Schengen countries are a group of 29 countries in Europe that have agreed to make travel and other benefits seamlessly available to their people. They have gained maximum popularity in the last 5-6 decades because of their attractive academic offers to international students and invite them to study in their quality educational institutes. To ensure that students do not hesitate from this offer because of financial constraints, these countries give awards to the deserving and financial funding to the needy in the form of scholarships. To win the benefits of these programs, the students are expected to write a scholarship SOP as a summary of their educational, professional, and personal lives. The purpose of this write-up is to show your skills and qualities that you have learned over the years. A well-designed SOP for Schengen countries is sufficient for the officials to acknowledge you as a candidate who is goal-oriented and willing to work for their personal and the university’s recognition.

What is SOP for Schengen Countries

Sop for Schengen countries is a document prepared by students who want to study degree or diploma courses from universities/colleges under the Schengen group. Its value has increased over the years because the universities are facing hundreds of applications from students around the world for each course. Each year, a limited number of students get benefits in the form of financial assistance for their studies and living costs in these foreign countries. Scholarship SOP follows a format that begins with an engaging introduction and then moves to talk about academic and professional qualifications, points proving you worthy of a scholarship, educational/professional and soft skills you have mastered over the years, etc. Overall, officials look for a candidate who is ready and has the potential to work for their professional and personal dreams! 

Important Points to follow while writing SOP for Schengen Countries

Introduction to your Profile– Begin your SOP with an eye-catching thought or sentence that is relevant to your personality or education. Keep the flow of language which is interesting to read and define the purpose of your write-up. Subtly mention your course and why you want to study it from a particular Schengen country only. In 1-2 lines max., ponder and write the way in which this scholarship will affect your educational life.

Educational background and its connection with the chosen course- The majority of Schengen countries award scholarships to international students on the premise of their merit only. Scholarships SOP should early on have details of your educational history in terms of marks, subjects, and institution. This usually covers your high school education and college years but if you have a certificate or diploma qualification too which can help you cover your study gap then feel free to make it a part of your accomplishments.

Previous/current employment and Learnings- Business or computer-oriented courses have a strong preference for students who have worked in corporations or industries where work is related to the subject the student has applied to study. In your scholarship SOP, any professional skills will show that you genuinely wish to study further for the sake of your career.

Reason to study a particular course- Showcasing your course interest is of prime importance to establish your reasons for studying in a foreign land. Personal experiences, curiosity towards a thing or concept in your surroundings, and influence from teachers and professionals can be some reasons that might have kindled your determination to learn a subject.

Interest in country and university– Your scholarship SOP should shed light upon what features developed your interest in studying in the applied country. Since it is an academic document, focus on the educational benefits only. All universities and countries under the Schengen coalition have noteworthy achievements to their names. They are not limited to academics and have powerful stances in professional and extra-curricular environments.

Details of applied scholarship– Brainstorm and look for the most suitable scholarship that is in line with your overall qualifications. Details of applied scholarship do not mean thoughtlessly writing the benefits you will get after your application is accepted, instead, tailor these benefits to your personal needs and worth. For example- “A 70% fee waiver on my tuition fees with the help of XYZ scholarship will help my aging parents in my home country collect finances for their basic needs in the future. Alongside this, the monthly stipend of 500 euros will assist me in affording coaching for learning the country’s local language and paying for my travel/food expenses”.

Define your worth for scholarship– Like any other award for which you have to work toward and compete with others, scholarships too are gifted to deserving candidates only. You can check if you have suited your worth in your SOP by going over the prerequisites of the university’s scholarship sites. Generally, exceptional performance in academics, research work, or feats in other skills can establish your identity as a student who stands apart from other applicants.

Particular explanation if the scholarship is a need- Certain scholarships are given to those students who want to complete their studies but do not have any personal/family funds to do so. Many average-scoring students have been part of such programs and got a chance to carve out decent professional careers for themselves. Countries like Norway, Germany, France, Netherlands, etc. have rolled out many such scholarships only. In your SOP for Schengen countries, when you explain any such need or requirement; be very specific about your problem and avoid giving extra information. Unnecessarily restating your problems will not do any good for you and will only set your image as a student who is only looking for funds without any serious interest in their course.

Positive work and character traits- A student’s SOP is their only voice to the officials through which they try to understand their priorities in life and how they deal with the hurdles that come their way. Students should make an effort to present this in their document by writing about scenarios from real life that helped in completing a task or project. At all costs, avoid writing general statements of what what you can do and present instances from actual work.

Deserving candidacy in SOP– Finally, proofread your scholarship SOP to see if it is deserving of grants. A good SOP in which you have put hard work and thought will always stand apart otter unmotivated essays that are easy to reject. If you find yourself in a position where you have ample qualifications and skills to justify your worth but do not know how to benefit from them by highlighting them in your scholarship SOP then you must contact professional SOP writers are are adept in performing such tasks.

Some Prominent Scholarships from Schengen Countries

Austria Scholarships- The government of Austria gives full and half scholarships to degree course students and those who have applied to study short courses from the country. The education system in the country insists that you have not missed any previous academic qualification that can be important for your course in Austria. This means that undergraduate students should have at least twelve years of schooling; master’s students should have a bachelor’s degree and Ph.D. students should hold a master’s degree to their name. Almost all of your financial needs in the country are covered with a monthly stipend of more than 200 euros. It is difficult for people over 40 to apply for any scholarship.

Scholarship from the French Republic- Covered by the country’s foreign affairs ministry, Indian students can study at top universities without having to spend exorbitantly from their own pockets. Different scholarships are reserved for specific subjects and levels of degree. For example, the master’s scholarship of Saclay University can award you 10,000 euros per year with restrictions based on your needs.

Poland Scholarships- Scholarships are awarded to degree-level students only. The programs are fully funded with no prerequisite of giving any language eligibility test. However, students will have to search for the specific universities that are a part of this program. 

Hungary Scholarships- The Hungarian government has more than 5000 scholarships for international students which are fully funded. They are valid for only some universities in the country and cover graduation, postgraduation, and doctorate degrees.


Although the Schengen countries were earlier popular only for the visa benefits that they entailed, the universities and colleges from these countries are getting exceedingly popular with students from countries like India. The limited seats of course programs and a variety of scholarship options make for stiff competition between many worthy candidates who can get the golden opportunity to study in these countries. Although there are particular eligibilities for each course and university, some of the content has to be emphasized in all of them. Your choice of course and interest in it takes the front seat in the intent of writing a scholarship SOP. Go into the details of what you have learned until now in your subject and what you are eager to learn in the future. Moreover, be aware of the selection process that universities follow in selecting eligible candidates. If it is based on academic and extra-curricular achievements then craft your document with your strong points in this field. But, if it is based on the need of the student write a genuine explanation of your circumstances that have persuaded you to do so. Remember that although the SOP for Schengen countries is focused on information about you only, you have to present yourself only as the prospective universities want to see you. 

Writing a document on which your entire future depends might make you nervous. Therefore, many students look for the professionals who can write it for them. We, at Contentholic, write customized and personalized Statement of Purpose for the students. Our Best SOP Writing Services have been recognized by many Renowned media portals. Our SOP Writers in India are well-trained and experienced when it comes to writing a personalized essay about a statement. They follow a meticulous process for writing SOPs for each student. So, don’t take your chances and give us a call to study in any of the Schengen countries on scholarship.