Website ranking in SERPs is what companies aim for to enhance their online visibility and hence gain meaningful and organic conversions. But all companies aren’t able to achieve that degree of success, due to a variety of reasons; one of which could be an outdated SEO strategy. In order to appear in the first page of Google rankings, it is important that you take SEO seriously. For that, you must be proactive in adopting and implementing the SEO trends that are recent and look out for the ones that are about to come.

Here are some SEO trends that you need to look out to make your website appear in the top searches:

Video optimization

Optimization your video content is important to help you gain better engagement, and for that, you must carefully add keywords that direct searches to your video. Look for keywords that are used specifically for videos. Since videos are a highly effective medium to reach out to the audience, you can make use of this trend to generate traffic towards your website.

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is one of the most popular trends that ruled in 2018 and will definitely take over 2019 because of its effectiveness. Influencers greatly increase your website ranking as they can convey your message to their own audience and followers, thus expanding your reach online. This is a rising trend and will continue to rise as it is useful in a unique way. If you seek professional help, let the best SEO Company in India assist you.

Voice search

Research shows that about 40% of the adults use the function of voice search on a regular basis, which makes it an important SEO trend in the coming years. To incorporate that SEO strategy, you need to do research and see what all will the users search for. For that, use long tail and short tail keywords that are in accordance with the most popular keywords to direct the users to your website.

Mobile indexing

Making your website mobile friendly is one of the SEO ranking factors that work effectively. A website that is grumpy and unappealing when opened in a mobile phone will never get you conversions. To have better ranking in the SERPs, having a mobile-friendly site is a must. This mobile-first indexing not only is useful for a faster loading time but also ensures easy navigation of the website.

Virtual reality

Believe it or not, virtual reality or artificial reality is one SEO trend that is going to rule the internet in the coming years. Already a lot of buzz is being created about the technology, and why shouldn’t it? The SEO trend is sure to make your website he talk of the town because of its ability to engage the audiences.

Online security

Having a secure website is important so that the users don’t feel that they are on an unsafe platform. Online security is an emerging SEO trend because it was observed that people leave a site as soon as they find out that the site is not secure. So this trend is here to stay as it is highly important that the websites are secure to gain conversions.


Every year new SEO trends come up that help websites gain more traffic through organic ways which in turn gives them better conversions and higher rankings. So follow some actionable tips that immediately improve your SEO ranking< and get ready for some positively unexpected results. If you are not familiar with the concept of SEO, you can hire an SEO Company in India for some professional help.