpose. 

Personal and academic Knowledge– 

Be precise when discussing your personal self (personality and family details). Your academic information entails your institute name, subject interests, marks & achievements, noteworthy projects, and assignments, etc. 

Work experiences that highlight your skills– 

All internships and jobs that you have done/are doing count as your work experience. While writing your cover letter for student visa your emphasis should be on the skills that you have learned. For eg. When a student of dental studies writes about the medical procedures they are adept at performing (root canals, extractions, fillings, crowns, etc.), the standard of their application elevates greatly. 

Basis of choosing your course and University- 

Share a personal story about how you developed an interest or motivation to study your course. It can be a teacher’s influence, good career scope, expertness in subject concepts, or several other reasons. Similarly, the basis on which you chose your academic institution. Shed light on the factors that attracted you. Most Danish Universities themselves give you reasons for how their university hopes to help you with the course information provided on their websites.

Denmark as an educational destination for you

State the points that encouraged you to make Denmark the place where you would pursue your higher studies. Sure, there are numerous general points to support your statement like affordable tuition fees, safety, study-work-life balance, etc. However, as you write your cover letter for Denmark student visa, try to customize all your points on how these benefits can favor you personally. 

Career objectives in your chosen field– 

Some students might find it a little far-fetched to write about expected career prospects in their cover letter. Its importance lies in understanding that your career goals will help the visa officers understand how you hope to benefit from your education in Denmark. Thus, try to show a connection between your course learnings and professional aspirations. 

Motivation to return to native country– 

The visa official hopes to see a trustworthy explanation for why you have to return to your own country upon the conclusion of your course in Denmark. Indirectly, it is your responsibility to assure them that you are not looking for permanent immigration. 

Financial Prowess to fund your studies– 

Depending on your course and the facilities that will be provided by your prospective universities, education in Denmark can cost you 6,000 to 16,000 euros per year. As a student, your role is to show that you or your sponsor has sufficient finances to not just deposit your tuition fees but also take care of accommodation, travel, and lifestyle costs.

Wrapping up the application

The conclusion of your cover letter should be written with a similar enthusiasm as you have written the rest of your document. Summarize the purpose for why you wish to study in Denmark. End on a positive note while expressing that you expect to receive a positive response to your visa request. 

Common errors that should be avoided in a cover letter for student visa

  • Writing an application letter that has more than 1200-1500 words is highly looked down upon. Such documents are difficult to read entirely. 
  • Repeating your achievements, shortcoming or any other content is a big mistake. It can make the visa officials think that you have unclear thoughts and views. 
  • Do not use cliched or copied statements. General statements are boring to read and can show that you have not put in any personal effort.
  • Writing your cover letter for Denmark student visa in a hurry or at the last moment is a big mistake. Stay ahead of time and keep the deadlines in check.
  • Avoid talking about students in general or what everybody else does with their careers. Focus on your personal aims and ambitions only. 
  • Writing a plagiarized cover letter is a serious theft for visa officials.  It is not an easy way out and will surely lead to a rejected visa application. 
  • Put your serious heart and thought into writing an impeccable cover letter for visa application. An application written without motivation or will has a higher chance of errors.
  • Do not forget the basics of editing, re-editing, and proofreading. These steps ensure that there are minimum to no errors. 
  • If you do not know how to explain a certain point, do not make the grave mistake of leaving it. You can contact our Cover Letter Writing Services to help you write your application without leaving out important details. 


Denmark is strongly and swiftly competing with other European and Western countries as it has become a favorite among international students. This preference for the country has given rise to a silent competition that decides whether you should be given a chance to enter and stay in the country to accomplish your academic dreams. In these circumstances, a cover letter for Denmark student visa becomes a criteria based on which your profile is evaluated. Your application should have a powerful effect on the reader right from the beginning to the last point. After writing a captivating opening to your application, continue with your personal, professional, and academic details. The second part of your cover letter for visa application has to focus on the choice of course, selection of university, and interest in Denmark. Moving on, the latter parts of your application have to explain your financial situation, reasons to return, and career prospects that will be available to you. Throughout your essay, reflect a strong personality who is capable of facing and winning over difficult situations and challenges. As you must have realized by now, there are multiple aspects that you have to take care of while penning this document. To help students who are facing this situation, our academic writing agency Contentholic provides Cover Letter Writing Services. Our skilled cover letter writers evaluate each student profile keenly and then craft an influential cover letter for visa application that fits the expectations of visa officials. It is because of our excellent work quality that we enjoy the reputation of being the best in the business! 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) for Sop Writing Services, India

Should I write my cover letter for visa application myself or contact professionals?

If you have understood the concept and believe in your writing style, you can write your own cover letter for visa application. However, the skills of professional cover letter writers cannot be underestimated since they are capable of presenting your story effectively. 

Do I have to take the IELTS to study in Denmark?

You can take any English language proficiency test to study in Denmark. The country accepts scores of the Cambridge ESOL exam, TOEFL, and IELTS. 

What is the writing format of a cover letter for visa application?

The contents of a cover letter for visa application are written in paragraphs of 180-220 words. Your content is preferred to be double-spaced and written in an acceptable font ( Times New Roman, Calibri, Aria, etc.). The font size should be 11. 

Do I have to write about my family in a cover letter for student visa?

There is no necessary condition to write about your family in your cover letter for student visa. However, writing briefly about them as part of your personal information can help the visa officials familiarize themselves with you more. It can also support your reasons to return to your home country. 

What are the future goals in a cover letter for Denmark student visa?

Future goals are your career objectives after completing your studies in Denmark. They have to be written about in detail. Include your immediate as well as long-term goals. Explain the variety of career options available to you to support your reasons for pursuing a particular course program.

Which are some good courses to study in Denmark?

Denmark has various graduation, post-graduation, and doctorate-level courses that are of the highest quality. Some popular ones are-

  • Engineering (Biotechnology and Mechanical, electronics, mechatronics, etc.)
  • Business Administration
  • Foreign Languages
  • European Studies
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Cognitive Science

Can I write my cover letter for student visa using artificial intelligence?

No, writing your cover letter for student visa using AI or other software is not advisable. They might help you prevent grammatical or writing errors but are not adept enough to create a personalized document with the sense of realizing relevant and irrelevant information. Moreover, visa officials look down upon this practice as it is unethical. Taking help from AI increases your chances of visa rejection.

What should be the length of the cover letter for Denmark student visa?

The length of a cover letter for Denmark student visa should be two-and-a-half to three pages maximum. To be precise, do not write more than 4000-5000 characters.