Below is the SOP Sample for Australia Student Visa


The Officer,

Sub: Application requesting a study permit to Australia

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, hereby, introduce myself as Shreya Dasgupta, an Indian citizen bearing passport number<add>. I have recently passed out of school and I am desperate to follow the right career path. In my pursuit to give my career the right shape, I want to build my profile in the domain of healthcare and nursing. I have been attracted to this field since childhood as I am a very humble person who takes pride in serving others. Due to this trait, I want to associate myself with the noble profession of nursing by pursuing a Bachelor of Nursing from the University of Southern Queensland. I have also received admission into this program. Therefore, I seek to request an Australian study permit by explaining my reasons for visiting Australia. 

Personal and academic background

I come from a well-educated family which comprises my father who is a businessman and my mother who is a manager in a private firm. I share a very close bond with my parents as they are the reason that I am able to aspire to heights in my career. We own substantial movable and immovable assets and our total family income in Australian dollars is AUD xxxxx. Hence, my parents have assured to support me further. Also, I have procured an education loan of AUD <add> from <add bank name>.

As far as my interest in pursuing a Bachelor of Nursing is concerned, it stems from my interest and well-planned academics. Since childhood, I admired this profession and I wanted to become a nurse. Hence, I passed my secondary school with 85% in <add year> and chose to pursue a medical stream during my senior school. It prepared a clear path ahead of me so I can choose to study Bachelor of Nursing as part of my higher studies. Soon after completing my school with 97% in <add year>, I prepared for the PTE examination to meet the language proficiency criteria for studying abroad. I am glad to have received a score of 70 in Listening, 74 in Reading, 81 in Speaking, and 66 in Writing.

Why Bachelor of Nursing?

Due to the nobility of this profession, I am determined to pursue a Bachelor of Nursing. By becoming a nurse, I want to provide quality patient care and aid in the physical as well as mental well-being of my patients. Bachelor of Nursing is a science-based course which is backed by evidence and modern study methods. I have thoroughly reviewed this program and I am extremely excited about studying topics in health promotion, disease prevention, risk reduction, and health restoration. It will guide me to become a well-thought patient care attendant and I would be able to provide science-based solutions to augment the collective effort in offering patient care. 

Why not India?

Although nursing is a very important part of the Indian healthcare industry, I couldn’t think of studying it from here due to a lack of exposure to practical skills. Most Indian courses have examination-based assessments while in Australia, I will undergo a variety of assignments, seminars, workshops, and essays to exhibit a practical understanding of concepts. Australia is an advanced country which has the most advanced scientific courses in nursing but India still requires an overhaul of its courseware to match global standards.

Why study in Australia?

Australia is known for having top-rated universities and a conducive education system which is recognized throughout the world. It is known as a global education leader which gives me the right stimulus to fulfil my studies in this country. Also, by studying in Australia, I will reserve international exposure to my career advantage. I cannot get this in my home country and so studying in Australia is certainly a perk for me. Besides offering equal learning opportunities, Australia promises to offer thriving study exposure backed by its high standards of education infrastructure which made me finalize Australia for further studies. 

Why the University of Southern Queensland?

The University of Southern Queensland is one of the premier institutions in Australia which offers a comprehensive nursing degree. It has the most well-trained faculty members and state-of-the-art infrastructure. The University of Queensland focuses on building students’ industry-ready. This study program is accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). Also, it has been listed as an approved degree program with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulating Authority (AHPRA). It gives me surety about the authenticity of this course and I am determined to study at this particular university only. 

Future Goal

After the completion of my study program, I will return to my home country and join reputed hospitals such as _____, ___, _____, etc., to gain experience as a registered nurse. Over time, I will nurture exposure in myself in all the areas such as public health services, community agencies, hospitals, or even hospice care. With time, I will grow my exposure which will help me in accomplishing my long-term goal of becoming a renowned healthcare administrator, nursing administrator, or manager as my career moves forward down the years. After acquiring a Bachelor of Nursing from Australia, I would be able to vouch for a remuneration higher than my peers. I can easily earn an annual remuneration of AUD xxxxx which is a very good sum, to begin with. 

Please find below my financial details:

Annual tuition fee: AU$ <add figure>

Annual living expenses: AU$ <add figure>OSHC: AU$<add> 

Travel Fare: AU$ <add>  

The annual cost of tuition and living: AU$ <add total>   

I promise to follow all regulations mentioned hereunder: 

  • 8105 – I cannot work more than 40 hours per fortnight when my course is in session.
  • 8202 – I must remain enrolled in my registered course; I must maintain enrolment in my registered course of the same level and I must maintain satisfactory attendance in my course.
  • 8501 – I must maintain my OSHC.
  • 8516 – I should maintain sufficient financial capacity for the duration of the visa.
  • 8533 – I must inform my education provider of my address within 7 days after reaching Australia.

Yours Sincerely, 

Shreya Dasgupta

Download PDF of Sample of SOP for Student Visa Australia